diff --git a/.copier-answers.yml b/.copier-answers.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..36ee1cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.copier-answers.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+# Do NOT update manually; changes here will be overwritten by Copier
+_commit: v1.1.1
+_src_path: gh:oca/oca-addons-repo-template
+dependency_installation_mode: PIP
+generate_requirements_txt: true
+include_wkhtmltopdf: false
+odoo_version: 14.0
+rebel_module_groups: []
+repo_description: "TODO: add repo description."
+repo_name: web
+repo_slug: web
+travis_apt_packages: []
+travis_apt_sources: []
diff --git a/.editorconfig b/.editorconfig
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bfd7ac5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.editorconfig
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+# Configuration for known file extensions
+charset = utf-8
+end_of_line = lf
+indent_size = 4
+indent_style = space
+insert_final_newline = true
+trim_trailing_whitespace = true
+indent_size = 2
+# Do not configure editor for libs and autogenerated content
+charset = unset
+end_of_line = unset
+indent_size = unset
+indent_style = unset
+insert_final_newline = false
+trim_trailing_whitespace = false
diff --git a/.eslintrc.yml b/.eslintrc.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..88f2881
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.eslintrc.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
+ browser: true
+# See https://github.com/OCA/odoo-community.org/issues/37#issuecomment-470686449
+ ecmaVersion: 2017
+# Globals available in Odoo that shouldn't produce errorings
+ _: readonly
+ $: readonly
+ fuzzy: readonly
+ jQuery: readonly
+ moment: readonly
+ odoo: readonly
+ openerp: readonly
+ Promise: readonly
+# Styling is handled by Prettier, so we only need to enable AST rules;
+# see https://github.com/OCA/maintainer-quality-tools/pull/618#issuecomment-558576890
+ accessor-pairs: warn
+ array-callback-return: warn
+ callback-return: warn
+ capitalized-comments:
+ - warn
+ - always
+ - ignoreConsecutiveComments: true
+ ignoreInlineComments: true
+ complexity:
+ - warn
+ - 15
+ constructor-super: warn
+ dot-notation: warn
+ eqeqeq: warn
+ global-require: warn
+ handle-callback-err: warn
+ id-blacklist: warn
+ id-match: warn
+ init-declarations: error
+ max-depth: warn
+ max-nested-callbacks: warn
+ max-statements-per-line: warn
+ no-alert: warn
+ no-array-constructor: warn
+ no-caller: warn
+ no-case-declarations: warn
+ no-class-assign: warn
+ no-cond-assign: error
+ no-const-assign: error
+ no-constant-condition: warn
+ no-control-regex: warn
+ no-debugger: error
+ no-delete-var: warn
+ no-div-regex: warn
+ no-dupe-args: error
+ no-dupe-class-members: error
+ no-dupe-keys: error
+ no-duplicate-case: error
+ no-duplicate-imports: error
+ no-else-return: warn
+ no-empty-character-class: warn
+ no-empty-function: error
+ no-empty-pattern: error
+ no-empty: warn
+ no-eq-null: error
+ no-eval: error
+ no-ex-assign: error
+ no-extend-native: warn
+ no-extra-bind: warn
+ no-extra-boolean-cast: warn
+ no-extra-label: warn
+ no-fallthrough: warn
+ no-func-assign: error
+ no-global-assign: error
+ no-implicit-coercion:
+ - warn
+ - allow: ["~"]
+ no-implicit-globals: warn
+ no-implied-eval: warn
+ no-inline-comments: warn
+ no-inner-declarations: warn
+ no-invalid-regexp: warn
+ no-irregular-whitespace: warn
+ no-iterator: warn
+ no-label-var: warn
+ no-labels: warn
+ no-lone-blocks: warn
+ no-lonely-if: error
+ no-mixed-requires: error
+ no-multi-str: warn
+ no-native-reassign: error
+ no-negated-condition: warn
+ no-negated-in-lhs: error
+ no-new-func: warn
+ no-new-object: warn
+ no-new-require: warn
+ no-new-symbol: warn
+ no-new-wrappers: warn
+ no-new: warn
+ no-obj-calls: warn
+ no-octal-escape: warn
+ no-octal: warn
+ no-param-reassign: warn
+ no-path-concat: warn
+ no-process-env: warn
+ no-process-exit: warn
+ no-proto: warn
+ no-prototype-builtins: warn
+ no-redeclare: warn
+ no-regex-spaces: warn
+ no-restricted-globals: warn
+ no-restricted-imports: warn
+ no-restricted-modules: warn
+ no-restricted-syntax: warn
+ no-return-assign: error
+ no-script-url: warn
+ no-self-assign: warn
+ no-self-compare: warn
+ no-sequences: warn
+ no-shadow-restricted-names: warn
+ no-shadow: warn
+ no-sparse-arrays: warn
+ no-sync: warn
+ no-this-before-super: warn
+ no-throw-literal: warn
+ no-undef-init: warn
+ no-undef: error
+ no-unmodified-loop-condition: warn
+ no-unneeded-ternary: error
+ no-unreachable: error
+ no-unsafe-finally: error
+ no-unused-expressions: error
+ no-unused-labels: error
+ no-unused-vars: error
+ no-use-before-define: error
+ no-useless-call: warn
+ no-useless-computed-key: warn
+ no-useless-concat: warn
+ no-useless-constructor: warn
+ no-useless-escape: warn
+ no-useless-rename: warn
+ no-void: warn
+ no-with: warn
+ operator-assignment: [error, always]
+ prefer-const: warn
+ radix: warn
+ require-yield: warn
+ sort-imports: warn
+ spaced-comment: [error, always]
+ strict: [error, function]
+ use-isnan: error
+ valid-jsdoc:
+ - warn
+ - prefer:
+ arg: param
+ argument: param
+ augments: extends
+ constructor: class
+ exception: throws
+ func: function
+ method: function
+ prop: property
+ return: returns
+ virtual: abstract
+ yield: yields
+ preferType:
+ array: Array
+ bool: Boolean
+ boolean: Boolean
+ number: Number
+ object: Object
+ str: String
+ string: String
+ requireParamDescription: false
+ requireReturn: false
+ requireReturnDescription: false
+ requireReturnType: false
+ valid-typeof: warn
+ yoda: warn
diff --git a/.flake8 b/.flake8
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..44ed868
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.flake8
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+max-line-length = 80
+max-complexity = 16
+# B = bugbear
+# B9 = bugbear opinionated (incl line length)
+select = C,E,F,W,B,B9
+# E203: whitespace before ':' (black behaviour)
+# E501: flake8 line length (covered by bugbear B950)
+# W503: line break before binary operator (black behaviour)
+ignore = E203,E501,W503
diff --git a/.isort.cfg b/.isort.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7683bad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.isort.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+; see https://github.com/psf/black
diff --git a/.pre-commit-config.yaml b/.pre-commit-config.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6a8a1aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.pre-commit-config.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+exclude: |
+ (?x)
+ # Files and folders generated by bots, to avoid loops
+ ^setup/|/static/description/index\.html$|
+ # We don't want to mess with tool-generated files
+ .svg$|
+ # Maybe reactivate this when all README files include prettier ignore tags?
+ ^README\.md$|
+ # Library files can have extraneous formatting (even minimized)
+ /static/(src/)?lib/|
+ # Repos using Sphinx to generate docs don't need prettying
+ ^docs/_templates/.*\.html$|
+ # You don't usually want a bot to modify your legal texts
+ python: python3
+ node: "14.13.0"
+ - repo: local
+ hooks:
+ # These files are most likely copier diff rejection junks; if found,
+ # review them manually, fix the problem (if needed) and remove them
+ - id: forbidden-files
+ name: forbidden files
+ entry: found forbidden files; remove them
+ language: fail
+ files: "\\.rej$"
+ - repo: https://github.com/oca/maintainer-tools
+ rev: ab1d7f6
+ hooks:
+ # update the NOT INSTALLABLE ADDONS section above
+ - id: oca-update-pre-commit-excluded-addons
+ # - id: oca-fix-manifest-website
+ # args: ["https://github.com/OCA/web"]
+ - repo: https://github.com/myint/autoflake
+ rev: v1.4
+ hooks:
+ - id: autoflake
+ args: ["-i", "--ignore-init-module-imports"]
+ - repo: https://github.com/psf/black
+ rev: 20.8b1
+ hooks:
+ - id: black
+ - repo: https://github.com/pre-commit/mirrors-prettier
+ rev: v2.1.2
+ hooks:
+ - id: prettier
+ name: prettier + plugin-xml
+ additional_dependencies:
+ - "prettier@2.1.2"
+ - "@prettier/plugin-xml@0.12.0"
+ args:
+ - --plugin=@prettier/plugin-xml
+ - repo: https://github.com/pre-commit/mirrors-eslint
+ rev: v7.8.1
+ hooks:
+ - id: eslint
+ verbose: true
+ args:
+ - --color
+ - --fix
+ - repo: https://github.com/pre-commit/pre-commit-hooks
+ rev: v3.2.0
+ hooks:
+ - id: trailing-whitespace
+ # exclude autogenerated files
+ exclude: /README\.rst$|\.pot?$
+ - id: end-of-file-fixer
+ # exclude autogenerated files
+ exclude: /README\.rst$|\.pot?$
+ - id: debug-statements
+ - id: fix-encoding-pragma
+ args: ["--remove"]
+ - id: check-case-conflict
+ - id: check-docstring-first
+ - id: check-executables-have-shebangs
+ - id: check-merge-conflict
+ # exclude files where underlines are not distinguishable from merge conflicts
+ exclude: /README\.rst$|^docs/.*\.rst$
+ - id: check-symlinks
+ - id: check-xml
+ - id: mixed-line-ending
+ args: ["--fix=lf"]
+ - repo: https://github.com/asottile/pyupgrade
+ rev: v2.7.2
+ hooks:
+ - id: pyupgrade
+ - repo: https://github.com/PyCQA/isort
+ rev: 5.5.1
+ hooks:
+ - id: isort
+ name: isort except __init__.py
+ args:
+ - --settings=.
