# Copyright (C) 2018 - Today: GRAP (http://www.grap.coop) # @author: Sylvain LE GAL (https://twitter.com/legalsylvain) # License AGPL-3.0 or later (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl.html). from flectra import _, api, fields, models from flectra.exceptions import UserError from flectra.osv import expression from flectra.tools.safe_eval import safe_eval class MassOperationWizardMixin(models.AbstractModel): _name = "mass.operation.wizard.mixin" _description = "Abstract Mass Operations Wizard" _OPERATION_STATUS_SELECTION = [ ("info", "Info"), ("warning", "Warning"), ("danger", "Danger"), ] # To Overwrite Section def _apply_operation(self, items): self.ensure_one() # Column Section selected_item_qty = fields.Integer(readonly=True) remaining_item_qty = fields.Integer(readonly=True) operation_description_info = fields.Text(readonly=True) operation_description_warning = fields.Text(readonly=True) operation_description_danger = fields.Text(readonly=True) message = fields.Text(readonly=True) @api.model def default_get(self, fields): res = super().default_get(fields) mass_operation = self._get_mass_operation() operation_description_info = False operation_description_warning = False operation_description_danger = False # Compute items quantity active_ids = self.env.context.get("active_ids") remaining_items = self._get_remaining_items() if len(active_ids) == len(remaining_items): operation_description_info = _( "The treatment will be processed on the {} selected" " elements.".format(len(active_ids)) ) elif len(remaining_items): operation_description_warning = _( "You have selected {} items that can not be processed." " Only {} items will be processed.".format( len(active_ids) - len(remaining_items), len(remaining_items) ) ) else: operation_description_danger = _( "None of the {} items you have selected can be processed.".format( len(active_ids) ) ) res.update( { "selected_item_qty": len(active_ids), "remaining_item_qty": len(remaining_items), "operation_description_info": operation_description_info, "operation_description_warning": operation_description_warning, "operation_description_danger": operation_description_danger, "message": mass_operation.message, } ) return res def button_apply(self): items = self._get_remaining_items() if not len(items): raise UserError( _( "There is no more element that corresponds to the rules of" " the domain.\n Please refresh your list and try to" " select again the items." ) ) return self._apply_operation(items) # Private Section @api.model def _get_mass_operation(self): IrModel = self.env["ir.model"] mass_operation_models = IrModel.search( [("model", "=", self.env.context.get("mass_operation_mixin_name", False))] ) if len(mass_operation_models) != 1: return False MassOperationModel = self.env[mass_operation_models[0].model] return MassOperationModel.search( [("id", "=", self.env.context.get("mass_operation_mixin_id", 0))] ) @api.model def _get_remaining_items(self, force_active_domain=False): """ Get items based on active_ids set on the context. You can also use the active_domain (by setting the parameter to True). This could be useful when you want to do an operation on a lot of records and you don't want to select them all. :param force_active_domain: bool :return: recordset """ active_ids = self.env.context.get("active_ids", []) mass_operation = self._get_mass_operation() SrcModel = self.env[mass_operation.model_id.model] domain = [("id", "in", active_ids)] if force_active_domain: domain = self.env.context.get("active_domain", []) if mass_operation.domain != "[]": domain = expression.AND([safe_eval(mass_operation.domain), domain]) return SrcModel.search(domain)