# Copyright 2019 Camptocamp SA # License AGPL-3.0 or later (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html) from string import Template from freezegun import freeze_time from odoo.tools import file_open from .common import CommonCase @freeze_time("2019-06-07 09:06:00") class TestInvoiceMessage(CommonCase): @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): super().setUpClass() def test_icref_generation(self): """ """ message = self.invoice_1.create_paynet_message() message.ic_ref = message._get_ic_ref() self.assertEqual(message.ic_ref, "SA%012d" % message.id) def test_invoice(self): """ Check XML payload genetated for an invoice.""" self.invoice_1.name = "INV_TEST_01" # self.invoice_1.action_invoice_sent() # TODO set a due date different to create date # self.invoice_1.date_due = '2019-07-01' self.invoice_1.state = "posted" message = self.invoice_1.create_paynet_message() message.payload = message._generate_payload() # Remove the PDF file data from the XML to ease testing lines = message.payload.splitlines() for pos, line in enumerate(lines): if line.find("Back-Pack") != -1: lines.pop(pos + 1) break payload = "\n".join(lines).encode("utf8") # self.assertXmlDocument(payload) # Prepare the XML file that is expected expected_tmpl = Template( file_open("ebill_paynet/tests/examples/invoice_1.xml").read() ) expected = expected_tmpl.substitute(IC_REF=message.ic_ref).encode("utf8") self.assertFalse(self.compare_xml_line_by_line(payload, expected)) self.assertXmlEquivalentOutputs(payload, expected)