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2021-03-23 20:12:57 +01:00
# Copyright 2014 ACSONE SA/NV (<http://acsone.eu>)
# License AGPL-3.0 or later (https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html).
import logging
import numbers
from collections import defaultdict
from datetime import datetime
from flectra import _, fields, models
from ..models.accounting_none import AccountingNone
from ..models.data_error import DataError
from ..models.mis_report_style import TYPE_STR
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
ROW_HEIGHT = 15 # xlsxwriter units
COL_WIDTH = 0.9 # xlsxwriter units
MIN_COL_WIDTH = 10 # characters
MAX_COL_WIDTH = 50 # characters
class MisBuilderXlsx(models.AbstractModel):
_name = "report.mis_builder.mis_report_instance_xlsx"
_description = "MIS Builder XLSX report"
_inherit = "report.report_xlsx.abstract"
def generate_xlsx_report(self, workbook, data, objects):
# get the computed result of the report
matrix = objects._compute_matrix()
style_obj = self.env["mis.report.style"]
# create worksheet
report_name = u"{} - {}".format(
objects[0].name, u", ".join([a.name for a in objects[0].query_company_ids])
sheet = workbook.add_worksheet(report_name[:31])
row_pos = 0
col_pos = 0
# width of the labels column
label_col_width = MIN_COL_WIDTH
# {col_pos: max width in characters}
col_width = defaultdict(lambda: MIN_COL_WIDTH)
# document title
bold = workbook.add_format({"bold": True})
header_format = workbook.add_format(
{"bold": True, "align": "center", "bg_color": "#F0EEEE"}
sheet.write(row_pos, 0, report_name, bold)
row_pos += 2
# filters
if not objects.hide_analytic_filters:
for filter_description in objects.get_filter_descriptions_from_context():
sheet.write(row_pos, 0, filter_description)
row_pos += 1
row_pos += 1
# column headers
sheet.write(row_pos, 0, "", header_format)
col_pos = 1
for col in matrix.iter_cols():
label = col.label
if col.description:
label += "\n" + col.description
sheet.set_row(row_pos, ROW_HEIGHT * 2)
if col.colspan > 1:
col_pos + col.colspan - 1,
sheet.write(row_pos, col_pos, label, header_format)
col_width[col_pos] = max(
col_width[col_pos], len(col.label or ""), len(col.description or "")
col_pos += col.colspan
row_pos += 1
# sub column headers
sheet.write(row_pos, 0, "", header_format)
col_pos = 1
for subcol in matrix.iter_subcols():
label = subcol.label
if subcol.description:
label += "\n" + subcol.description
sheet.set_row(row_pos, ROW_HEIGHT * 2)
sheet.write(row_pos, col_pos, label, header_format)
col_width[col_pos] = max(
len(subcol.label or ""),
len(subcol.description or ""),
col_pos += 1
row_pos += 1
# rows
for row in matrix.iter_rows():
if (
row.style_props.hide_empty and row.is_empty()
) or row.style_props.hide_always:
row_xlsx_style = style_obj.to_xlsx_style(TYPE_STR, row.style_props)
row_format = workbook.add_format(row_xlsx_style)
col_pos = 0
label = row.label
if row.description:
label += "\n" + row.description
sheet.set_row(row_pos, ROW_HEIGHT * 2)
sheet.write(row_pos, col_pos, label, row_format)
label_col_width = max(
label_col_width, len(row.label or ""), len(row.description or "")
for cell in row.iter_cells():
col_pos += 1
if not cell or cell.val is AccountingNone:
# TODO col/subcol format
sheet.write(row_pos, col_pos, "", row_format)
cell_xlsx_style = style_obj.to_xlsx_style(
cell.val_type, cell.style_props, no_indent=True
cell_xlsx_style["align"] = "right"
cell_format = workbook.add_format(cell_xlsx_style)
if isinstance(cell.val, DataError):
val = cell.val.name
# TODO display cell.val.msg as Excel comment?
elif cell.val is None or cell.val is AccountingNone:
val = ""
divider = float(cell.style_props.get("divider", 1))
if (
divider != 1
and isinstance(cell.val, numbers.Number)
and not cell.val_type == "pct"
val = cell.val / divider
val = cell.val
sheet.write(row_pos, col_pos, val, cell_format)
col_width[col_pos] = max(
col_width[col_pos], len(cell.val_rendered or "")
row_pos += 1
# Add date/time footer
row_pos += 1
footer_format = workbook.add_format(
{"italic": True, "font_color": "#202020", "size": 9}
lang_model = self.env["res.lang"]
lang = lang_model._lang_get(self.env.user.lang)
now_tz = fields.Datetime.context_timestamp(
self.env["res.users"], datetime.now()
create_date = _("Generated on {} at {}").format(
now_tz.strftime(lang.date_format), now_tz.strftime(lang.time_format)
sheet.write(row_pos, 0, create_date, footer_format)
# adjust col widths
sheet.set_column(0, 0, min(label_col_width, MAX_COL_WIDTH) * COL_WIDTH)
data_col_width = min(MAX_COL_WIDTH, max(col_width.values()))
min_col_pos = min(col_width.keys())
max_col_pos = max(col_width.keys())
sheet.set_column(min_col_pos, max_col_pos, data_col_width * COL_WIDTH)