2024-05-03 10:32:39 +02:00
# Copyright 2019 ACSONE SA/NV (<http://acsone.eu>)
# License AGPL-3.0 or later (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html).-
from collections import defaultdict
from flectra import api, fields, models
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from flectra.fields import Command
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class AccountMoveLine(models.Model):
_inherit = "account.move.line"
analytic_account_ids = fields.Many2many(
"account.analytic.account", compute="_compute_analytic_account_ids", store=True
def _compute_analytic_account_ids(self):
# Prefetch all involved analytic accounts
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batch_by_analytic_account = defaultdict(lambda: self.env["account.move.line"])
for record in self.filtered("analytic_distribution"):
# NB: ``analytic_distribution`` is a JSON field where keys can be either
# 'account.id' or 'account.id,account.id'
# Eg: https://github.com/flectra/flectra/blob/8479b4e/addons/sale/models/account_move_line.py#L158
for key in record.analytic_distribution:
for account_id in map(int, key.split(",")):
batch_by_analytic_account[account_id] += record
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existing_account_ids = set(
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# Store them
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self.analytic_account_ids = [Command.clear()]
for account_id, records in batch_by_analytic_account.items():
if account_id in existing_account_ids:
records.analytic_account_ids = [Command.link(account_id)]
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def init(self):
The join between accounts_partners subquery and account_move_line
can be heavy to compute on big databases.
Join sample:
account_move_line ml
ON ap.account_id = ml.account_id
AND ml.date < '2018-12-30'
AND ap.partner_id = ml.partner_id
AND ap.include_initial_balance = TRUE
By adding the following index, performances are strongly increased.
"SELECT indexname FROM pg_indexes WHERE indexname = " "%s",
if not self._cr.fetchone():
CREATE INDEX account_move_line_account_id_partner_id_index
ON account_move_line (account_id, partner_id)"""
def search_count(self, domain, limit=None):
# In Big DataBase every time you change the domain widget this method
# takes a lot of time. This improves performance
if self.env.context.get("skip_search_count"):
return 0
return super().search_count(domain, limit=limit)