+ exclude: /__init__\.py$
+ - repo: https://github.com/acsone/setuptools-odoo
+ rev: 2.6.0
+ hooks:
+ - id: setuptools-odoo-make-default
+ - id: setuptools-odoo-get-requirements
+ args:
+ - --output
+ - requirements.txt
+ - --header
+ - "# generated from manifests external_dependencies"
+ - repo: https://gitlab.com/PyCQA/flake8
+ rev: 3.8.3
+ hooks:
+ - id: flake8
+ name: flake8 except __init__.py
+ exclude: /__init__\.py$
+ additional_dependencies: ["flake8-bugbear==20.1.4"]
+ - id: flake8
+ name: flake8 only __init__.py
+ args: ["--extend-ignore=F401"] # ignore unused imports in __init__.py
+ files: /__init__\.py$
+ additional_dependencies: ["flake8-bugbear==20.1.4"]
+ - repo: https://github.com/PyCQA/pylint
+ rev: pylint-2.5.3
+ hooks:
+ - id: pylint
+ name: pylint with optional checks
+ args:
+ - --rcfile=.pylintrc
+ - --exit-zero
+ verbose: true
+ additional_dependencies: &pylint_deps
+ - pylint-odoo==3.5.0
+ - id: pylint
+ name: pylint with mandatory checks
+ args:
+ - --rcfile=.pylintrc-mandatory
+ additional_dependencies: *pylint_deps
diff --git a/.prettierrc.yml b/.prettierrc.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5b6d4b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.prettierrc.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+# Defaults for all prettier-supported languages.
+# Prettier will complete this with settings from .editorconfig file.
+bracketSpacing: false
+printWidth: 88
+proseWrap: always
+semi: true
+trailingComma: "es5"
+xmlWhitespaceSensitivity: "strict"
diff --git a/.pylintrc b/.pylintrc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cdc64ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.pylintrc
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+# readme_template_url="https://github.com/OCA/maintainer-tools/blob/master/template/module/README.rst"
+license_allowed=AGPL-3,GPL-2,GPL-2 or any later version,GPL-3,GPL-3 or any later version,LGPL-3
+# This .pylintrc contains optional AND mandatory checks and is meant to be
+# loaded in an IDE to have it check everything, in the hope this will make
+# optional checks more visible to contributors who otherwise never look at a
+# green travis to see optional checks that failed.
+# .pylintrc-mandatory containing only mandatory checks is used the pre-commit
+# config as a blocking check.
+ api-one-deprecated,
+ api-one-multi-together,
+ assignment-from-none,
+ attribute-deprecated,
+ class-camelcase,
+ dangerous-default-value,
+ dangerous-view-replace-wo-priority,
+ development-status-allowed,
+ duplicate-id-csv,
+ duplicate-key,
+ duplicate-xml-fields,
+ duplicate-xml-record-id,
+ eval-referenced,
+ eval-used,
+ incoherent-interpreter-exec-perm,
+ license-allowed,
+ manifest-author-string,
+ manifest-deprecated-key,
+ manifest-required-author,
+ manifest-required-key,
+ manifest-version-format,
+ method-compute,
+ method-inverse,
+ method-required-super,
+ method-search,
+ openerp-exception-warning,
+ pointless-statement,
+ pointless-string-statement,
+ print-used,
+ redundant-keyword-arg,
+ redundant-modulename-xml,
+ reimported,
+ relative-import,
+ return-in-init,
+ rst-syntax-error,
+ sql-injection,
+ too-few-format-args,
+ translation-field,
+ translation-required,
+ unreachable,
+ use-vim-comment,
+ wrong-tabs-instead-of-spaces,
+ xml-syntax-error,
+ # messages that do not cause the lint step to fail
+ consider-merging-classes-inherited,
+ create-user-wo-reset-password,
+ dangerous-filter-wo-user,
+ deprecated-module,
+ file-not-used,
+ invalid-commit,
+ missing-manifest-dependency,
+ missing-newline-extrafiles,
+ # missing-readme,
+ no-utf8-coding-comment,
+ odoo-addons-relative-import,
+ old-api7-method-defined,
+ redefined-builtin,
+ too-complex,
+ unnecessary-utf8-coding-comment
+msg-template={path}:{line}: [{msg_id}({symbol}), {obj}] {msg}
diff --git a/.pylintrc-mandatory b/.pylintrc-mandatory
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3c61cdc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.pylintrc-mandatory
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+license_allowed=AGPL-3,GPL-2,GPL-2 or any later version,GPL-3,GPL-3 or any later version,LGPL-3
+ api-one-deprecated,
+ api-one-multi-together,
+ assignment-from-none,
+ attribute-deprecated,
+ class-camelcase,
+ dangerous-default-value,
+ dangerous-view-replace-wo-priority,
+ development-status-allowed,
+ duplicate-id-csv,
+ duplicate-key,
+ duplicate-xml-fields,
+ duplicate-xml-record-id,
+ eval-referenced,
+ eval-used,
+ incoherent-interpreter-exec-perm,
+ license-allowed,
+ manifest-author-string,
+ manifest-deprecated-key,
+ manifest-required-author,
+ manifest-required-key,
+ manifest-version-format,
+ method-compute,
+ method-inverse,
+ method-required-super,
+ method-search,
+ openerp-exception-warning,
+ pointless-statement,
+ pointless-string-statement,
+ print-used,
+ redundant-keyword-arg,
+ redundant-modulename-xml,
+ reimported,
+ relative-import,
+ return-in-init,
+ rst-syntax-error,
+ sql-injection,
+ too-few-format-args,
+ translation-field,
+ translation-required,
+ unreachable,
+ use-vim-comment,
+ wrong-tabs-instead-of-spaces,
+ xml-syntax-error
+msg-template={path}:{line}: [{msg_id}({symbol}), {obj}] {msg}
diff --git a/.travis.yml b/.travis.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5e8e3a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.travis.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+language: python
+ directories:
+ - $HOME/.cache/pip
+ - $HOME/.cache/pre-commit
+ - "3.6"
+ postgresql: "9.6"
+ apt:
+ packages:
+ - expect-dev # provides unbuffer utility
+ - test
+ include:
+ - stage: test
+ env:
+ - TESTS=1 ODOO_REPO="odoo/odoo" MAKEPOT="1"
+ - stage: test
+ env:
+ global:
+ - git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/OCA/maintainer-quality-tools.git
+ ${HOME}/maintainer-quality-tools
+ - export PATH=${HOME}/maintainer-quality-tools/travis:${PATH}
+ - travis_install_nightly
+ - travis_run_tests
+ - travis_after_tests_success
diff --git a/account_ebics/README.rst b/account_ebics/README.rst
index 634a617..a7337f2 100644
--- a/account_ebics/README.rst
+++ b/account_ebics/README.rst
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ Remark:
The EBICS 'Test Mode' for uploading orders requires Fintech 4.3.4 or higher.
SWIFT 3SKey support requires Fintech 6.4 or higher.
We also recommend to consider the installation of the following modules:
diff --git a/account_ebics/__manifest__.py b/account_ebics/__manifest__.py
index b3daf19..2f0ad2f 100644
--- a/account_ebics/__manifest__.py
+++ b/account_ebics/__manifest__.py
@@ -2,31 +2,31 @@
# License LGPL-3 or later (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lpgl).
- 'name': 'EBICS banking protocol',
- 'version': '',
- 'license': 'LGPL-3',
- 'author': 'Noviat',
- 'website': 'www.noviat.com',
- 'category': 'Accounting & Finance',
- 'depends': ['account'],
- 'data': [
- 'security/ebics_security.xml',
- 'security/ir.model.access.csv',
- 'data/ebics_file_format.xml',
- 'views/ebics_config_views.xml',
- 'views/ebics_file_views.xml',
- 'views/ebics_userid_views.xml',
- 'views/ebics_file_format_views.xml',
- 'wizards/ebics_change_passphrase.xml',
- 'wizards/ebics_xfer.xml',
- 'views/menu.xml',
+ "name": "EBICS banking protocol",
+ "version": "",
+ "license": "LGPL-3",
+ "author": "Noviat",
+ "website": "www.noviat.com",
+ "category": "Accounting & Finance",
+ "depends": ["account"],
+ "data": [
+ "security/ebics_security.xml",
+ "security/ir.model.access.csv",
+ "data/ebics_file_format.xml",
+ "views/ebics_config_views.xml",
+ "views/ebics_file_views.xml",
+ "views/ebics_userid_views.xml",
+ "views/ebics_file_format_views.xml",
+ "wizards/ebics_change_passphrase.xml",
+ "wizards/ebics_xfer.xml",
+ "views/menu.xml",
- 'installable': True,
- 'application': True,
- 'external_dependencies': {
- 'python': [
- 'fintech',
- 'cryptography',
- ]
- },
+ "installable": True,
+ "application": True,
+ "external_dependencies": {
+ "python": [
+ "fintech",
+ "cryptography",
+ ]
+ },
diff --git a/account_ebics/data/ebics_file_format.xml b/account_ebics/data/ebics_file_format.xml
index e720900..42119b9 100644
--- a/account_ebics/data/ebics_file_format.xml
+++ b/account_ebics/data/ebics_file_format.xml
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
@@ -9,7 +9,9 @@
- bank to customer account report in format camt.052
+ bank to customer account report in format camt.052
@@ -18,16 +20,20 @@
- bank to customer account report in format camt.052
+ bank to customer account report in format camt.052
- Bank to customer statement report in format camt.053
+ Bank to customer statement report in format camt.053
@@ -36,16 +42,20 @@
- Bank to customer statement report in format camt.053
+ Bank to customer statement report in format camt.053
- Bank to customer debit credit notification in format camt.054
+ Bank to customer debit credit notification in format camt.054
@@ -54,7 +64,9 @@
- Bank to customer debit credit notification in format camt.054
+ Bank to customer debit credit notification in format camt.054
@@ -63,7 +75,9 @@
- Bank to customer statement report in format cfonb120
+ Bank to customer statement report in format cfonb120
@@ -71,19 +85,23 @@
- Payment status report for direct debit in format pain.002
+ Payment status report for direct debit in format pain.002
- Payment status report for direct debit in format pain.002
+ Payment status report for direct debit in format pain.002
@@ -114,7 +132,9 @@
- Sepa Core Direct Debit Order in format pain.008.001.02
+ Sepa Core Direct Debit Order in format pain.008.001.02
@@ -122,15 +142,19 @@
- Sepa Core Direct Debit Order in format pain.008.001.02
+ Sepa Core Direct Debit Order in format pain.008.001.02
- Sepa Direct Debit (B2B) Order in format pain.008.001.02
+ Sepa Direct Debit (B2B) Order in format pain.008.001.02
@@ -138,7 +162,9 @@
- Sepa Direct Debit (B2B) Order in format pain.008.001.02
+ Sepa Direct Debit (B2B) Order in format pain.008.001.02
diff --git a/account_ebics/migrations/ b/account_ebics/migrations/
index ae3cbe1..0c91541 100644
--- a/account_ebics/migrations/
+++ b/account_ebics/migrations/
@@ -3,16 +3,20 @@
EBICS Configuration model company rule
- ['|', ('company_ids', '=', False), ('company_ids', 'in', user.company_ids.ids)]
+ ['|', ('company_ids', '=', False), ('company_ids', 'in', user.company_ids.ids)]
EBICS File model company rule
- ['|', ('company_ids', '=', False), ('company_ids', 'in', user.company_ids.ids)]
+ ['|', ('company_ids', '=', False), ('company_ids', 'in', user.company_ids.ids)]
