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synced 2024-11-27 16:07:27 +00:00
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I create a supplier invoice
!record {model: account.invoice, id: account_invoice_supplier_refunded, view: account.invoice_supplier_form}:
check_total: 600.00
partner_id: base.res_partner_12
reference_type: none
type: in_invoice
account_id: account.a_pay
company_id: base.main_company
currency_id: base.EUR
- account_id: account.a_expense
name: 'Some contact lenses'
price_unit: 600.00
quantity: 1.0
journal_id: account.expenses_journal
Make sure that the type is in_invoice
!python {model: account.invoice}: |
self.write(cr, uid, ref("account_invoice_supplier_refunded"), {'type': 'in_invoice'})
I change the state of invoice to open by clicking Validate button
!workflow {model: account.invoice, action: invoice_open, ref: account_invoice_supplier_refunded}
I create a supplier refund for this invoice
!record {model: account.invoice, id: account_refund_supplier_refunded, view: account.invoice_supplier_form}:
check_total: 200.00
partner_id: base.res_partner_12
reference_type: none
type: in_refund
account_id: account.a_pay
company_id: base.main_company
currency_id: base.EUR
- account_id: account.a_expense
name: 'Some contact lenses'
price_unit: 200.00
quantity: 1.0
journal_id: account.expenses_journal
Make sure that the type is in_refund
!python {model: account.invoice}: |
self.write(cr, uid, ref("account_refund_supplier_refunded"), {'type': 'in_refund'})
I change the state of invoice to open by clicking Validate button
!workflow {model: account.invoice, action: invoice_open, ref: account_refund_supplier_refunded}
I create a payment order
!record {model: payment.order, id: partial_payment_order_1}:
mode: account_banking_payment_transfer.payment_mode0
date_prefered: 'now'
I run the select move line to pay wizard
!python {model: payment.order.create}: |
context = {
"active_model": "payment.order",
"active_ids": [ref("partial_payment_order_1")],
"active_id": ref("partial_payment_order_1"),
wiz_id = self.create(cr, uid, {}, context=context)
self.search_entries(cr, uid, [wiz_id], context=context)
mline_ids = []
invoice = self.pool.get('account.invoice').browse(cr, uid, ref("account_invoice_supplier_refunded"))
for l in invoice.move_id.line_id:
if not l.debit and l.credit:
refund = self.pool.get('account.invoice').browse(cr, uid, ref("account_refund_supplier_refunded"))
for l in refund.move_id.line_id:
if not l.credit and l.debit:
self.write(cr, uid, [wiz_id], {'entries': [(6, 0, mline_ids)]})
self.create_payment(cr, uid, [wiz_id], context=context)
pay_obj = self.pool.get('payment.order')
pay = pay_obj.browse(cr, uid, ref('partial_payment_order_1'))
assert len(pay.line_ids) == 2
I confirm the payment order.
!workflow {model: payment.order, action: open, ref: partial_payment_order_1}
I check that payment order is now "Confirmed".
!assert {model: payment.order, id: partial_payment_order_1, severity: error, string: Payment Order should be 'Confirmed'.}:
- state == 'open'
- total == 400.0
I create the wizard for paying the payment
!record {model: payment.manual, id: payment_manual_partial}:
create_date: !eval time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
I click OK
!python {model: payment.manual}: |
if context is None:
context = {}
context.update({'active_ids': [ref("partial_payment_order_1")]})
self.button_ok(cr, uid, ref("payment_manual_partial"), context)
I check that the payment order is now "Sent".
!assert {model: payment.order, id: partial_payment_order_1, severity: error, string: Payment Order should be 'Sent'.}:
- state == 'sent'
I check that the invoice has payments associated
!assert {model: account.invoice, id: account_invoice_supplier_refunded, severity: error, string: payment_ids should be populated}:
- payment_ids
I check the content of the payment of the invoice
!python {model: account.invoice}: |
inv = self.browse(cr, uid, ref("account_invoice_supplier_refunded"))
payment1, payment2 = sorted(inv.payment_ids, key=lambda line: line.id)
assert payment1.debit == 200
assert payment2.debit == 400
assert inv.payment_ids[0].reconcile_id.id != False
I check that the invoice balance (residual) is now 0 and the state is paid
!assert {model: account.invoice, id: account_invoice_supplier_refunded, severity: error, string: Invoice residual should be 0.}:
- residual == 0
- amount_total == 600
- state == 'paid'