
.. image::
    :alt: License: AGPL-3

Account Banking PAIN Base Module

This module contains fields and functions that are used by the module for SEPA
Credit Transfer (account_banking_sepa_credit_transfer) and SEPA Direct Debit
(account_banking_sepa_direct_debit). This module doesn't provide any
functionality by itself.

This module was started during the Akretion-Noviat code sprint of November
21st 2013 in Epiais les Louvres (France).


This module depends on :

- account_payment_order

This module is part of the OCA/bank-payment suite.


#. Go to Invoicing/Accounting > Configuration > Settings.
#. On the fields "Initiating Party Issuer" and "Initiating Party Identifier",
   in the section *SEPA/PAIN*, you can fill the corresponding identifiers.

If your country requires several identifiers (like Spain), you must:

#. Go to *Invoicing/Accounting > Configuration > Settings*.
#. On the section *SEPA/PAIN*, check the mark "Multiple identifiers".
#. Now go to *Invoicing/Accounting > Configuration > Management > Payment Modes*.
#. Create a payment mode for your specific bank.
#. Fill the specific identifiers on the fields "Initiating Party Identifier"
   and "Initiating Party Issuer".


See 'readme' files of the OCA/bank-payment suite.

.. image::
   :alt: Try me on Runbot

Known issues / Roadmap

 * no known issues

Bug Tracker

Bugs are tracked on `GitHub Issues
<>`_. In case of trouble, please
check there if your issue has already been reported. If you spotted it first,
help us smashing it by providing a detailed and welcomed feedback.



* Alexis de Lattre <>
* Pedro M. Baeza
* Stéphane Bidoul <>
* Ignacio Ibeas - Acysos S.L.
* Alexandre Fayolle
* Raphaël Valyi
* Sandy Carter
* Stefan Rijnhart (Therp)
* Antonio Espinosa <>


.. image::
   :alt: Odoo Community Association

This module is maintained by the OCA.

OCA, or the Odoo Community Association, is a nonprofit organization whose
mission is to support the collaborative development of Odoo features and
promote its widespread use.

To contribute to this module, please visit