diff --git a/account_ebics/migrations/ b/account_ebics/migrations/
index a51a3ac..c1ef5d4 100644
--- a/account_ebics/migrations/
+++ b/account_ebics/migrations/
@@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
# Copyright 2009-2020 Noviat.
# License AGPL-3.0 or later (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl).
-from openupgradelib import openupgrade # pylint: disable=W7936
import os
+from openupgradelib import openupgrade # pylint: disable=W7936
def migrate(env, version):
@@ -16,58 +17,67 @@ def _ebics_config_upgrade(env, version):
env.cr.execute("SELECT * FROM ebics_config")
cfg_datas = env.cr.dictfetchall()
for cfg_data in cfg_datas:
- cfg = env['ebics.config'].browse(cfg_data['id'])
- journal = env['account.journal'].search(
- [('bank_account_id', '=', cfg_data['bank_id'])])
- keys_fn_old = cfg_data['ebics_keys']
+ cfg = env["ebics.config"].browse(cfg_data["id"])
+ journal = env["account.journal"].search(
+ [("bank_account_id", "=", cfg_data["bank_id"])]
+ )
+ keys_fn_old = cfg_data["ebics_keys"]
ebics_keys_root = os.path.dirname(keys_fn_old)
if os.path.isfile(keys_fn_old):
- keys_fn = ebics_keys_root + '/' + cfg_data['ebics_user'] + '_keys'
+ keys_fn = ebics_keys_root + "/" + cfg_data["ebics_user"] + "_keys"
os.rename(keys_fn_old, keys_fn)
- state = cfg_data['state'] == 'active' and 'confirm' or 'draft'
- cfg.write({
- 'company_ids': [(6, 0, [cfg_data['company_id']])],
- 'journal_ids': [(6, 0, journal.ids)],
- 'ebics_keys': ebics_keys_root,
- 'state': state,
- })
+ state = cfg_data["state"] == "active" and "confirm" or "draft"
+ cfg.write(
+ {
+ "company_ids": [(6, 0, [cfg_data["company_id"]])],
+ "journal_ids": [(6, 0, journal.ids)],
+ "ebics_keys": ebics_keys_root,
+ "state": state,
+ }
+ )
user_vals = {
- 'ebics_config_id': cfg_data['id'],
- 'name': cfg_data['ebics_user'],
+ "ebics_config_id": cfg_data["id"],
+ "name": cfg_data["ebics_user"],
for fld in [
- 'signature_class', 'ebics_passphrase',
- 'ebics_ini_letter_fn', 'ebics_public_bank_keys_fn',
- 'ebics_key_x509', 'ebics_key_x509_dn_cn',
- 'ebics_key_x509_dn_o', 'ebics_key_x509_dn_ou',
- 'ebics_key_x509_dn_c', 'ebics_key_x509_dn_st',
- 'ebics_key_x509_dn_l', 'ebics_key_x509_dn_e',
- 'ebics_file_format_ids', 'state']:
+ "signature_class",
+ "ebics_passphrase",
+ "ebics_ini_letter_fn",
+ "ebics_public_bank_keys_fn",
+ "ebics_key_x509",
+ "ebics_key_x509_dn_cn",
+ "ebics_key_x509_dn_o",
+ "ebics_key_x509_dn_ou",
+ "ebics_key_x509_dn_c",
+ "ebics_key_x509_dn_st",
+ "ebics_key_x509_dn_l",
+ "ebics_key_x509_dn_e",
+ "ebics_file_format_ids",
+ "state",
+ ]:
if cfg_data.get(fld):
- if fld == 'ebics_file_format_ids':
+ if fld == "ebics_file_format_ids":
user_vals[fld] = [(6, 0, cfg_data[fld])]
- elif fld == 'state' and cfg_data['state'] == 'active':
- user_vals['state'] = 'active_keys'
+ elif fld == "state" and cfg_data["state"] == "active":
+ user_vals["state"] = "active_keys"
user_vals[fld] = cfg_data[fld]
- ebics_userid = env['ebics.userid'].create(user_vals)
+ ebics_userid = env["ebics.userid"].create(user_vals)
UPDATE ir_attachment
SET res_model = 'ebics.userid', res_id = %s
WHERE name in ('ebics_ini_letter', 'ebics_public_bank_keys');
- % ebics_userid.id)
+ % ebics_userid.id
+ )
if len(cfg_datas) == 1:
- env.cr.execute(
- "UPDATE ebics_file SET ebics_userid_id = %s" % ebics_userid.id)
+ env.cr.execute("UPDATE ebics_file SET ebics_userid_id = %s" % ebics_userid.id)
def _noupdate_changes(env, version):
- env.cr,
- 'account_ebics',
- 'migrations/'
+ env.cr, "account_ebics", "migrations/"
diff --git a/account_ebics/migrations/ b/account_ebics/migrations/
index a082120..6c0dd75 100644
--- a/account_ebics/migrations/
+++ b/account_ebics/migrations/
@@ -2,16 +2,18 @@
# License AGPL-3.0 or later (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl).
- {'xml_id_name': 'ebics_ff_C52',
- 'download_process_method': 'camt.052',
- },
- {'xml_id_name': 'ebics_ff_C53',
- 'download_process_method': 'camt.053',
- },
- {'xml_id_name': 'ebics_ff_FDL_camt_xxx_cfonb120_stm',
- 'download_process_method': 'cfonb120',
- },
+ {
+ "xml_id_name": "ebics_ff_C52",
+ "download_process_method": "camt.052",
+ },
+ {
+ "xml_id_name": "ebics_ff_C53",
+ "download_process_method": "camt.053",
+ },
+ {
+ "xml_id_name": "ebics_ff_FDL_camt_xxx_cfonb120_stm",
+ "download_process_method": "cfonb120",
+ },
@@ -21,21 +23,22 @@ def migrate(cr, version):
def _update_file_format(cr, ff):
- cr.execute(
+ cr.execute( # pylint: disable=E8103
SELECT res_id FROM ir_model_data
WHERE module='account_ebics' AND name='{}'
- """.format(ff['xml_id_name'])
+ """.format(
+ ff["xml_id_name"]
+ )
res = cr.fetchone()
if res:
- cr.execute(
+ cr.execute( # pylint: disable=E8103
UPDATE ebics_file_format
SET download_process_method='{download_process_method}'
WHERE id={ff_id};
- download_process_method=ff['download_process_method'],
- ff_id=res[0]
- )
+ download_process_method=ff["download_process_method"], ff_id=res[0]
+ )
