# Copyright 2019 Camptocamp SA # License AGPL-3.0 or later (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl). import base64 import logging import odoo from odoo import _, api, fields, models from odoo.exceptions import UserError from odoo.tools.pdf import merge_pdf _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class AccountInvoice(models.Model): _inherit = "account.move" @api.onchange("partner_id", "company_id") def _transmit_method_partner_change(self): super()._transmit_method_partner_change() if self.move_type not in ("out_invoice", "out_refund"): return paynet_method = self.env.ref("ebill_paynet.paynet_transmit_method") if self.transmit_method_id == paynet_method: contract = self.partner_id.get_active_contract(self.transmit_method_id) if contract: self.invoice_partner_bank_id = ( contract.paynet_service_id.partner_bank_id ) def _export_invoice(self): """Export invoice with the help of account_invoice_export module.""" paynet_method = self.env.ref("ebill_paynet.paynet_transmit_method") if self.transmit_method_id != paynet_method: return super()._export_invoice() message = self.create_paynet_message() if not message: raise UserError(_("Error generating Paynet message")) message.send_to_paynet() self.invoice_exported = True return "Paynet invoice generated and in state {}".format(message.state) def create_paynet_message(self): """Generate the paynet message for an invoice.""" self.ensure_one() contract = self.partner_id.get_active_contract(self.transmit_method_id) if not contract: return # Generate PDf to be send pdf_data = [] report_names = ["account.report_invoice"] if contract.payment_type == "qr": report_names.append("l10n_ch.qr_report_main") elif contract.payment_type == "esr": report_names.append("l10n_ch.isr_report_main") for report_name in report_names: r = self.env["ir.actions.report"]._get_report_from_name(report_name) pdf_content, _ = r._render([self.id]) pdf_data.append(pdf_content) if not odoo.tools.config["test_enable"]: pdf = merge_pdf(pdf_data) else: # When test are run, pdf are not generated, so use an empty pdf pdf = b"" message = self.env["paynet.invoice.message"].create( { "service_id": contract.paynet_service_id.id, "invoice_id": self.id, "ebill_account_number": contract.paynet_account_number, "payment_type": contract.payment_type, } ) attachment = self.env["ir.attachment"].create( { "name": "paynet ebill", "type": "binary", "datas": base64.b64encode(pdf).decode("ascii"), "res_model": "paynet.invoice.message", "res_id": message.id, "mimetype": "application/x-pdf", } ) message.attachment_id = attachment.id return message def paynet_invoice_line_ids(self): """Filter invoice line to be included in XML message. Invoicing line that are UX based (notes, sections) are removed. """ self.ensure_one() return self.invoice_line_ids.filtered(lambda r: not r.display_type) def get_paynet_other_reference(self): """Allows glue module to insert in paynet
Add to the list ref, object strucutred like this: {'type': other reference allowed types, 'no': the content of desired } """ self.ensure_one() return [] def log_invoice_accepted_by_system(self): """ """ self.activity_feedback( ["ebill_paynet.mail_activity_dws_error"], feedback="It worked on a later try", ) self.message_post(body=_("Invoice accepted by the Paynet system")) self.invoice_export_confirmed = True def log_invoice_refused_by_system(self): """ """ activity_type = "ebill_paynet.mail_activity_dws_error" activity = self.activity_reschedule( [activity_type], date_deadline=fields.Date.today() ) values = {} if not activity: message = self.env.ref("ebill_paynet.dws_reject_invoice")._render( values=values ) activity = self.activity_schedule( activity_type, summary="Invoice rejected by Paynet", note=message ) # error_log = values.get("error_detail") # if not error_log: # error_log = _("An error of type {} occured.").format( # values.get("error_type") # ) # activity.note += "

