# © 2009 EduSense BV () # © 2011-2013 Therp BV () # © 2016 Serv. Tecnol. Avanzados - Pedro M. Baeza # © 2016 Akretion (Alexis de Lattre - alexis.delattre@akretion.com) # License AGPL-3.0 or later (https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html). import base64 from flectra import _, api, fields, models from flectra.exceptions import UserError, ValidationError class AccountPaymentOrder(models.Model): _name = "account.payment.order" _description = "Payment Order" _inherit = ["mail.thread"] _order = "id desc" _check_company_auto = True name = fields.Char(string="Number", readonly=True, copy=False) payment_mode_id = fields.Many2one( comodel_name="account.payment.mode", required=True, ondelete="restrict", tracking=True, states={"draft": [("readonly", False)]}, check_company=True, ) payment_type = fields.Selection( selection=[("inbound", "Inbound"), ("outbound", "Outbound")], string="Payment Type", readonly=True, required=True, ) payment_method_id = fields.Many2one( comodel_name="account.payment.method", related="payment_mode_id.payment_method_id", readonly=True, store=True, ) company_id = fields.Many2one( related="payment_mode_id.company_id", store=True, readonly=True ) company_currency_id = fields.Many2one( related="payment_mode_id.company_id.currency_id", store=True, readonly=True ) bank_account_link = fields.Selection( related="payment_mode_id.bank_account_link", readonly=True ) allowed_journal_ids = fields.Many2many( comodel_name="account.journal", compute="_compute_allowed_journal_ids", string="Allowed journals", ) journal_id = fields.Many2one( comodel_name="account.journal", string="Bank Journal", ondelete="restrict", readonly=True, states={"draft": [("readonly", False)]}, tracking=True, check_company=True, ) # The journal_id field is only required at confirm step, to # allow auto-creation of payment order from invoice company_partner_bank_id = fields.Many2one( related="journal_id.bank_account_id", string="Company Bank Account", readonly=True, ) state = fields.Selection( selection=[ ("draft", "Draft"), ("open", "Confirmed"), ("generated", "File Generated"), ("uploaded", "File Uploaded"), ("done", "Done"), ("cancel", "Cancel"), ], string="Status", readonly=True, copy=False, default="draft", tracking=True, ) date_prefered = fields.Selection( selection=[ ("now", "Immediately"), ("due", "Due Date"), ("fixed", "Fixed Date"), ], string="Payment Execution Date Type", required=True, default="due", tracking=True, readonly=True, states={"draft": [("readonly", False)]}, ) date_scheduled = fields.Date( string="Payment Execution Date", readonly=True, states={"draft": [("readonly", False)]}, tracking=True, help="Select a requested date of execution if you selected 'Due Date' " "as the Payment Execution Date Type.", ) date_generated = fields.Date(string="File Generation Date", readonly=True) date_uploaded = fields.Date(string="File Upload Date", readonly=True) date_done = fields.Date(string="Done Date", readonly=True) generated_user_id = fields.Many2one( comodel_name="res.users", string="Generated by", readonly=True, ondelete="restrict", copy=False, check_company=True, ) payment_line_ids = fields.One2many( comodel_name="account.payment.line", inverse_name="order_id", string="Transaction Lines", readonly=True, states={"draft": [("readonly", False)]}, ) bank_line_ids = fields.One2many( comodel_name="bank.payment.line", inverse_name="order_id", string="Bank Payment Lines", readonly=True, help="The bank payment lines are used to generate the payment file. " "They are automatically created from transaction lines upon " "confirmation of the payment order: one bank payment line can " "group several transaction lines if the option " "'Group Transactions in Payment Orders' is active on the payment " "mode.", ) total_company_currency = fields.Monetary( compute="_compute_total", store=True, currency_field="company_currency_id" ) bank_line_count = fields.Integer( compute="_compute_bank_line_count", string="Number of Bank Lines" ) move_ids = fields.One2many( comodel_name="account.move", inverse_name="payment_order_id", string="Journal Entries", readonly=True, ) description = fields.Char() @api.depends("payment_mode_id") def _compute_allowed_journal_ids(self): for record in self: if record.payment_mode_id.bank_account_link == "fixed": record.allowed_journal_ids = record.payment_mode_id.fixed_journal_id elif record.payment_mode_id.bank_account_link == "variable": record.allowed_journal_ids = record.payment_mode_id.variable_journal_ids else: record.allowed_journal_ids = False def unlink(self): for order in self: if order.state == "uploaded": raise UserError( _( "You cannot delete an uploaded payment order. You can " "cancel it in order to do so." ) ) return super(AccountPaymentOrder, self).unlink() @api.constrains("payment_type", "payment_mode_id") def payment_order_constraints(self): for order in self: if ( order.payment_mode_id.payment_type and order.payment_mode_id.payment_type != order.payment_type ): raise ValidationError( _( "The payment type (%s) is not the same as the payment " "type of the payment mode (%s)" ) % (order.payment_type, order.payment_mode_id.payment_type) ) @api.constrains("date_scheduled") def check_date_scheduled(self): today = fields.Date.context_today(self) for order in self: if order.date_scheduled: if order.date_scheduled < today: raise ValidationError( _( "On payment order %s, the Payment Execution Date " "is in the past (%s)." ) % (order.name, order.date_scheduled) ) @api.depends("payment_line_ids", "payment_line_ids.amount_company_currency") def _compute_total(self): for rec in self: rec.total_company_currency = sum( rec.mapped("payment_line_ids.amount_company_currency") or [0.0] ) @api.depends("bank_line_ids") def _compute_bank_line_count(self): for order in self: order.bank_line_count = len(order.bank_line_ids) @api.model def create(self, vals): if vals.get("name", "New") == "New": vals["name"] = ( self.env["ir.sequence"].next_by_code("account.payment.order") or "New" ) if vals.get("payment_mode_id"): payment_mode = self.env["account.payment.mode"].browse( vals["payment_mode_id"] ) vals["payment_type"] = payment_mode.payment_type if payment_mode.bank_account_link == "fixed": vals["journal_id"] = payment_mode.fixed_journal_id.id if not vals.get("date_prefered") and payment_mode.default_date_prefered: vals["date_prefered"] = payment_mode.default_date_prefered return super(AccountPaymentOrder, self).create(vals) @api.onchange("payment_mode_id") def payment_mode_id_change(self): if len(self.allowed_journal_ids) == 1: self.journal_id = self.allowed_journal_ids if self.payment_mode_id.default_date_prefered: self.date_prefered = self.payment_mode_id.default_date_prefered def action_done(self): self.write({"date_done": fields.Date.context_today(self), "state": "done"}) return True def action_done_cancel(self): for move in self.move_ids: move.button_cancel() for move_line in move.line_ids: move_line.remove_move_reconcile() move.with_context(force_delete=True).unlink() self.action_cancel() return True def cancel2draft(self): self.write({"state": "draft"}) return True def action_cancel(self): for order in self: order.write({"state": "cancel"}) order.bank_line_ids.unlink() return True @api.model def _prepare_bank_payment_line(self, paylines): return { "order_id": paylines[0].order_id.id, "payment_line_ids": [(6, 0, paylines.ids)], "communication": "-".join([line.communication for line in paylines]), } def draft2open(self): """ Called when you click on the 'Confirm' button Set the 'date' on payment line depending on the 'date_prefered' setting of the payment.order Re-generate the bank payment lines """ bplo = self.env["bank.payment.line"] today = fields.Date.context_today(self) for order in self: if not order.journal_id: raise UserError( _("Missing Bank Journal on payment order %s.") % order.name ) if ( order.payment_method_id.bank_account_required and not order.journal_id.bank_account_id ): raise UserError( _("Missing bank account on bank journal '%s'.") % order.journal_id.display_name ) if not order.payment_line_ids: raise UserError( _("There are no transactions on payment order %s.") % order.name ) # Delete existing bank payment lines order.bank_line_ids.unlink() # Create the bank payment lines from the payment lines group_paylines = {} # key = hashcode for payline in order.payment_line_ids: payline.draft2open_payment_line_check() # Compute requested payment date if order.date_prefered == "due": requested_date = payline.ml_maturity_date or today elif order.date_prefered == "fixed": requested_date = order.date_scheduled or today else: requested_date = today # No payment date in the past if requested_date < today: requested_date = today # inbound: check option no_debit_before_maturity if ( order.payment_type == "inbound" and order.payment_mode_id.no_debit_before_maturity and payline.ml_maturity_date and requested_date < payline.ml_maturity_date ): raise UserError( _( "The payment mode '%s' has the option " "'Disallow Debit Before Maturity Date'. The " "payment line %s has a maturity date %s " "which is after the computed payment date %s." ) % ( order.payment_mode_id.name, payline.name, payline.ml_maturity_date, requested_date, ) ) # Write requested_date on 'date' field of payment line # norecompute is for avoiding a chained recomputation # payment_line_ids.date # > payment_line_ids.amount_company_currency # > total_company_currency with self.env.norecompute(): payline.date = requested_date # Group options if order.payment_mode_id.group_lines: hashcode = payline.payment_line_hashcode() else: # Use line ID as hascode, which actually means no grouping hashcode = payline.id if hashcode in group_paylines: group_paylines[hashcode]["paylines"] += payline group_paylines[hashcode]["total"] += payline.amount_currency else: group_paylines[hashcode] = { "paylines": payline, "total": payline.amount_currency, } order.recompute() # Create bank payment lines for paydict in list(group_paylines.values()): # Block if a bank payment line is <= 0 if paydict["total"] <= 0: raise UserError( _("The amount for Partner '%s' is negative " "or null (%.2f) !") % (paydict["paylines"][0].partner_id.name, paydict["total"]) ) vals = self._prepare_bank_payment_line(paydict["paylines"]) bplo.create(vals) self.write({"state": "open"}) return True def generate_payment_file(self): """Returns (payment file as string, filename)""" self.ensure_one() if self.payment_method_id.code == "manual": return (False, False) else: raise UserError( _( "No handler for this payment method. Maybe you haven't " "installed the related Flectra module." ) ) def open2generated(self): self.ensure_one() payment_file_str, filename = self.generate_payment_file() action = {} if payment_file_str and filename: attachment = self.env["ir.attachment"].create( { "res_model": "account.payment.order", "res_id": self.id, "name": filename, "datas": base64.b64encode(payment_file_str), } ) simplified_form_view = self.env.ref( "account_payment_order.view_attachment_simplified_form" ) action = { "name": _("Payment File"), "view_mode": "form", "view_id": simplified_form_view.id, "res_model": "ir.attachment", "type": "ir.actions.act_window", "target": "current", "res_id": attachment.id, } self.write( { "date_generated": fields.Date.context_today(self), "state": "generated", "generated_user_id": self._uid, } ) return action def generated2uploaded(self): for order in self: if order.payment_mode_id.generate_move: order.generate_move() self.write( {"state": "uploaded", "date_uploaded": fields.Date.context_today(self)} ) return True def _prepare_move(self, bank_lines=None): move_date = False if self.payment_type == "outbound": ref = _("Payment order %s") % self.name else: ref = _("Debit order %s") % self.name if bank_lines and len(bank_lines) == 1: ref += " - " + bank_lines.name if self.payment_mode_id.offsetting_account == "bank_account": journal_id = self.journal_id.id if bank_lines: move_date = bank_lines[0].date elif self.payment_mode_id.offsetting_account == "transfer_account": journal_id = self.payment_mode_id.transfer_journal_id.id vals = { "journal_id": journal_id, "ref": ref, "payment_order_id": self.id, "line_ids": [], } if move_date: vals.update({"date": move_date}) total_company_currency = total_payment_currency = 0 for bline in bank_lines: total_company_currency += bline.amount_company_currency total_payment_currency += bline.amount_currency partner_ml_vals = self._prepare_move_line_partner_account(bline) vals["line_ids"].append((0, 0, partner_ml_vals)) trf_ml_vals = self._prepare_move_line_offsetting_account( total_company_currency, total_payment_currency, bank_lines ) vals["line_ids"].append((0, 0, trf_ml_vals)) return vals def _prepare_move_line_offsetting_account( self, amount_company_currency, amount_payment_currency, bank_lines ): vals = {} if self.payment_type == "outbound": name = _("Payment order %s") % self.name else: name = _("Debit order %s") % self.name if self.payment_mode_id.offsetting_account == "bank_account": vals.update({"date": bank_lines[0].date}) else: vals.update({"date_maturity": bank_lines[0].date}) if self.payment_mode_id.offsetting_account == "bank_account": account_id = self.journal_id.default_account_id.id elif self.payment_mode_id.offsetting_account == "transfer_account": account_id = self.payment_mode_id.transfer_account_id.id partner_id = False for index, bank_line in enumerate(bank_lines): if index == 0: partner_id = bank_line.payment_line_ids[0].partner_id.id elif bank_line.payment_line_ids[0].partner_id.id != partner_id: # we have different partners in the grouped move partner_id = False break vals.update( { "name": name, "partner_id": partner_id, "account_id": account_id, "credit": ( self.payment_type == "outbound" and amount_company_currency or 0.0 ), "debit": ( self.payment_type == "inbound" and amount_company_currency or 0.0 ), } ) if bank_lines[0].currency_id != bank_lines[0].company_currency_id: sign = self.payment_type == "outbound" and -1 or 1 vals.update( { "currency_id": bank_lines[0].currency_id.id, "amount_currency": amount_payment_currency * sign, } ) return vals def _prepare_move_line_partner_account(self, bank_line): if bank_line.payment_line_ids[0].move_line_id: account_id = bank_line.payment_line_ids[0].move_line_id.account_id.id else: if self.payment_type == "inbound": account_id = bank_line.partner_id.property_account_receivable_id.id else: account_id = bank_line.partner_id.property_account_payable_id.id if self.payment_type == "outbound": name = _("Payment bank line %s") % bank_line.name else: name = _("Debit bank line %s") % bank_line.name vals = { "name": name, "bank_payment_line_id": bank_line.id, "partner_id": bank_line.partner_id.id, "account_id": account_id, "credit": ( self.payment_type == "inbound" and bank_line.amount_company_currency or 0.0 ), "debit": ( self.payment_type == "outbound" and bank_line.amount_company_currency or 0.0 ), } if bank_line.currency_id != bank_line.company_currency_id: sign = self.payment_type == "inbound" and -1 or 1 vals.update( { "currency_id": bank_line.currency_id.id, "amount_currency": bank_line.amount_currency * sign, } ) return vals def _create_reconcile_move(self, hashcode, blines): self.ensure_one() post_move = self.payment_mode_id.post_move am_obj = self.env["account.move"] mvals = self._prepare_move(blines) move = am_obj.create(mvals) if post_move: move.action_post() blines.reconcile_payment_lines() def _prepare_trf_moves(self): """ prepare a dict "trfmoves" that can be used when self.payment_mode_id.move_option = date or line key = unique identifier (date or True or line.id) value = bank_pay_lines (recordset that can have several entries) """ self.ensure_one() trfmoves = {} for bline in self.bank_line_ids: hashcode = bline.move_line_offsetting_account_hashcode() if hashcode in trfmoves: trfmoves[hashcode] += bline else: trfmoves[hashcode] = bline return trfmoves def generate_move(self): """ Create the moves that pay off the move lines from the payment/debit order. """ self.ensure_one() trfmoves = self._prepare_trf_moves() for hashcode, blines in trfmoves.items(): self._create_reconcile_move(hashcode, blines) def action_bank_payment_line(self): self.ensure_one() action = self.env.ref("account_payment_order.bank_payment_line_action") action_dict = action.read()[0] action_dict["domain"] = [("id", "in", self.bank_line_ids.ids)] return action_dict def action_move_journal_line(self): self.ensure_one() action = self.env.ref("account.action_move_journal_line") action_dict = action.read()[0] action_dict["domain"] = [("id", "in", self.move_ids.ids)] ctx = self.env.context.copy() ctx.update({"search_default_misc_filter": 0}) action_dict["context"] = ctx return action_dict