diff --git a/account_ebics/migrations/ b/account_ebics/migrations/
index 7799b26..04212cd 100644
--- a/account_ebics/migrations/
+++ b/account_ebics/migrations/
@@ -2,36 +2,45 @@
# License AGPL-3.0 or later (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl).
- {'old_xml_id_name': 'ebics_ff_camt_052_001_02_stm',
- 'new_xml_id_name': 'ebics_ff_C52',
- 'new_name': 'camt.052',
- },
- {'old_xml_id_name': 'ebics_ff_camt_053_001_02_stm',
- 'new_xml_id_name': 'ebics_ff_C53',
- 'new_name': 'camt.053',
- },
- {'old_xml_id_name': 'ebics_ff_camt_xxx_cfonb120_stm',
- 'new_xml_id_name': 'ebics_ff_FDL_camt_xxx_cfonb120_stm',
- },
- {'old_xml_id_name': 'ebics_ff_pain_001_001_03_sct',
- 'new_xml_id_name': 'ebics_ff_CCT',
- },
- {'old_xml_id_name': 'ebics_ff_pain_001',
- 'new_xml_id_name': 'ebics_ff_XE2',
- 'new_name': 'pain.001.001.03',
- },
- {'old_xml_id_name': 'ebics_ff_pain_008_001_02_sdd',
- 'new_xml_id_name': 'ebics_ff_CDD',
- },
- {'old_xml_id_name': 'ebics_ff_pain_008',
- 'new_xml_id_name': 'ebics_ff_XE3',
- },
- {'old_xml_id_name': 'ebics_ff_pain_008_001_02_sbb',
- 'new_xml_id_name': 'ebics_ff_CDB',
- },
- {'old_xml_id_name': 'ebics_ff_pain_001_001_02_sct',
- 'new_xml_id_name': 'ebics_ff_FUL_pain_001_001_02_sct',
- },
+ {
+ "old_xml_id_name": "ebics_ff_camt_052_001_02_stm",
+ "new_xml_id_name": "ebics_ff_C52",
+ "new_name": "camt.052",
+ },
+ {
+ "old_xml_id_name": "ebics_ff_camt_053_001_02_stm",
+ "new_xml_id_name": "ebics_ff_C53",
+ "new_name": "camt.053",
+ },
+ {
+ "old_xml_id_name": "ebics_ff_camt_xxx_cfonb120_stm",
+ "new_xml_id_name": "ebics_ff_FDL_camt_xxx_cfonb120_stm",
+ },
+ {
+ "old_xml_id_name": "ebics_ff_pain_001_001_03_sct",
+ "new_xml_id_name": "ebics_ff_CCT",
+ },
+ {
+ "old_xml_id_name": "ebics_ff_pain_001",
+ "new_xml_id_name": "ebics_ff_XE2",
+ "new_name": "pain.001.001.03",
+ },
+ {
+ "old_xml_id_name": "ebics_ff_pain_008_001_02_sdd",
+ "new_xml_id_name": "ebics_ff_CDD",
+ },
+ {
+ "old_xml_id_name": "ebics_ff_pain_008",
+ "new_xml_id_name": "ebics_ff_XE3",
+ },
+ {
+ "old_xml_id_name": "ebics_ff_pain_008_001_02_sbb",
+ "new_xml_id_name": "ebics_ff_CDB",
+ },
+ {
+ "old_xml_id_name": "ebics_ff_pain_001_001_02_sct",
+ "new_xml_id_name": "ebics_ff_FUL_pain_001_001_02_sct",
+ },
@@ -44,11 +53,13 @@ def migrate(cr, version):
def _update_file_format(cr, ff):
- cr.execute(
+ cr.execute( # pylint: disable=E8103
SELECT id, res_id FROM ir_model_data
WHERE module='account_ebics' AND name='{}'
- """.format(ff['old_xml_id_name'])
+ """.format(
+ ff["old_xml_id_name"]
+ )
res = cr.fetchone()
if res:
@@ -59,7 +70,7 @@ def _update_file_format(cr, ff):
new_xml_id_name=ff["new_xml_id_name"], xml_id=res[0]
- if ff.get('new_name'):
+ if ff.get("new_name"):
query += """
UPDATE ebics_file_format
SET name='{new_name}'
@@ -67,4 +78,4 @@ def _update_file_format(cr, ff):
new_name=ff["new_name"], ff_id=res[1]
- cr.execute(query)
+ cr.execute(query) # pylint: disable=E8103
diff --git a/account_ebics/models/account_bank_statement.py b/account_ebics/models/account_bank_statement.py
index dde134d..e1e1c2b 100644
--- a/account_ebics/models/account_bank_statement.py
+++ b/account_ebics/models/account_bank_statement.py
@@ -5,7 +5,6 @@ from odoo import fields, models
class AccountBankStatement(models.Model):
- _inherit = 'account.bank.statement'
+ _inherit = "account.bank.statement"
- ebics_file_id = fields.Many2one(
- comodel_name='ebics.file', string='EBICS Data File')
+ ebics_file_id = fields.Many2one(comodel_name="ebics.file", string="EBICS Data File")
diff --git a/account_ebics/models/ebics_config.py b/account_ebics/models/ebics_config.py
index 8c616c7..1dcb4fb 100644
--- a/account_ebics/models/ebics_config.py
+++ b/account_ebics/models/ebics_config.py
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
-# Copyright 2009-2020 Noviat.
+# Copyright 2009-2022 Noviat.
# License LGPL-3 or later (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lpgl).
import logging
-import re
import os
+import re
from odoo import _, api, fields, models
from odoo.exceptions import UserError
@@ -16,118 +16,151 @@ class EbicsConfig(models.Model):
EBICS configuration is stored in a separate object in order to
allow extra security policies on this object.
- _name = 'ebics.config'
- _description = 'EBICS Configuration'
- _order = 'name'
+ _name = "ebics.config"
+ _description = "EBICS Configuration"
+ _order = "name"
name = fields.Char(
- string='Name',
- readonly=True, states={'draft': [('readonly', False)]},
- required=True)
+ string="Name",
+ readonly=True,
+ states={"draft": [("readonly", False)]},
+ required=True,
+ )
journal_ids = fields.Many2many(
- comodel_name='account.journal',
- readonly=True, states={'draft': [('readonly', False)]},
- string='Bank Accounts',
+ comodel_name="account.journal",
+ readonly=True,
+ states={"draft": [("readonly", False)]},
+ string="Bank Accounts",
domain="[('type', '=', 'bank')]",
- required=True)
+ required=True,
+ )
ebics_host = fields.Char(
- string='EBICS HostID', required=True,
- readonly=True, states={'draft': [('readonly', False)]},
+ string="EBICS HostID",
+ required=True,
+ readonly=True,
+ states={"draft": [("readonly", False)]},
help="Contact your bank to get the EBICS HostID."
- "\nIn France the BIC is usually allocated to the HostID "
- "whereas in Germany it tends to be an institute specific string "
- "of 8 characters.")
+ "\nIn France the BIC is usually allocated to the HostID "
+ "whereas in Germany it tends to be an institute specific string "
+ "of 8 characters.",
+ )
ebics_url = fields.Char(
- string='EBICS URL', required=True,
- readonly=True, states={'draft': [('readonly', False)]},
- help="Contact your bank to get the EBICS URL.")
+ string="EBICS URL",
+ required=True,
+ readonly=True,
+ states={"draft": [("readonly", False)]},
+ help="Contact your bank to get the EBICS URL.",
+ )
ebics_version = fields.Selection(
- selection=[('H003', 'H003 (2.4)'),
- ('H004', 'H004 (2.5)')],
- string='EBICS protocol version',
- readonly=True, states={'draft': [('readonly', False)]},
- required=True, default='H004')
+ selection=[("H003", "H003 (2.4)"), ("H004", "H004 (2.5)")],
+ string="EBICS protocol version",
+ readonly=True,
+ states={"draft": [("readonly", False)]},
+ required=True,
+ default="H004",
+ )
ebics_partner = fields.Char(
- string='EBICS PartnerID', required=True,
- readonly=True, states={'draft': [('readonly', False)]},
+ string="EBICS PartnerID",
+ required=True,
+ readonly=True,
+ states={"draft": [("readonly", False)]},
help="Organizational unit (company or individual) "
- "that concludes a contract with the bank. "
- "\nIn this contract it will be agreed which order types "
- "(file formats) are used, which accounts are concerned, "
- "which of the customer's users (subscribers) "
- "communicate with the EBICS bank server and the authorisations "
- "that these users will possess. "
- "\nIt is identified by the PartnerID.")
+ "that concludes a contract with the bank. "
+ "\nIn this contract it will be agreed which order types "
+ "(file formats) are used, which accounts are concerned, "
+ "which of the customer's users (subscribers) "
+ "communicate with the EBICS bank server and the authorisations "
+ "that these users will possess. "
+ "\nIt is identified by the PartnerID.",
+ )
ebics_userid_ids = fields.One2many(
- comodel_name='ebics.userid',
- inverse_name='ebics_config_id',
- readonly=True, states={'draft': [('readonly', False)]},
+ comodel_name="ebics.userid",
+ inverse_name="ebics_config_id",
+ readonly=True,
+ states={"draft": [("readonly", False)]},
help="Human users or a technical system that is/are "
- "assigned to a customer. "
- "\nOn the EBICS bank server it is identified "
- "by the combination of UserID and PartnerID. "
- "The technical subscriber serves only for the data exchange "
- "between customer and financial institution. "
- "The human user also can authorise orders.")
+ "assigned to a customer. "
+ "\nOn the EBICS bank server it is identified "
+ "by the combination of UserID and PartnerID. "
+ "The technical subscriber serves only for the data exchange "
+ "between customer and financial institution. "
+ "The human user also can authorise orders.",
+ )
ebics_files = fields.Char(
- string='EBICS Files Root', required=True,
- readonly=True, states={'draft': [('readonly', False)]},
+ string="EBICS Files Root",
+ required=True,
+ readonly=True,
+ states={"draft": [("readonly", False)]},
default=lambda self: self._default_ebics_files(),
- help="Root Directory for EBICS File Transfer Folders.")
+ help="Root Directory for EBICS File Transfer Folders.",
+ )
# We store the EBICS keys in a separate directory in the file system.
# This directory requires special protection to reduce fraude.
ebics_keys = fields.Char(
- string='EBICS Keys Root', required=True,
- readonly=True, states={'draft': [('readonly', False)]},
+ string="EBICS Keys Root",
+ required=True,
+ readonly=True,
+ states={"draft": [("readonly", False)]},
default=lambda self: self._default_ebics_keys(),
- help="Root Directory for storing the EBICS Keys.")
+ help="Root Directory for storing the EBICS Keys.",
+ )
ebics_key_version = fields.Selection(
- selection=[('A005', 'A005 (RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5)'),
- ('A006', 'A006 (RSASSA-PSS)')],
- string='EBICS key version',
- default='A006',
- readonly=True, states={'draft': [('readonly', False)]},
- help="The key version of the electronic signature.")
