{{ client_pid }} 41010106799303734 {{ ic_ref }}
{{ invoice.name }} {{ format_date() }} {{ format_date(invoice.date_invoice) }} {{ format_date(invoice.date_invoice) }} {{ invoice.name }} {{ format_date(invoice.date_invoice) }} {% for order in invoice_lines.sale_line_ids.mapped('order_id') %} {%- if order.paynet_client_order_ref %} {{ order.paynet_client_order_ref }} {{ format_date(order.date_order) }} {%- endif %} {% endfor %} {% for ref in invoice.get_paynet_other_reference() %} {{ ref.no|truncate(35, True, "") }} {% endfor %} {#- Doc says vat number or business identitfiaction number #} {%- if invoice.company_id.vat %} {{ invoice.company_id.vat }} {%- endif %} {%- if invoice.payment_reference %} {{ invoice.payment_reference }} {%- endif %} {{ client_pid }} {{ biller.name }} {{ (biller.street or '')|truncate(35, True, "") }} {%- if biller.street2 %} {{ biller.street2|truncate(5, True, "") }} {% endif %} {{ biller.city or ''}} {{ biller.zip or '' }} {{ biller.country_id.code or 'CH' }} {%- if payment_type in ['esr', 'esp'] %} {{ bank_account }} {{ bank.bank_id.clearing }} {%- elif payment_type == 'qr' %} {{ bank_account }} {{ bank_account[4:9] if bank_account else ''}} {%- endif %} {{ ebill_account_number }} {%- if customer.name != customer.commercial_company_name and customer.commercial_company_name %} {{ customer.commercial_company_name|truncate(35, True, '') }} {%- endif %} {{ (customer.name or "")|truncate(35, True, "") }} {{ (customer.street or "")|truncate(35, True, "") }} {%- if customer.street2 %} {{ customer.street2|truncate(35, True, "") }} {%- endif %} {{ customer.city or ""}} {{ customer.zip or ""}} {{ customer.country_id.code or 'CH' }} {%- if delivery %} {%- if delivery.name != delivery.commercial_company_name and delivery.commercial_company_name %} {{ delivery.commercial_company_name|truncate(35, True, '') }} {%- endif %} {{ (delivery.name or "")|truncate(35, True, "") }} {{ (delivery.street or "")|truncate(35, True, "") }} {%- if delivery.street2 %} {{ delivery.street2|truncate(35, True, "") }} {%- endif %} {{ delivery.city or '' }} {{ delivery.zip or '' }} {{ delivery.country_id.code or 'CH' }} {%- endif %}
{% for line in invoice_lines %} {%- if line.product_id %} {{ line.product_id.default_code or ''}} {{ line.product_id.default_code or ''}} {%- endif %} 1011 {{ (line.product_id.name or line.name or "")[:35] }} {%- if (line.product_id.name or line.name or "")|length > 35 %} {{ (line.product_id.name or line.name)[35:]|truncate(34, True) }} {%- endif %} {% for order in invoice_lines.sale_line_ids.mapped('order_id') %} {%- if order.paynet_client_order_ref %} {{ order.paynet_client_order_ref }} {{ format_date(order.date_order) }} {%- endif %} {% endfor %} {{ line.quantity }} {{ line.price_subtotal|round(2) }} {{ line.price_subtotal|round(2) }} {{ line.price_total|round(2) }} {{ line.price_total|round(2) }} {% for tax in line.tax_ids %} {%- if loop.index == 1 %} {{ tax.amount}} {{ tax._compute_amount(line.price_subtotal, line.price_unit)|round(2) }} {%- endif %} {% else %} 0 {% endfor %} {% endfor %} {{ invoice.amount_total|round(2) }} {{ invoice.amount_tax|round(2) }} {% if amount_by_group %} {% for taxgroup in amount_by_group %} {{ taxgroup[2] }} {%- if taxgroup[0] %} {{ taxgroup[0] }} {%- else %} 0 {%- endif %} {{ taxgroup[1] }} {% endfor %} {%- else %} {{ invoice.amount_untaxed|round(2) }} 0 0 {% endif -%} {{ date_due }} {% include discount_template ignore missing %} {{- pdf_data | safe -}}