# Copyright 2019 Camptocamp SA # License AGPL-3.0 or later (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html) import os from os.path import dirname, join from vcr import VCR from xmlunittest import XmlTestMixin from odoo.tests.common import SavepointCase class CommonCase(SavepointCase, XmlTestMixin): @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): super().setUpClass() cls.env = cls.env(context=dict(cls.env.context, tracking_disable=True)) cls.country = cls.env.ref("base.ch") cls.company = cls.env.user.company_id cls.company.vat = "CHE-012.345.678" cls.company.name = "Camptocamp SA" cls.company.street = "StreetOne" cls.company.street2 = "" cls.company.zip = "1015" cls.company.city = "Lausanne" cls.company.partner_id.country_id = cls.country cls.bank = cls.env.ref("base.res_bank_1") cls.bank.clearing = 777 cls.tax7 = cls.env["account.tax"].create( { "name": "Test tax", "type_tax_use": "sale", "amount_type": "percent", "amount": "7.7", "tax_group_id": cls.env.ref("l10n_ch.tax_group_tva_77").id, } ) cls.partner_bank = cls.env["res.partner.bank"].create( { "bank_id": cls.bank.id, "acc_number": "300.300.300", "acc_holder_name": "AccountHolderName", "partner_id": cls.company.partner_id.id, "l10n_ch_qr_iban": "CH21 3080 8001 2345 6782 7", } ) cls.terms = cls.env.ref("account.account_payment_term_15days") cls.paynet = cls.env["paynet.service"].create( { "name": "Paynet Test Service", "use_test_service": True, "client_pid": os.getenv("PAYNET_ID", "52110726772852593"), "service_type": "b2b", } ) cls.state = cls.env["res.country.state"].create( {"code": "RR", "name": "Fribourg", "country_id": cls.country.id} ) cls.customer = cls.env["res.partner"].create( { "name": "Test RAD Customer XML", "customer_rank": 1, "is_company": True, "street": "Teststrasse 100", "street2": "This is a very long street name that should be snapped", "city": "Fribourg", "zip": "1700", "country_id": cls.country.id, "state_id": cls.state.id, } ) cls.customer_delivery = cls.env["res.partner"].create( { "name": "The Shed in the yard", "street": "Teststrasse 102", "city": "Fribourg", "zip": "1700", "parent_id": cls.customer.id, "type": "delivery", } ) cls.contract = cls.env["ebill.payment.contract"].create( { "partner_id": cls.customer.id, "paynet_account_number": "41010198248040391", "state": "open", "paynet_service_id": cls.paynet.id, "payment_type": "qr", } ) cls.account = cls.env["account.account"].search( [ ( "user_type_id", "=", cls.env.ref("account.data_account_type_revenue").id, ) ], limit=1, ) cls.at_receivable = cls.env["account.account.type"].create( { "name": "Test receivable account", "type": "receivable", "internal_group": "asset", } ) cls.a_receivable = cls.env["account.account"].create( { "name": "Test receivable account", "code": "TEST_RA", "user_type_id": cls.at_receivable.id, "reconcile": True, } ) cls.product = cls.env["product.product"].create( {"name": "Product One", "list_price": 100.00, "default_code": "370003021"} ) cls.product_long_name = cls.env["product.product"].create( { "name": "Product With a Very Long Name That Need To Be Truncated", "list_price": 0.00, "default_code": "370003022", } ) cls.product.product_tmpl_id.invoice_policy = "order" cls.product_long_name.product_tmpl_id.invoice_policy = "order" cls.sale = cls.env["sale.order"].create( { "name": "Order123", "partner_id": cls.customer.id, "partner_shipping_id": cls.customer_delivery.id, "client_order_ref": "CustomerRef", "order_line": [ ( 0, 0, { "product_id": cls.product.id, "name": cls.product.name, "product_uom_qty": 4.0, "price_unit": 123.0, "tax_id": [(4, cls.tax7.id, 0)], }, ), ( 0, 0, { "product_id": cls.product_long_name.id, "name": cls.product_long_name.name, "product_uom_qty": 1.0, "price_unit": 0.0, "tax_id": [(4, cls.tax7.id, 0)], }, ), ], } ) cls.sale.action_confirm() cls.sale.date_order = "2019-06-01" # Generate the invoice from the sale order cls.invoice = cls.sale._create_invoices() # And add some more lines on the invoice # One UX line and one not linked to a product cls.invoice.update( { "line_ids": [ (0, 0, {"name": "A little note", "display_type": "line_note"}), ( 0, 0, { "name": "Phone support", "quantity": 4.0, # Set zero, avoiding error with accounting ?! "price_unit": 0, "account_id": cls.at_receivable.id, # "tax_id": [(4, cls.tax7.id, 0)], }, ), ], } ) cls.invoice.action_post() cls.invoice.payment_reference = "1234567890" cls.invoice.partner_bank_id = cls.partner_bank.id @staticmethod def compare_xml_line_by_line(content, expected): """This a quick way to check the diff line by line to ease debugging""" generated_line = [ xml_content.strip() for xml_content in content.split(b"\n") if len(xml_content.strip()) ] expected_line = [ xml_content.strip() for xml_content in expected.split(b"\n") if len(xml_content.strip()) ] number_of_lines = len(expected_line) for i in range(number_of_lines): if generated_line[i].strip() != expected_line[i].strip(): return "Diff at {}/{} || Expected {} || Generated {}".format( i, number_of_lines, expected_line[i], generated_line[i] ) def get_recorder(base_path=None, **kw): base_path = base_path or dirname(__file__) defaults = dict( record_mode="once", cassette_library_dir=join(base_path, "fixtures/cassettes"), path_transformer=VCR.ensure_suffix(".yaml"), match_on=["method", "path", "query"], filter_headers=["Authorization"], decode_compressed_response=True, ) defaults.update(kw) return VCR(**defaults) recorder = get_recorder()