+ selection=[("A005", "A005 (RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5)"), ("A006", "A006 (RSASSA-PSS)")],
+ string="EBICS key version",
+ default="A006",
+ readonly=True,
+ states={"draft": [("readonly", False)]},
+ help="The key version of the electronic signature.",
+ )
ebics_key_bitlength = fields.Integer(
- string='EBICS key bitlength',
+ string="EBICS key bitlength",
- readonly=True, states={'draft': [('readonly', False)]},
+ readonly=True,
+ states={"draft": [("readonly", False)]},
help="The bit length of the generated keys. "
- "\nThe value must be between 1536 and 4096.")
+ "\nThe value must be between 1536 and 4096.",
+ )
ebics_file_format_ids = fields.Many2many(
- comodel_name='ebics.file.format',
- column1='config_id', column2='format_id',
- string='EBICS File Formats',
- readonly=True, states={'draft': [('readonly', False)]},
+ comodel_name="ebics.file.format",
+ column1="config_id",
+ column2="format_id",
+ string="EBICS File Formats",
+ readonly=True,
+ states={"draft": [("readonly", False)]},
state = fields.Selection(
- [('draft', 'Draft'),
- ('confirm', 'Confirmed')],
- string='State',
- default='draft',
- required=True, readonly=True)
- order_number = fields.Char(
- size=4, readonly=True, states={'draft': [('readonly', False)]},
- help="Specify the number for the next order."
- "\nThis number should match the following pattern : "
- "[A-Z]{1}[A-Z0-9]{3}")
- active = fields.Boolean(
- string='Active', default=True)
- company_ids = fields.Many2many(
- comodel_name='res.company',
- string='Companies',
+ [("draft", "Draft"), ("confirm", "Confirmed")],
+ string="State",
+ default="draft",
- help="Companies sharing this EBICS contract.")
+ readonly=True,
+ )
+ order_number = fields.Char(
+ size=4,
+ readonly=True,
+ states={"draft": [("readonly", False)]},
+ help="Specify the number for the next order."
+ "\nThis number should match the following pattern : "
+ "[A-Z]{1}[A-Z0-9]{3}",
+ )
+ active = fields.Boolean(string="Active", default=True)
+ company_ids = fields.Many2many(
+ comodel_name="res.company",
+ string="Companies",
+ required=True,
+ help="Companies sharing this EBICS contract.",
+ )
def _default_ebics_files(self):
- return '/'.join(['/home/odoo/ebics_files', self._cr.dbname])
+ return "/".join(["/home/odoo/ebics_files", self._cr.dbname])
def _default_ebics_keys(self):
- return '/'.join(['/etc/odoo/ebics_keys', self._cr.dbname])
+ return "/".join(["/etc/odoo/ebics_keys", self._cr.dbname])
- @api.constrains('order_number')
+ @api.constrains("order_number")
def _check_order_number(self):
for cfg in self:
nbr = cfg.order_number
@@ -140,26 +173,28 @@ class EbicsConfig(models.Model):
if not pattern.match(nbr):
ok = False
if not ok:
- raise UserError(_(
- "Order Number should comply with the following pattern:"
- "\n[A-Z]{1}[A-Z0-9]{3}"))
+ raise UserError(
+ _(
+ "Order Number should comply with the following pattern:"
+ "\n[A-Z]{1}[A-Z0-9]{3}"
+ )
+ )
- @api.onchange('journal_ids')
+ @api.onchange("journal_ids")
def _onchange_journal_ids(self):
- self.company_ids = self.journal_ids.mapped('company_id')
+ self.company_ids = self.journal_ids.mapped("company_id")
def unlink(self):
for ebics_config in self:
- if ebics_config.state == 'active':
- raise UserError(_(
- "You cannot remove active EBICS configurations."))
+ if ebics_config.state == "active":
+ raise UserError(_("You cannot remove active EBICS configurations."))
return super(EbicsConfig, self).unlink()
def set_to_draft(self):
- return self.write({'state': 'draft'})
+ return self.write({"state": "draft"})
def set_to_confirm(self):
- return self.write({'state': 'confirm'})
+ return self.write({"state": "confirm"})
def _get_order_number(self):
return self.order_number
@@ -167,31 +202,37 @@ class EbicsConfig(models.Model):
def _update_order_number(self, OrderID):
o_list = list(OrderID)
for i, c in enumerate(reversed(o_list), start=1):
- if c == '9':
- o_list[-i] = 'A'
+ if c == "9":
+ o_list[-i] = "A"
- if c == 'Z':
+ if c == "Z":
o_list[-i] = chr(ord(c) + 1)
- next = ''.join(o_list)
- if next == 'ZZZZ':
- next = 'A000'
- self.order_number = next
+ next_order_number = "".join(o_list)
+ if next_order_number == "ZZZZ":
+ next_order_number = "A000"
+ self.order_number = next_order_number
def _check_ebics_keys(self):
- dirname = self.ebics_keys or ''
+ dirname = self.ebics_keys or ""
if not os.path.exists(dirname):
- raise UserError(_(
- "EBICS Keys Root Directory %s is not available."
- "\nPlease contact your system administrator.")
- % dirname)
+ raise UserError(
+ _(
+ "EBICS Keys Root Directory %s is not available."
+ "\nPlease contact your system administrator."
+ )
+ % dirname
+ )
def _check_ebics_files(self):
- dirname = self.ebics_files or ''
+ dirname = self.ebics_files or ""
if not os.path.exists(dirname):
- raise UserError(_(
- "EBICS Files Root Directory %s is not available."
- "\nPlease contact your system administrator.")
- % dirname)
+ raise UserError(
+ _(
+ "EBICS Files Root Directory %s is not available."
+ "\nPlease contact your system administrator."
+ )
+ % dirname
+ )
diff --git a/account_ebics/models/ebics_file.py b/account_ebics/models/ebics_file.py
index ea3e4e8..43baece 100644
--- a/account_ebics/models/ebics_file.py
+++ b/account_ebics/models/ebics_file.py
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# Copyright 2009-2021 Noviat.
+# Copyright 2009-2022 Noviat.
# License LGPL-3 or later (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lpgl).
import base64
@@ -6,113 +6,119 @@ import logging
from odoo import _, fields, models
from odoo.exceptions import UserError
+from odoo.tools.safe_eval import safe_eval
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class EbicsFile(models.Model):
- _name = 'ebics.file'
- _description = 'Object to store EBICS Data Files'
- _order = 'date desc'
+ _name = "ebics.file"
+ _description = "Object to store EBICS Data Files"
+ _order = "date desc"
_sql_constraints = [
- ('name_uniq', 'unique (name, format_id)',
- 'This File has already been down- or uploaded !')
+ (
+ "name_uniq",
+ "unique (name, format_id)",
+ "This File has already been down- or uploaded !",
+ )
- name = fields.Char(string='Filename')
- data = fields.Binary(string='File', readonly=True)
+ name = fields.Char(string="Filename")
+ data = fields.Binary(string="File", readonly=True)
format_id = fields.Many2one(
- comodel_name='ebics.file.format',
- string='EBICS File Formats',
- readonly=True)
- type = fields.Selection(
- related='format_id.type',
- readonly=True)
+ comodel_name="ebics.file.format", string="EBICS File Formats", readonly=True
+ )
+ type = fields.Selection(related="format_id.type", readonly=True)
date_from = fields.Date(
- readonly=True,
- help="'Date From' as entered in the download wizard.")
+ readonly=True, help="'Date From' as entered in the download wizard."
+ )
date_to = fields.Date(
- readonly=True,
- help="'Date To' as entered in the download wizard.")
+ readonly=True, help="'Date To' as entered in the download wizard."
+ )
date = fields.Datetime(
- required=True, readonly=True,
- help='File Upload/Download date')
+ required=True, readonly=True, help="File Upload/Download date"
+ )
bank_statement_ids = fields.One2many(
- comodel_name='account.bank.statement',
- inverse_name='ebics_file_id',
- string='Generated Bank Statements', readonly=True)
+ comodel_name="account.bank.statement",
+ inverse_name="ebics_file_id",
+ string="Generated Bank Statements",
+ readonly=True,
+ )
state = fields.Selection(
- [('draft', 'Draft'),
- ('done', 'Done')],
- string='State',
- default='draft',
- required=True, readonly=True)
+ [("draft", "Draft"), ("done", "Done")],
+ string="State",
+ default="draft",
+ required=True,
+ readonly=True,
+ )
user_id = fields.Many2one(
- comodel_name='res.users', string='User',
+ comodel_name="res.users",
+ string="User",
default=lambda self: self.env.user,
- readonly=True)
+ readonly=True,
+ )
ebics_userid_id = fields.Many2one(
- comodel_name='ebics.userid',
- string='EBICS UserID',
- ondelete='restrict',
- readonly=True)
- note = fields.Text(string='Notes')
- note_process = fields.Text(string='Notes')
+ comodel_name="ebics.userid",
+ string="EBICS UserID",
+ ondelete="restrict",
+ readonly=True,
+ )
+ note = fields.Text(string="Notes")
+ note_process = fields.Text(string="Notes")
company_ids = fields.Many2many(
- comodel_name='res.company',
- string='Companies',
- help="Companies sharing this EBICS file.")
+ comodel_name="res.company",
+ string="Companies",
+ help="Companies sharing this EBICS file.",
+ )
def unlink(self):
ff_methods = self._file_format_methods()
for ebics_file in self:
- if ebics_file.state == 'done':
- raise UserError(_(
- "You can only remove EBICS files in state 'Draft'."))
+ if ebics_file.state == "done":
+ raise UserError(_("You can only remove EBICS files in state 'Draft'."))
