# Copyright 2019 Camptocamp SA # License AGPL-3.0 or later (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl). from odoo import _, api, fields, models from odoo.exceptions import ValidationError class EbillPaymentContract(models.Model): _inherit = "ebill.payment.contract" paynet_account_number = fields.Char(string="Paynet ID", size=20) is_paynet_contract = fields.Boolean( compute="_compute_is_paynet_contract", store=False ) paynet_service_id = fields.Many2one( comodel_name="paynet.service", string="Paynet Service", ondelete="restrict" ) payment_type = fields.Selection( selection=[("qr", "QR"), ("esr", "ESR")], string="Payment method", default="qr", help="Payment type to use for the invoices sent," " PDF will be generated and attached accordingly.", ) @api.depends("transmit_method_id") def _compute_is_paynet_contract(self): transmit_method = self.env.ref("ebill_paynet.paynet_transmit_method") for record in self: record.is_paynet_contract = record.transmit_method_id == transmit_method @api.constrains("transmit_method_id", "paynet_account_number") def _check_paynet_account_number(self): for contract in self: if not contract.is_paynet_contract: continue if not contract.paynet_account_number: raise ValidationError( _("The Paynet ID is required for a Paynet contract.") ) @api.constrains("transmit_method_id", "paynet_service_id") def _check_paynet_service_id(self): for contract in self: if contract.is_paynet_contract and not contract.paynet_service_id: raise ValidationError( _("A Paynet service is required for a Paynet contract.") )