# Copyright 2019 Camptocamp SA # License AGPL-3.0 or later (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl). import logging import zeep from lxml import etree from odoo import api, fields, models from odoo.exceptions import UserError from ..components.api import PayNetDWS SYSTEM_PROD_URL = "https://dws.paynet.ch/DWS/DWS" SYSTEM_TEST_URL = "https://dws-test.paynet.ch/DWS/DWS" PENDING_STATES = ["ReadyForSending", "Submitted"] ALL_STATES = PENDING_STATES + ["ArrivedAtDestination"] # The state for already acknowledge ones ArrivedAtDestination _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class PaynetService(models.Model): _name = "paynet.service" _description = "Paynet service configuration" name = fields.Char(required=True) url = fields.Char(compute="_compute_url") username = fields.Char() password = fields.Char() client_pid = fields.Char(string="Paynet ID", size=17, required=True) use_test_service = fields.Boolean(string="Testing", help="Target the test service") service_type = fields.Selection( selection=[("b2b", "B2B"), ("b2c", "B2C")], string="Service type", default="b2b", help="Specify the type of XML exchange with the service.", ) partner_bank_id = fields.Many2one( comodel_name="res.partner.bank", string="Bank account", ondelete="restrict" ) invoice_message_ids = fields.One2many( comodel_name="paynet.invoice.message", inverse_name="service_id", string="Invoice Messages", readonly=True, ) ebill_payment_contract_ids = fields.One2many( comodel_name="ebill.payment.contract", inverse_name="paynet_service_id", string="Contracts", readonly=True, ) active = fields.Boolean(default=True) @api.depends("use_test_service") def _compute_url(self): for record in self: if record.use_test_service: record.url = SYSTEM_TEST_URL else: record.url = SYSTEM_PROD_URL def take_shipment(self, content): """Send a shipment via DWS to the Paynet System Return value is the shipment id """ self.ensure_one() dws = PayNetDWS(self.url, self.use_test_service) content = content.encode("utf-8") res = dws.service.takeShipment( Authorization=dws.authorization(self.username, self.password), # ProcessingDate : Preferred processing date, # if not provided, processed asap # ShipmentPriority: Value between 1 and 9 (default is 5) Content=content, ) return res def get_shipment_list(self): """Get a list of shipments present on the DWS.""" self.ensure_one() dws = PayNetDWS(self.url, self.use_test_service) res = dws.service.getShipmentList( Authorization=dws.authorization(self.username, self.password), # fromEntry : Position number as of which shipments should be # retrieved (default is 1) # maxEntries : Max number of shimpment listed (default is 100) # FromDate : # ToDate : ShipmentStates=PENDING_STATES, # FromShipmentPriority: # ToShipmentPriority: ) return res def get_shipment_content(self, shipment_id): """ """ self.ensure_one() dws = PayNetDWS(self.url, self.use_test_service) try: res = dws.service.getShipmentContent( Authorization=dws.authorization(self.username, self.password), ShipmentID=shipment_id, ) except zeep.exceptions.Fault as e: error = dws.handle_fault(e) raise UserError(error) return res @api.model def handle_received_shipment(self, res, shipment_id): """ """ content = res["Content"] # TODO: if it contains encoding should return False so not confirmed if not content["encoding"]: # XML-FSCM-CONTRL do not have an encoding # TODO Could check the INTERCHANGE ids to check the system xml_string = content["_value_1"] root = etree.fromstring(xml_string) if root.tag == "XML-FSCM-CONTRL-2003A": control = root[1] status = control.attrib.get("Action-Code") ic_ref = control.xpath("//CONTRL/IC-Ref/text()")[0] state = "done" if status == "OK" else "error" elif root.tag == "XML-FSCM-CONFIRMATION-2003A": conf_status = root[1] ic_ref = conf_status.xpath("//ORIGINAL-MESSAGE/IC-Ref/text()")[0] status = conf_status.xpath("//MESSAGE-STATUS/@Status-Code")[0] state = "done" if status == "OK" else "error" elif root.tag == "XML-FSCM-REJECTION-2003A": # Not tested, need to be simulated on the portal # Only possible for b2c contract state = "rejected" else: return False # Updating message concerned by the response # TODO improve me message = self.env["paynet.invoice.message"].search( [("ic_ref", "=", ic_ref)] ) if not message: _logger.error( "IC_Ref {} not found for shipment {}".format(ic_ref, shipment_id) ) return False message.state = state message.response = etree.tostring(root) message.update_invoice_status() return True def confirm_shipment(self, shipment_id): """Confirm a shipment reception to the DWS.""" self.ensure_one() dws = PayNetDWS(self.url, self.use_test_service) with dws.client.settings(raw_response=True): # The DWS returns an empty response for the confirmation # And due to that Zeep raises an exception while trying to parse # This is why we want the raw Request response res = dws.service.confirmShipmentReceipt( Authorization=dws.authorization(self.username, self.password), ShipmentID=shipment_id, ) return res.status_code == 200 def ping_service(self): """Ping the DWS service this works without autentication.""" dws = PayNetDWS(self.url, self.use_test_service) return dws.service.ping(ClientData="hello") def check_shipments(self): """Check for shipments on the service and create jobs to download them.""" self.ensure_one() res = self.get_shipment_list() _logger.info("Paynet ({}) shipment list result : {}".format(self.name, res)) for shipment in res["Shipment"]: shipment_id = shipment["ShipmentID"] description = "Paynet - Download shipment {}".format(shipment_id) self.with_delay( description=description, channel="root.invoice_export" ).download_shipment(shipment_id) return "{} shipments found for {} service.".format( res["entriesFound"], self.name ) def download_shipment(self, shipment_id): """Download a shipment, parse it and if successful, acknowledge it.""" # TODO: Should test if shipment has already been downloaded # Maybe have a shipment model ? res = self.get_shipment_content(shipment_id) if self.handle_received_shipment(res, shipment_id): self.confirm_shipment(shipment_id) return "Shimpment {} downloaded and acknowledged.".format(shipment_id) else: return "Shipment {} can not be parsed \n {}".format(shipment_id, res) def test_ping(self): """Test the service from the UI.""" self.ensure_one() msg = ["Test connection to service : {}".format(self.url)] res = self.ping_service() if "ClientData" in res: msg.append(" - Success pinging service") else: msg.append(" - Failed pinging service") res = self.get_shipment_list() if "Shipment" in res: msg.append(" - Success fetching shipment list") else: msg.append(" - Failed fetching shipment list") raise UserError("\n".join(msg)) @api.model def cron_poll_shipment(self): """Cron job to poll for shipments on all active services.""" services = self.search([]) for service in services: service.check_shipments()