# execute format specific actions
ff = ebics_file.format_id.download_process_method
if ff in ff_methods:
- if ff_methods[ff].get('unlink'):
- ff_methods[ff]['unlink'](ebics_file)
+ if ff_methods[ff].get("unlink"):
+ ff_methods[ff]["unlink"](ebics_file)
# remove bank statements
return super(EbicsFile, self).unlink()
def set_to_draft(self):
- return self.write({'state': 'draft'})
+ return self.write({"state": "draft"})
def set_to_done(self):
- return self.write({'state': 'done'})
+ return self.write({"state": "done"})
def process(self):
- ctx = dict(
- self.env.context,
- allowed_company_ids=self.env.user.company_ids.ids)
+ ctx = dict(self.env.context, allowed_company_ids=self.env.user.company_ids.ids)
self = self.with_context(ctx)
- self.note_process = ''
+ self.note_process = ""
ff_methods = self._file_format_methods()
ff = self.format_id.download_process_method
if ff in ff_methods:
- if ff_methods[ff].get('process'):
- res = ff_methods[ff]['process'](self)
- self.state = 'done'
+ if ff_methods[ff].get("process"):
+ res = ff_methods[ff]["process"](self)
+ self.state = "done"
return res
return self._process_undefined_format()
def action_open_bank_statements(self):
- action = self.env['ir.actions.act_window']._for_xml_id(
- 'account.action_bank_statement_tree')
- domain = eval(action.get('domain') or '[]')
- domain += [('id', 'in', self._context.get('statement_ids'))]
- action.update({'domain': domain})
+ action = self.env["ir.actions.act_window"]._for_xml_id(
+ "account.action_bank_statement_tree"
+ )
+ domain = safe_eval(action.get("domain") or "[]")
+ domain += [("id", "in", self._context.get("statement_ids"))]
+ action.update({"domain": domain})
return action
def button_close(self):
- return {'type': 'ir.actions.act_window_close'}
+ return {"type": "ir.actions.act_window_close"}
def _file_format_methods(self):
@@ -120,35 +126,45 @@ class EbicsFile(models.Model):
for extra file formats.
res = {
- 'cfonb120':
- {'process': self._process_cfonb120,
- 'unlink': self._unlink_cfonb120},
- 'camt.052':
- {'process': self._process_camt052,
- 'unlink': self._unlink_camt052},
- 'camt.053':
- {'process': self._process_camt053,
- 'unlink': self._unlink_camt053},
- 'camt.054':
- {'process': self._process_camt054,
- 'unlink': self._unlink_camt054},
- 'pain.002':
- {'process': self._process_pain002,
- 'unlink': self._unlink_pain002},
+ "cfonb120": {
+ "process": self._process_cfonb120,
+ "unlink": self._unlink_cfonb120,
+ },
+ "camt.052": {
+ "process": self._process_camt052,
+ "unlink": self._unlink_camt052,
+ },
+ "camt.053": {
+ "process": self._process_camt053,
+ "unlink": self._unlink_camt053,
+ },
+ "camt.054": {
+ "process": self._process_camt054,
+ "unlink": self._unlink_camt054,
+ },
+ "pain.002": {
+ "process": self._process_pain002,
+ "unlink": self._unlink_pain002,
+ },
return res
def _check_import_module(self, module, raise_if_not_found=True):
- mod = self.env['ir.module.module'].sudo().search(
- [('name', '=like', module),
- ('state', '=', 'installed')])
+ mod = (
+ self.env["ir.module.module"]
+ .sudo()
+ .search([("name", "=like", module), ("state", "=", "installed")])
+ )
if not mod:
if raise_if_not_found:
- raise UserError(_(
- "The module to process the '%s' format is not installed "
- "on your system. "
- "\nPlease install module '%s'")
- % (self.format_id.name, module))
+ raise UserError(
+ _(
+ "The module to process the '%s' format is not installed "
+ "on your system. "
+ "\nPlease install module '%s'"
+ )
+ % (self.format_id.name, module)
+ )
return False
return True
@@ -156,19 +172,19 @@ class EbicsFile(models.Model):
notifications = []
st_line_ids = []
statement_ids = []
- if res.get('context'):
- notifications = res['context'].get('notifications', [])
- st_line_ids = res['context'].get('statement_line_ids', [])
+ if res.get("context"):
+ notifications = res["context"].get("notifications", [])
+ st_line_ids = res["context"].get("statement_line_ids", [])
if notifications:
for notif in notifications:
parts = []
- for k in ['type', 'message', 'details']:
+ for k in ["type", "message", "details"]:
if notif.get(k):
- msg = '%s: %s' % (k, notif[k])
+ msg = "{}: {}".format(k, notif[k])
- self.note_process += '\n'.join(parts)
- self.note_process += '\n'
- self.note_process += '\n'
+ self.note_process += "\n".join(parts)
+ self.note_process += "\n"
+ self.note_process += "\n"
if st_line_ids:
@@ -185,36 +201,37 @@ class EbicsFile(models.Model):
WHERE absl.id IN %s
ORDER BY date, company_id
- (tuple(st_line_ids),)
+ (tuple(st_line_ids),),
sts_data = self.env.cr.dictfetchall()
sts_data = []
st_cnt = len(sts_data)
if st_cnt:
- self.note_process += _(
- "%s bank statements have been imported: "
- ) % st_cnt
- self.note_process += '\n'
+ self.note_process += _("%s bank statements have been imported: ") % st_cnt
+ self.note_process += "\n"
for st_data in sts_data:
self.note_process += ("\n%s, %s (%s)") % (
- st_data['date'], st_data['name'], st_data['company_name'])
- statement_ids = [x['statement_id'] for x in sts_data]
+ st_data["date"],
+ st_data["name"],
+ st_data["company_name"],
+ )
+ statement_ids = [x["statement_id"] for x in sts_data]
if statement_ids:
self.sudo().bank_statement_ids = [(6, 0, statement_ids)]
ctx = dict(self.env.context, statement_ids=statement_ids)
- module = __name__.split('addons.')[1].split('.')[0]
- result_view = self.env.ref('%s.ebics_file_view_form_result' % module)
+ module = __name__.split("addons.")[1].split(".")[0]
+ result_view = self.env.ref("%s.ebics_file_view_form_result" % module)
return {
- 'name': _('Import EBICS File'),
- 'res_id': self.id,
- 'view_type': 'form',
- 'view_mode': 'form',
- 'res_model': self._name,
- 'view_id': result_view.id,
- 'target': 'new',
- 'context': ctx,
- 'type': 'ir.actions.act_window',
+ "name": _("Import EBICS File"),
+ "res_id": self.id,
+ "view_type": "form",
+ "view_mode": "form",
+ "res_model": self._name,
+ "view_id": result_view.id,
+ "target": "new",
+ "context": ctx,
+ "type": "ir.actions.act_window",
@@ -223,60 +240,63 @@ class EbicsFile(models.Model):
We do not support the standard _journal_creation_wizard since a single
cfonb120 file may contain statements from different legal entities.
- import_module = 'account_statement_import_fr_cfonb'
+ import_module = "account_statement_import_fr_cfonb"
- wiz_model = 'account.statement.import'
+ wiz_model = "account.statement.import"
data_file = base64.b64decode(self.data)
- lines = data_file.split(b'\n')
+ lines = data_file.split(b"\n")
wiz_vals_list = []
- st_lines = b''
+ st_lines = b""
transactions = False
for line in lines:
rec_type = line[0:2]
acc_number = line[21:32]
- st_lines += line + b'\n'
- if rec_type == b'04':
+ st_lines += line + b"\n"
+ if rec_type == b"04":
transactions = True
- if rec_type == b'07':
+ if rec_type == b"07":
if transactions:
- fn = '_'.join([acc_number.decode(), self.name])
- wiz_vals_list.append({
- 'statement_filename': fn,
- 'statement_file': base64.b64encode(st_lines)
- })
- st_lines = b''
+ fn = "_".join([acc_number.decode(), self.name])
+ wiz_vals_list.append(
+ {
+ "statement_filename": fn,
+ "statement_file": base64.b64encode(st_lines),
+ }
+ )
+ st_lines = b""
transactions = False
result = {
- 'type': 'ir.actions.client',
- 'tag': 'bank_statement_reconciliation_view',
- 'context': {'statement_line_ids': [],
- 'company_ids': self.env.user.company_ids.ids,
- 'notifications': []},
+ "type": "ir.actions.client",
+ "tag": "bank_statement_reconciliation_view",
+ "context": {
+ "statement_line_ids": [],
+ "company_ids": self.env.user.company_ids.ids,
+ "notifications": [],
+ },
- wiz_ctx = dict(self.env.context, active_model='ebics.file')
+ wiz_ctx = dict(self.env.context, active_model="ebics.file")
for i, wiz_vals in enumerate(wiz_vals_list, start=1):
wiz = self.env[wiz_model].with_context(wiz_ctx).create(wiz_vals)
res = wiz.import_file_button()
- ctx = res.get('context')
- if (res.get('res_model')
- == 'account.bank.statement.import.journal.creation'):
- message = _(
- "Error detected while importing statement number %s.\n"
- ) % i
+ ctx = res.get("context")
+ if res.get("res_model") == "account.bank.statement.import.journal.creation":
+ message = _("Error detected while importing statement number %s.\n") % i
message += _("No financial journal found.")
- details = _(
- 'Bank account number: %s'
- ) % ctx.get('default_bank_acc_number')
- result['context']['notifications'].extend([{
- 'type': 'warning',
- 'message': message,
- 'details': details,
- }])
+ details = _("Bank account number: %s") % ctx.get(
+ "default_bank_acc_number"
+ )
+ result["context"]["notifications"].extend(
+ [
+ {
+ "type": "warning",
+ "message": message,
+ "details": details,
+ }
+ ]
+ )
- result['context']['statement_line_ids'].extend(
- ctx['statement_line_ids'])
- result['context']['notifications'].extend(
- ctx['notifications'])
+ result["context"]["statement_line_ids"].extend(ctx["statement_line_ids"])
+ result["context"]["notifications"].extend(ctx["notifications"])
return self._process_result_action(result)
@@ -285,11 +305,10 @@ class EbicsFile(models.Model):
Placeholder for cfonb120 specific actions before removing the
EBICS data file and its related bank statements.
