# Copyright 2018 ForgeFlow, S.L. (https://www.forgeflow.com) # License AGPL-3.0 or later (https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html). from flectra import api, models from flectra.tools.float_utils import float_is_zero class OutstandingStatement(models.AbstractModel): """Model of Outstanding Statement""" _inherit = "statement.common" _name = "report.partner_statement.outstanding_statement" _description = "Partner Outstanding Statement" def _display_outstanding_lines_sql_q1(self, partners, date_end, account_type): partners = tuple(partners) return str( self._cr.mogrify( """ SELECT l.id, m.name AS move_id, l.partner_id, l.date, l.name, l.blocked, l.currency_id, l.company_id, CASE WHEN l.ref IS NOT NULL THEN l.ref ELSE m.ref END as ref, CASE WHEN (l.currency_id is not null AND l.amount_currency > 0.0) THEN avg(l.amount_currency) ELSE avg(l.debit) END as debit, CASE WHEN (l.currency_id is not null AND l.amount_currency < 0.0) THEN avg(l.amount_currency * (-1)) ELSE avg(l.credit) END as credit, CASE WHEN l.balance > 0.0 THEN l.balance - sum(coalesce(pd.amount, 0.0)) ELSE l.balance + sum(coalesce(pc.amount, 0.0)) END AS open_amount, CASE WHEN l.balance > 0.0 THEN l.amount_currency - sum(coalesce(pd.debit_amount_currency, 0.0)) ELSE l.amount_currency + sum(coalesce(pc.credit_amount_currency, 0.0)) END AS open_amount_currency, CASE WHEN l.date_maturity is null THEN l.date ELSE l.date_maturity END as date_maturity FROM account_move_line l JOIN account_account aa ON (aa.id = l.account_id) JOIN account_account_type at ON (at.id = aa.user_type_id) JOIN account_move m ON (l.move_id = m.id) LEFT JOIN (SELECT pr.* FROM account_partial_reconcile pr INNER JOIN account_move_line l2 ON pr.credit_move_id = l2.id WHERE l2.date <= %(date_end)s ) as pd ON pd.debit_move_id = l.id LEFT JOIN (SELECT pr.* FROM account_partial_reconcile pr INNER JOIN account_move_line l2 ON pr.debit_move_id = l2.id WHERE l2.date <= %(date_end)s ) as pc ON pc.credit_move_id = l.id WHERE l.partner_id IN %(partners)s AND at.type = %(account_type)s AND ( (pd.id IS NOT NULL AND pd.max_date <= %(date_end)s) OR (pc.id IS NOT NULL AND pc.max_date <= %(date_end)s) OR (pd.id IS NULL AND pc.id IS NULL) ) AND l.date <= %(date_end)s AND m.state IN ('posted') GROUP BY l.id, l.partner_id, m.name, l.date, l.date_maturity, l.name, CASE WHEN l.ref IS NOT NULL THEN l.ref ELSE m.ref END, l.blocked, l.currency_id, l.balance, l.amount_currency, l.company_id """, locals(), ), "utf-8", ) def _display_outstanding_lines_sql_q2(self, sub): return str( self._cr.mogrify( f""" SELECT {sub}.partner_id, {sub}.currency_id, {sub}.move_id, {sub}.date, {sub}.date_maturity, {sub}.debit, {sub}.credit, {sub}.name, {sub}.ref, {sub}.blocked, {sub}.company_id, CASE WHEN {sub}.currency_id is not null THEN {sub}.open_amount_currency ELSE {sub}.open_amount END as open_amount, {sub}.id FROM {sub} """, locals(), ), "utf-8", ) def _display_outstanding_lines_sql_q3(self, sub, company_id): return str( self._cr.mogrify( f""" SELECT {sub}.partner_id, {sub}.move_id, {sub}.date, {sub}.date_maturity, {sub}.name, {sub}.ref, {sub}.debit, {sub}.credit, {sub}.debit-{sub}.credit AS amount, COALESCE({sub}.currency_id, c.currency_id) AS currency_id, {sub}.open_amount, {sub}.blocked, {sub}.id FROM {sub} JOIN res_company c ON (c.id = {sub}.company_id) WHERE c.id = %(company_id)s AND {sub}.open_amount != 0.0 """, locals(), ), "utf-8", ) def _get_account_display_lines( self, company_id, partner_ids, date_start, date_end, account_type ): res = dict(map(lambda x: (x, []), partner_ids)) partners = tuple(partner_ids) # pylint: disable=E8103 self.env.cr.execute( """ WITH Q1 as (%s), Q2 AS (%s), Q3 AS (%s) SELECT partner_id, currency_id, move_id, date, date_maturity, debit, credit, amount, open_amount, COALESCE(name, '') as name, COALESCE(ref, '') as ref, blocked, id FROM Q3 ORDER BY date, date_maturity, move_id""" % ( self._display_outstanding_lines_sql_q1( partners, date_end, account_type ), self._display_outstanding_lines_sql_q2("Q1"), self._display_outstanding_lines_sql_q3("Q2", company_id), ) ) for row in self.env.cr.dictfetchall(): res[row.pop("partner_id")].append(row) return res def _add_currency_line(self, line, currency): if float_is_zero(line["open_amount"], precision_rounding=currency.rounding): return [] return [line] @api.model def _get_report_values(self, docids, data=None): if not data: data = {} if "company_id" not in data: wiz = self.env["outstanding.statement.wizard"].with_context( active_ids=docids, model="res.partner" ) data.update(wiz.create({})._prepare_statement()) data["amount_field"] = "open_amount" return super()._get_report_values(docids, data)