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<p>This module generates expense/revenue accruals and prepaid
expense/revenue based on the status of orders, pickings and invoices.
The module is named <em>account_cutoff_accrual_picking</em> because it
initially only supported accruals ; support for prepaid expense/revenue
was added later (it should be renamed in later versions).</p>
<p>To understand the behavior of this module, let’s take the example of an
expense accrual. When you click on the button <em>Re-Generate Lines</em> of an
<em>Expense Accrual</em>:</p>
<olclass="arabic simple">
<li>Odoo will look for all incoming picking in Done state with a
<em>Transfer Date</em><= <em>Cut-off Date</em>. For performance reasons, by
default, the incoming picking dated before <em>Cut-off Date</em> minus 30
days will not be taken into account (this limit is configurable via
the field <em>Picking Analysis</em>). It will go to the stock moves of those
pickings and see if they are linked to a purchase order line.</li>
<li>Once this analysis is completed, Odoo has a list of purchase order
lines to analyse for potential expense accrual.</li>
<li>For each of these purchase order lines, Odoo will:<ul>
<li>scan the related stock moves in <em>done</em> state and check their
transfer date,</li>
<li>scan the related invoices lines and check their invoice date.</li>
<li>If, for a particular purchase order line, the quantity of products
received before the cutoff-date (or on the same day) minus the
quantity of products invoiced before the cut-off date (or on the same
day) is positive, Odoo will generate a cut-off line.</li>
<p>Now, let’s take the example of a prepaid expense. When you click on the
button <em>Re-Generate Lines</em> of a <em>Prepaid Expense</em>:</p>
<olclass="arabic simple">
<li>Odoo will look for all vendor bills dated before (or equal to)
<em>Cut-off Date</em>. For performance reasons, by default, the vendor bills
dated before <em>Cut-off Date</em> minus 30 days will not be taken into
account (this limit is configurable via the field <em>Picking
Analysis</em>). It will go to the invoice lines of those vendor bills and
see if they are linked to a purchase order line.</li>
<li>Once this analysis is completed, Odoo has a list of purchase order
lines to analyse for potential prepaid expense.</li>
<li>For each of these purchase order lines, Odoo will:<ul>
<li>scan the related stock moves in <em>done</em> state and check their
transfer date,</li>
<li>scan the related invoices lines and check their invoice date.</li>
<li>If, for a particular purchase order line, the quantity of products
invoiced before the cutoff-date (or on the same day) minus the
quantity of products received before the cut-off date (or on the same
day) is positive, Odoo will generate a cut-off line.</li>
<p>This module should work well with multiple units of measure (including
products purchased and invoiced in different units of measure) and in
<p>This module is part of the <aclass="reference external"href="https://github.com/OCA/account-closing/tree/17.0/account_cutoff_picking">OCA/account-closing</a> project on GitHub.</p>
<p>You are welcome to contribute. To learn how please visit <aclass="reference external"href="https://odoo-community.org/page/Contribute">https://odoo-community.org/page/Contribute</a>.</p>