- pass
def _process_camt052(self):
- import_module = 'account_statement_import_camt'
+ import_module = "account_statement_import_camt"
return self._process_camt053(self)
@@ -299,11 +318,10 @@ class EbicsFile(models.Model):
Placeholder for camt052 specific actions before removing the
EBICS data file and its related bank statements.
- pass
def _process_camt054(self):
- import_module = 'account_statement_import_camt'
+ import_module = "account_statement_import_camt"
return self._process_camt053(self)
@@ -313,84 +331,89 @@ class EbicsFile(models.Model):
Placeholder for camt054 specific actions before removing the
EBICS data file and its related bank statements.
- pass
def _process_camt053(self):
modules = [
- ('oca', 'account_statement_import_camt'),
- ('oe', 'account_bank_statement_import_camt'),
+ ("oca", "account_statement_import_camt"),
+ ("oe", "account_bank_statement_import_camt"),
found = False
- for src, mod in modules:
+ for _src, mod in modules:
if self._check_import_module(mod, raise_if_not_found=False):
found = True
if not found:
- raise UserError(_(
- "The module to process the '%s' format is not installed "
- "on your system. "
- "\nPlease install one of the following modules: \n%s."
- ) % (self.format_id.name, ', '.join([x[1] for x in modules]))
+ raise UserError(
+ _(
+ "The module to process the '%s' format is not installed "
+ "on your system. "
+ "\nPlease install one of the following modules: \n%s."
+ )
+ % (self.format_id.name, ", ".join([x[1] for x in modules]))
- if src == 'oca':
+ if _src == "oca":
def _process_camt053_oca(self):
- wiz_model = 'account.statement.import'
+ wiz_model = "account.statement.import"
wiz_vals = {
- 'statement_filename': self.name,
- 'statement_file': self.data,
+ "statement_filename": self.name,
+ "statement_file": self.data,
result = {
- 'type': 'ir.actions.client',
- 'tag': 'bank_statement_reconciliation_view',
- 'context': {'statement_line_ids': [],
- 'company_ids': self.env.user.company_ids.ids,
- 'notifications': []},
+ "type": "ir.actions.client",
+ "tag": "bank_statement_reconciliation_view",
+ "context": {
+ "statement_line_ids": [],
+ "company_ids": self.env.user.company_ids.ids,
+ "notifications": [],
+ },
- wiz_ctx = dict(self.env.context, active_model='ebics.file')
+ wiz_ctx = dict(self.env.context, active_model="ebics.file")
wiz = self.env[wiz_model].with_context(wiz_ctx).create(wiz_vals)
res = wiz.import_file_button()
- ctx = res.get('context')
- if (res.get('res_model')
- == 'account.bank.statement.import.journal.creation'):
- message = _(
- "Error detected while importing statement %s.\n"
- ) % self.name
+ ctx = res.get("context")
+ if res.get("res_model") == "account.bank.statement.import.journal.creation":
+ message = _("Error detected while importing statement %s.\n") % self.name
message += _("No financial journal found.")
- details = _(
- 'Bank account number: %s'
- ) % ctx.get('default_bank_acc_number')
- result['context']['notifications'].extend([{
- 'type': 'warning',
- 'message': message,
- 'details': details,
- }])
- result['context']['statement_line_ids'].extend(
- ctx['statement_line_ids'])
- result['context']['notifications'].extend(
- ctx['notifications'])
+ details = _("Bank account number: %s") % ctx.get("default_bank_acc_number")
+ result["context"]["notifications"].extend(
+ [
+ {
+ "type": "warning",
+ "message": message,
+ "details": details,
+ }
+ ]
+ )
+ result["context"]["statement_line_ids"].extend(ctx["statement_line_ids"])
+ result["context"]["notifications"].extend(ctx["notifications"])
return self._process_result_action(result)
def _process_camt053_oe(self):
- wiz_model = 'account.bank.statement.import'
+ wiz_model = "account.bank.statement.import"
wiz_vals = {
- 'attachment_ids': [(0, 0, {'name': self.name,
- 'datas': self.data,
- 'store_fname': self.name})]}
- ctx = dict(self.env.context, active_model='ebics.file')
+ "attachment_ids": [
+ (
+ 0,
+ 0,
+ {"name": self.name, "datas": self.data, "store_fname": self.name},
+ )
+ ]
+ }
+ ctx = dict(self.env.context, active_model="ebics.file")
wiz = self.env[wiz_model].with_context(ctx).create(wiz_vals)
res = wiz.import_file()
- if res.get('res_model') \
- == 'account.bank.statement.import.journal.creation':
- if res.get('context'):
- bank_account = res['context'].get('default_bank_acc_number')
- raise UserError(_(
- "No financial journal found for Company Bank Account %s"
- ) % bank_account)
+ if res.get("res_model") == "account.bank.statement.import.journal.creation":
+ if res.get("context"):
+ bank_account = res["context"].get("default_bank_acc_number")
+ raise UserError(
+ _("No financial journal found for Company Bank Account %s")
+ % bank_account
+ )
return self._process_result_action(res)
@@ -399,7 +422,6 @@ class EbicsFile(models.Model):
Placeholder for camt053 specific actions before removing the
EBICS data file and its related bank statements.
- pass
def _process_pain002(self):
@@ -408,7 +430,6 @@ class EbicsFile(models.Model):
add import logic based upon OCA 'account_payment_return_import'
- pass
def _unlink_pain002(self):
@@ -419,8 +440,11 @@ class EbicsFile(models.Model):
raise NotImplementedError
def _process_undefined_format(self):
- raise UserError(_(
- "The current version of the 'account_ebics' module "
- "has no support to automatically process EBICS files "
- "with format %s."
- ) % self.format_id.name)
+ raise UserError(
+ _(
+ "The current version of the 'account_ebics' module "
+ "has no support to automatically process EBICS files "
+ "with format %s."
+ )
+ % self.format_id.name
+ )
diff --git a/account_ebics/models/ebics_file_format.py b/account_ebics/models/ebics_file_format.py
index 5864644..8dee0a9 100644
--- a/account_ebics/models/ebics_file_format.py
+++ b/account_ebics/models/ebics_file_format.py
@@ -5,58 +5,60 @@ from odoo import api, fields, models
class EbicsFileFormat(models.Model):
- _name = 'ebics.file.format'
- _description = 'EBICS File Formats'
- _order = 'type,name,order_type'
+ _name = "ebics.file.format"
+ _description = "EBICS File Formats"
+ _order = "type,name,order_type"
name = fields.Char(
- string='Request Type',
+ string="Request Type",
help="E.g. camt.xxx.cfonb120.stm, pain.001.001.03.sct.\n"
- "Specify camt.052, camt.053, camt.054 for camt "
- "Order Types such as C53, Z53, C54, Z54.\n"
- "This name has to match the 'Request Type' in your "
- "EBICS contract for Order Type 'FDL' or 'FUL'.\n")
+ "Specify camt.052, camt.053, camt.054 for camt "
+ "Order Types such as C53, Z53, C54, Z54.\n"
+ "This name has to match the 'Request Type' in your "
+ "EBICS contract for Order Type 'FDL' or 'FUL'.\n",
+ )
type = fields.Selection(
- selection=[('down', 'Download'),
- ('up', 'Upload')],
- required=True)
+ selection=[("down", "Download"), ("up", "Upload")], required=True
+ )
order_type = fields.Char(
- string='Order Type',
+ string="Order Type",
help="E.g. C53 (check your EBICS contract).\n"
- "For most banks in France you should use the "
- "format neutral Order Types 'FUL' for upload "
- "and 'FDL' for download.")
+ "For most banks in France you should use the "
+ "format neutral Order Types 'FUL' for upload "
+ "and 'FDL' for download.",
+ )
download_process_method = fields.Selection(
- selection='_selection_download_process_method',
+ selection="_selection_download_process_method",
help="Enable processing within Odoo of the downloaded file "
- "via the 'Process' button."
- "E.g. specify camt.053 to import a camt.053 file and create "
- "a bank statement.")
+ "via the 'Process' button."
+ "E.g. specify camt.053 to import a camt.053 file and create "
+ "a bank statement.",
+ )
# move signature_class parameter so that it can be set per EBICS config
signature_class = fields.Selection(
- selection=[('E', 'Single signature'),
- ('T', 'Transport signature')],
- string='Signature Class',
+ selection=[("E", "Single signature"), ("T", "Transport signature")],
+ string="Signature Class",
help="Please doublecheck the security of your Odoo "
- "ERP system when using class 'E' to prevent unauthorised "
- "users to make supplier payments."
- "\nLeave this field empty to use the default "
- "defined for your EBICS UserID.")
+ "ERP system when using class 'E' to prevent unauthorised "
+ "users to make supplier payments."
+ "\nLeave this field empty to use the default "
+ "defined for your EBICS UserID.",
+ )
description = fields.Char()
suffix = fields.Char(
- help="Specify the filename suffix for this File Format."
- "\nE.g. c53.xml")
+ help="Specify the filename suffix for this File Format." "\nE.g. c53.xml",
+ )
def _selection_download_process_method(self):
- methods = self.env['ebics.file']._file_format_methods().keys()
+ methods = self.env["ebics.file"]._file_format_methods().keys()
return [(x, x) for x in methods]
- @api.onchange('type')
+ @api.onchange("type")
def _onchange_type(self):
- if self.type == 'up':
+ if self.type == "up":
self.download_process_method = False
diff --git a/account_ebics/models/ebics_userid.py b/account_ebics/models/ebics_userid.py
index d3e8818..f7fc99f 100644
--- a/account_ebics/models/ebics_userid.py
+++ b/account_ebics/models/ebics_userid.py
@@ -13,224 +13,240 @@ from odoo.exceptions import UserError
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
- level=logging.DEBUG,
- format='[%(asctime)s] %(levelname)s - %(name)s: %(message)s')
+# logging.basicConfig(
+# level=logging.DEBUG,
+# format='[%(asctime)s] %(levelname)s - %(name)s: %(message)s')
import fintech
- from fintech.ebics import EbicsKeyRing, EbicsBank, EbicsUser,\
- EbicsClient, EbicsFunctionalError, EbicsTechnicalError
- fintech.cryptolib = 'cryptography'
+ from fintech.ebics import (
+ EbicsBank,
+ EbicsClient,
+ EbicsFunctionalError,
+ EbicsKeyRing,
+ EbicsTechnicalError,
+ EbicsUser,
+ )
+ fintech.cryptolib = "cryptography"
except ImportError:
- _logger.warning('Failed to import fintech')
+ _logger.warning("Failed to import fintech")
class EbicsBank(EbicsBank):
def _next_order_id(self, partnerid):
EBICS protocol version H003 requires generation of the OrderID.
