# Copyright 2013-2021 Akretion France (http://www.akretion.com/) # @author: Alexis de Lattre # License AGPL-3.0 or later (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl). from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta from flectra import _, api, fields, models from flectra.exceptions import UserError from flectra.tools import float_compare, float_is_zero class AccountCutoff(models.Model): _inherit = "account.cutoff" picking_interval_days = fields.Integer( string="Picking Analysis Interval", default=lambda self: self._default_picking_interval_days(), help="To generate the accruals based on pickings, Flectra will " "analyse all the pickings between the cutoff date and N " "days before. N is the Picking Analysis Interval.", ) _sql_constraints = [ ( "picking_interval_days_positive", "CHECK(picking_interval_days > 0)", "The value of the field 'Picking Analysis Interval' must " "be strictly positive.", ) ] @api.model def _default_picking_interval_days(self): return self.env.company.default_cutoff_accrual_picking_interval_days def picking_prepare_cutoff_line(self, vdict, account_mapping): dpo = self.env["decimal.precision"] assert self.cutoff_type in ( "accrued_expense", "accrued_revenue", ), "The field 'cutoff_type' has a wrong value" qty_prec = dpo.precision_get("Product Unit of Measure") qty = vdict["precut_delivered_qty"] - vdict["precut_invoiced_qty"] if float_is_zero(qty, precision_digits=qty_prec): return False company_currency = self.company_currency_id currency = vdict["currency"] sign = self.cutoff_type == "accrued_expense" and -1 or 1 amount = qty * vdict["price_unit"] * sign amount_company_currency = vdict["currency"]._convert( amount, company_currency, self.company_id, self.cutoff_date ) # Use account mapping account_id = vdict["account_id"] if account_id in account_mapping: accrual_account_id = account_mapping[account_id] else: accrual_account_id = account_id vals = { "parent_id": self.id, "partner_id": vdict["partner"].id, "name": vdict["name"], "account_id": account_id, "cutoff_account_id": accrual_account_id, "analytic_account_id": vdict["analytic_account_id"], "currency_id": vdict["currency"].id, "quantity": qty, "price_unit": vdict["price_unit"], "amount": amount, "cutoff_amount": amount_company_currency, "price_origin": vdict.get("price_origin"), } if vdict["taxes"] and self.company_id.accrual_taxes: # vdict["price_unit"] is a price without tax, # so I set handle_price_include=False tax_compute_all_res = vdict["taxes"].compute_all( vdict["price_unit"], currency=currency, quantity=qty, product=vdict["product"], partner=vdict["partner"], handle_price_include=False, ) vals["tax_line_ids"] = self._prepare_tax_lines( tax_compute_all_res, self.company_currency_id ) return vals def order_line_update_oline_dict(self, order_line, order_type, oline_dict): assert order_line not in oline_dict dpo = self.env["decimal.precision"] qty_prec = dpo.precision_get("Product Unit of Measure") # These fields have the same name on PO and SO order = order_line.order_id product = order_line.product_id product_uom = product.uom_id moves = order_line.move_ids ilines = order_line.invoice_lines oline_dict[order_line] = { "precut_delivered_qty": 0.0, # in product_uom "precut_invoiced_qty": 0.0, # in product_uom "name": _("%s: %s") % (order.name, order_line.name), "product": product, "partner": order.partner_id.commercial_partner_id, } if order_type == "purchase": invoice_type = "in_invoice" elif order_type == "sale": invoice_type = "out_invoice" for move in moves: # TODO: improve comparaison of date and datetime # for our friends far away from GMT if move.state == "done" and move.date.date() <= self.cutoff_date: move_qty = move.product_uom._compute_quantity( move.product_uom_qty, product_uom ) oline_dict[order_line]["precut_delivered_qty"] += move_qty price_origin = False for iline in ilines: invoice = iline.move_id if ( invoice.move_type == invoice_type and float_compare(iline.quantity, 0, precision_digits=qty_prec) > 