Herman van Hazendonk d192e61d29 Add additional bank configuration items
For prettier generation of bank letters and other bits used in examples:

Expand the bank config to include:

* "bankFullName" used in the INI letter's which are sent to the bank.
* "bankShortName" used in the filename for the generated letters and in other places if needed.
* "languageCode" used for determining which template to use for the bank (currently "en" and "de" are supported).
* "storageLocation" can be used to specify a local or network path where to store downloaded files.

* In bankLetter.js: Use the current script folder as output for the bank's letter in HTML format instead of the user/os homedir folder.

Signed-off-by: Herman van Hazendonk <>
2021-03-30 11:02:36 +02:00

165 lines
3.4 KiB

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "">
<html xmlns="" xml:lang="en">
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
<meta charset="UTF-8" />
<title>EBICS ini</title>
<h2>Lettre d'initialisation pour clés électroniques bancaires (INI)</h2>
<td>{{ today }}</td>
<td>{{ now }}</td>
<td>{{ bankName }}</td>
<td>ID Utilisateur</td>
<td>{{ userId }}</td>
<td>ID Partenaire</td>
<td>{{ partnerId }}</td>
<p>Clé publique (Public Key) pour la signature électronique (A006)</p>
<p>Exposant ({{ keyExponentBits A006 }} Bit):</p>
<code>{{ keyExponent A006 }}</code>
<p>Modulo ({{ keyModulusBits A006 }} Bit):</p>
<code>{{ keyModulus A006 }}</code>
<p>Hash (SHA-256):</p>
<code>{{ sha256 A006 }}</code>
<p>Je confirme par la présente la clé publique ci-dessus pour ma signature électronique.</p>
<div style="page-break-after:always"></div>
<h2>Lettre d'initialisation pour clés électroniques bancaires (HIA) - Page 1/2</h2>
<td>{{ today }}</td>
<td>{{ now }}</td>
<td>{{ bankName }}</td>
<td>ID Utilisateur</td>
<td>{{ userId }}</td>
<td>ID Partenaire</td>
<td>{{ partnerId }}</td>
<p>Clé d'identification publique (X002)</p>
<p>Exposant ({{ keyExponentBits X002 }} Bit):</p>
<code>{{ keyExponent X002 }}</code>
<p>Modulo ({{ keyModulusBits X002 }} Bit):</p>
<code>{{ keyModulus X002 }}</code>
<p>Hash (SHA-256):</p>
<code>{{ sha256 X002 }}</code>
<p>Suite à la page 2 ...</p>
<div style="page-break-after:always"></div>
<h2>Lettre d'initialisation pour clés électroniques bancaires (HIA) - Page 2/2</h2>
<td>{{ today }}</td>
<td>{{ now }}</td>
<td>{{ bankName }}</td>
<td>ID Utilisateur</td>
<td>{{ userId }}</td>
<td>ID Partenaire</td>
<td>{{ partnerId }}</td>
<p>Clé de chiffrement publique (E002)</p>
<p>Exposant ({{ keyExponentBits E002 }} Bit):</p>
<code>{{ keyExponent E002 }}</code>
<p>Modulo ({{ keyModulusBits E002 }} Bit):</p>
<code>{{ keyModulus E002 }}</code>
<p>Hash (SHA-256):</p>
<code>{{ sha256 E002 }}</code>
<p>Je confirme par la présente les clés publiques ci-dessus.</p>