# Copyright 2019 Camptocamp SA # License AGPL-3.0 or later (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl). import os from datetime import datetime # Needs Jinja 2.10 from jinja2 import Environment, FileSystemLoader, select_autoescape from odoo import fields, models from odoo.modules.module import get_module_root from odoo.addons.base.models.res_bank import sanitize_account_number from ..components.api import PayNetDWS import zeep # isort:skip MODULE_PATH = get_module_root(os.path.dirname(__file__)) INVOICE_TEMPLATE_2013 = "invoice-2013A.xml" INVOICE_TEMPLATE_2003 = "invoice-2003A.xml" TEMPLATE_DIR = [MODULE_PATH + "/messages"] DOCUMENT_TYPE = {"out_invoice": "EFD", "out_refund": "EGS"} class PaynetInvoiceMessage(models.Model): _name = "paynet.invoice.message" _description = "Paynet shipment send to service" service_id = fields.Many2one( comodel_name="paynet.service", string="Paynet Service", required=True, ondelete="restrict", readonly=True, ) invoice_id = fields.Many2one(comodel_name="account.move", ondelete="restrict") attachment_id = fields.Many2one("ir.attachment", "PDF") state = fields.Selection( selection=[ ("draft", "Draft"), ("sent", "Sent"), ("done", "Done"), ("reject", "Reject"), ("error", "Error"), ], default="draft", ) ic_ref = fields.Char( string="IC Ref", size=14, help="Document interchange reference" ) # Set with invoice_id.number but also with returned data from server ? ref = fields.Char("Reference No.", size=35) ebill_account_number = fields.Char("Paynet Id", size=20) payload = fields.Text("Payload sent") response = fields.Text("Response recieved") shipment_id = fields.Char(size=24, help="Shipment Id on Paynet service") payment_type = fields.Selection( selection=[("qr", "QR"), ("esr", "ESR"), ("esp", "ESP"), ("npy", "NPY")], default="qr", readonly=True, ) def _get_ic_ref(self): return "SA%012d" % self.id def send_to_paynet(self): for message in self: message.payload = message._generate_payload() try: shipment_id = message.service_id.take_shipment(message.payload) message.shipment_id = shipment_id message.state = "sent" except zeep.exceptions.Fault as e: message.response = PayNetDWS.handle_fault(e) message.state = "error" @staticmethod def format_date(date_string=None): if not date_string: date_string = datetime.now() return date_string.strftime("%Y%m%d") def _get_payload_params(self): self.ic_ref = self._get_ic_ref() bank_account = "" if self.payment_type == "qr": bank_account = sanitize_account_number( self.invoice_id.partner_bank_id.l10n_ch_qr_iban or self.invoice_id.partner_bank_id.acc_number ) else: bank_account = self.invoice_id.partner_bank_id.l10n_ch_isr_subscription_chf if bank_account: account_parts = bank_account.split("-") bank_account = ( account_parts[0] + account_parts[1].rjust(6, "0") + account_parts[2] ) else: bank_account = "" params = { "client_pid": self.service_id.client_pid, "invoice": self.invoice_id, "invoice_lines": self.invoice_id.paynet_invoice_line_ids(), "biller": self.invoice_id.company_id, "customer": self.invoice_id.partner_id, "delivery": self.invoice_id.partner_shipping_id, "pdf_data": self.attachment_id.datas.decode("ascii"), "bank": self.invoice_id.partner_bank_id, "bank_account": bank_account, "ic_ref": self.ic_ref, "payment_type": self.payment_type, "document_type": DOCUMENT_TYPE[self.invoice_id.move_type], "format_date": self.format_date, "ebill_account_number": self.ebill_account_number, "discount_template": "", "discount": {}, } amount_by_group = [] # Get the percentage of the tax from the name of the group # Could be improve by searching in the account_tax linked to the group for taxgroup in self.invoice_id.amount_by_group: rate = taxgroup[0].split()[-1:][0][:-1] amount_by_group.append( ( rate or "0", taxgroup[1], taxgroup[2], ) ) params["amount_by_group"] = amount_by_group # Get the invoice due date date_due = None if self.invoice_id.invoice_payment_term_id: terms = self.invoice_id.invoice_payment_term_id.compute( self.invoice_id.amount_total ) if terms: # Returns all payment and their date like [('2020-12-07', 430.37), ...] # Get the last payment date in the format "202021207" date_due = terms[-1][0].replace("-", "") if not date_due: date_due = self.format_date( self.invoice_id.invoice_date_due or self.invoice_id.invoice_date ) params["date_due"] = date_due return params def _get_jinja_env(self, template_dir): jinja_env = Environment( loader=FileSystemLoader(template_dir), autoescape=select_autoescape(["xml"]), ) # Force the truncate filter to be exact jinja_env.policies["truncate.leeway"] = 0 return jinja_env def _get_template(self, jinja_env): if self.service_id.service_type == "b2b": return jinja_env.get_template(INVOICE_TEMPLATE_2003) else: return jinja_env.get_template(INVOICE_TEMPLATE_2013) def _generate_payload(self): self.ensure_one() assert self.state == "draft" params = self._get_payload_params() jinja_env = self._get_jinja_env(TEMPLATE_DIR) jinja_template = self._get_template(jinja_env) return jinja_template.render(params) def update_invoice_status(self): """Update the export status in the chatter.""" for message in self: if message.state == "done": message.invoice_id.log_invoice_accepted_by_system() elif message.state in ["reject", "error"]: message.invoice_id.log_invoice_refused_by_system()