0 ): iline_qty_puom = iline.product_uom_id._compute_quantity( iline.quantity, product_uom ) if invoice.date <= self.cutoff_date: oline_dict[order_line]["precut_invoiced_qty"] += iline_qty_puom # Most recent invoice line used for price_unit, account,... price_unit = iline.price_subtotal / iline_qty_puom price_origin = invoice.name currency = invoice.currency_id account_id = iline.account_id.id analytic_account_id = iline.analytic_account_id.id taxes = iline.tax_ids if not price_origin: if order_type == "purchase": oline_qty_puom = order_line.product_uom._compute_quantity( order_line.product_qty, product_uom ) price_unit = order_line.price_subtotal / oline_qty_puom price_origin = order.name currency = order.currency_id analytic_account_id = order_line.account_analytic_id.id taxes = order_line.taxes_id account = product._get_product_accounts()["expense"] if not account: raise UserError( _( "Missing expense account on product '%s' or on its " "related product category '%s'." ) % (product.display_name, product.categ_id.display_name) ) account_id = order.fiscal_position_id.map_account(account).id elif order_type == "sale": oline_qty_puom = order_line.product_uom._compute_quantity( order_line.product_uom_qty, product_uom ) price_unit = order_line.price_subtotal / oline_qty_puom price_origin = order.name currency = order.currency_id analytic_account_id = order.analytic_account_id.id taxes = order_line.tax_id account = product._get_product_accounts()["income"] if not account: raise UserError( _( "Missing income account on product '%s' or on its " "related product category '%s'." ) % (product.display_name, product.categ_id.display_name) ) account_id = order.fiscal_position_id.map_account(account).id oline_dict[order_line].update( { "price_unit": price_unit, "price_origin": price_origin, "currency": currency, "analytic_account_id": analytic_account_id, "account_id": account_id, "taxes": taxes, } ) def stock_move_update_oline_dict(self, move_line, oline_dict): dpo = self.env["decimal.precision"] qty_prec = dpo.precision_get("Product Unit of Measure") if self.cutoff_type == "accrued_expense": if ( move_line.purchase_line_id and move_line.purchase_line_id not in oline_dict and not float_is_zero( move_line.purchase_line_id.product_qty, precision_digits=qty_prec ) ): self.order_line_update_oline_dict( move_line.purchase_line_id, "purchase", oline_dict ) elif self.cutoff_type == "accrued_revenue": if ( move_line.sale_line_id and move_line.sale_line_id not in oline_dict and not float_is_zero( move_line.sale_line_id.product_uom_qty, precision_digits=qty_prec ) ): self.order_line_update_oline_dict( move_line.sale_line_id, "sale", oline_dict ) def get_lines(self): res = super().get_lines() spo = self.env["stock.picking"] aclo = self.env["account.cutoff.line"] pick_type_map = { "accrued_revenue": "outgoing", "accrued_expense": "incoming", } cutoff_type = self.cutoff_type if cutoff_type not in pick_type_map: return res # Create account mapping dict account_mapping = self._get_mapping_dict() min_date_dt = self.cutoff_date - relativedelta(days=self.picking_interval_days) # TODO date_done is a Datetime field, so maybe we need more clever code # for our friends which are far away from GMT pickings = spo.search( [ ("picking_type_code", "=", pick_type_map[cutoff_type]), ("state", "=", "done"), ("date_done", "<=", self.cutoff_date), ("date_done", ">=", min_date_dt), ("company_id", "=", self.company_id.id), ] ) oline_dict = {} # order line dict # key = PO line or SO line recordset # value = { # 'precut_delivered_qty': 1.0, # 'precut_invoiced_qty': 0.0, # 'price_unit': 12.42, # } # -> we use precut_delivered_qty - precut_invoiced_qty for p in pickings: for move in p.move_lines.filtered(lambda m: m.state == "done"): self.stock_move_update_oline_dict(move, oline_dict) # from pprint import pprint # pprint(oline_dict) for vdict in oline_dict.values(): vals = self.picking_prepare_cutoff_line(vdict, account_mapping) if vals: aclo.create(vals) return res