The OrderID must be a string between 'A000' and 'ZZZZ' and
unique for each partner id.
- return hasattr(self, '_order_number') and self._order_number or 'A000'
+ return hasattr(self, "_order_number") and self._order_number or "A000"
class EbicsUserID(models.Model):
- _name = 'ebics.userid'
- _description = 'EBICS UserID'
- _order = 'name'
+ _name = "ebics.userid"
+ _description = "EBICS UserID"
+ _order = "name"
name = fields.Char(
- string='EBICS UserID', required=True,
- readonly=True, states={'draft': [('readonly', False)]},
+ string="EBICS UserID",
+ required=True,
+ readonly=True,
+ states={"draft": [("readonly", False)]},
help="Human users or a technical system that is/are "
- "assigned to a customer. "
- "\nOn the EBICS bank server it is identified "
- "by the combination of UserID and PartnerID. "
- "The technical subscriber serves only for the data exchange "
- "between customer and financial institution. "
- "The human user also can authorise orders.")
+ "assigned to a customer. "
+ "\nOn the EBICS bank server it is identified "
+ "by the combination of UserID and PartnerID. "
+ "The technical subscriber serves only for the data exchange "
+ "between customer and financial institution. "
+ "The human user also can authorise orders.",
+ )
ebics_config_id = fields.Many2one(
- comodel_name='ebics.config',
- string='EBICS Configuration',
- ondelete='cascade')
+ comodel_name="ebics.config", string="EBICS Configuration", ondelete="cascade"
+ )
user_ids = fields.Many2many(
- comodel_name='res.users',
- string='Users',
+ comodel_name="res.users",
+ string="Users",
help="Users who are allowed to use this EBICS UserID for "
- " bank transactions.")
+ " bank transactions.",
+ )
# Currently only a singe signature class per user is supported
# Classes A and B are not yet supported.
signature_class = fields.Selection(
- selection=[('E', 'Single signature'),
- ('T', 'Transport signature')],
- string='Signature Class',
- required=True, default='T',
- readonly=True, states={'draft': [('readonly', False)]},
+ selection=[("E", "Single signature"), ("T", "Transport signature")],
+ string="Signature Class",
+ required=True,
+ default="T",
+ readonly=True,
+ states={"draft": [("readonly", False)]},
help="Default signature class."
- "This default can be overriden for specific "
- "EBICS transactions (cf. File Formats).")
- ebics_keys_fn = fields.Char(
- compute='_compute_ebics_keys_fn')
- ebics_keys_found = fields.Boolean(
- compute='_compute_ebics_keys_found')
- ebics_passphrase = fields.Char(
- string='EBICS Passphrase')
+ "This default can be overriden for specific "
+ "EBICS transactions (cf. File Formats).",
+ )
+ ebics_keys_fn = fields.Char(compute="_compute_ebics_keys_fn")
+ ebics_keys_found = fields.Boolean(compute="_compute_ebics_keys_found")
+ ebics_passphrase = fields.Char(string="EBICS Passphrase")
ebics_ini_letter = fields.Binary(
- string='EBICS INI Letter', readonly=True,
- help="INI-letter PDF document to be sent to your bank.")
- ebics_ini_letter_fn = fields.Char(
- string='INI-letter Filename', readonly=True)
+ string="EBICS INI Letter",
+ readonly=True,
+ help="INI-letter PDF document to be sent to your bank.",
+ )
+ ebics_ini_letter_fn = fields.Char(string="INI-letter Filename", readonly=True)
ebics_public_bank_keys = fields.Binary(
- string='EBICS Public Bank Keys', readonly=True,
- help="EBICS Public Bank Keys to be checked for consistency.")
+ string="EBICS Public Bank Keys",
+ readonly=True,
+ help="EBICS Public Bank Keys to be checked for consistency.",
+ )
ebics_public_bank_keys_fn = fields.Char(
- string='EBICS Public Bank Keys Filename', readonly=True)
+ string="EBICS Public Bank Keys Filename", readonly=True
+ )
swift_3skey = fields.Boolean(
- string='Enable 3SKey support',
+ string="Enable 3SKey support",
help="Transactions for this user will be signed "
- "by means of the SWIFT 3SKey token.")
- swift_3skey_certificate = fields.Binary(
- string='3SKey Certficate')
- swift_3skey_certificate_fn = fields.Char(
- string='EBICS Public Bank Keys Filename')
+ "by means of the SWIFT 3SKey token.",
+ )
+ swift_3skey_certificate = fields.Binary(string="3SKey Certficate")
+ swift_3skey_certificate_fn = fields.Char(string="EBICS Public Bank Keys Filename")
# X.509 Distinguished Name attributes used to
# create self-signed X.509 certificates
ebics_key_x509 = fields.Boolean(
- string='X509 support',
- help="Set this flag in order to work with "
- "self-signed X.509 certificates")
+ string="X509 support",
+ help="Set this flag in order to work with " "self-signed X.509 certificates",
+ )
ebics_key_x509_dn_cn = fields.Char(
- string='Common Name [CN]',
- readonly=True, states={'draft': [('readonly', False)]},
+ string="Common Name [CN]",
+ readonly=True,
+ states={"draft": [("readonly", False)]},
ebics_key_x509_dn_o = fields.Char(
- string='Organization Name [O]',
- readonly=True, states={'draft': [('readonly', False)]},
+ string="Organization Name [O]",
+ readonly=True,
+ states={"draft": [("readonly", False)]},
ebics_key_x509_dn_ou = fields.Char(
- string='Organizational Unit Name [OU]',
- readonly=True, states={'draft': [('readonly', False)]},
+ string="Organizational Unit Name [OU]",
+ readonly=True,
+ states={"draft": [("readonly", False)]},
ebics_key_x509_dn_c = fields.Char(
- string='Country Name [C]',
- readonly=True, states={'draft': [('readonly', False)]},
+ string="Country Name [C]",
+ readonly=True,
+ states={"draft": [("readonly", False)]},
ebics_key_x509_dn_st = fields.Char(
- string='State Or Province Name [ST]',
- readonly=True, states={'draft': [('readonly', False)]},
+ string="State Or Province Name [ST]",
+ readonly=True,
+ states={"draft": [("readonly", False)]},
ebics_key_x509_dn_l = fields.Char(
- string='Locality Name [L]',
- readonly=True, states={'draft': [('readonly', False)]},
+ string="Locality Name [L]",
+ readonly=True,
+ states={"draft": [("readonly", False)]},
ebics_key_x509_dn_e = fields.Char(
- string='Email Address',
- readonly=True, states={'draft': [('readonly', False)]},
+ string="Email Address",
+ readonly=True,
+ states={"draft": [("readonly", False)]},
state = fields.Selection(
- [('draft', 'Draft'),
- ('init', 'Initialisation'),
- ('get_bank_keys', 'Get Keys from Bank'),
- ('to_verify', 'Verification'),
- ('active_keys', 'Active Keys')],
- string='State',
- default='draft',
- required=True, readonly=True)
- active = fields.Boolean(
- string='Active', default=True)
- company_ids = fields.Many2many(
- comodel_name='res.company',
- string='Companies',
+ [
+ ("draft", "Draft"),
+ ("init", "Initialisation"),
+ ("get_bank_keys", "Get Keys from Bank"),
+ ("to_verify", "Verification"),
+ ("active_keys", "Active Keys"),
+ ],
+ string="State",
+ default="draft",
- help="Companies sharing this EBICS contract.")
+ readonly=True,
+ )
+ active = fields.Boolean(string="Active", default=True)
+ company_ids = fields.Many2many(
+ comodel_name="res.company",
+ string="Companies",
+ required=True,
+ help="Companies sharing this EBICS contract.",
+ )
- @api.depends('name')
+ @api.depends("name")
def _compute_ebics_keys_fn(self):
for rec in self:
keys_dir = rec.ebics_config_id.ebics_keys
rec.ebics_keys_fn = (
- rec.name
- and keys_dir
- and (keys_dir + '/' + rec.name + '_keys'))
- @api.depends('ebics_keys_fn')
- def _compute_ebics_keys_found(self):
- for rec in self:
- rec.ebics_keys_found = (
- rec.ebics_keys_fn
- and os.path.isfile(rec.ebics_keys_fn)
+ rec.name and keys_dir and (keys_dir + "/" + rec.name + "_keys")
- @api.constrains('ebics_passphrase')
+ @api.depends("ebics_keys_fn")
+ def _compute_ebics_keys_found(self):
+ for rec in self:
+ rec.ebics_keys_found = rec.ebics_keys_fn and os.path.isfile(
+ rec.ebics_keys_fn
+ )
+ @api.constrains("ebics_passphrase")
def _check_ebics_passphrase(self):
for rec in self:
if not rec.ebics_passphrase or len(rec.ebics_passphrase) < 8:
- raise UserError(_(
- "The passphrase must be at least 8 characters long"))
+ raise UserError(_("The passphrase must be at least 8 characters long"))
- @api.onchange('signature_class')
+ @api.onchange("signature_class")
def _onchange_signature_class(self):
- if self.signature_class == 'T':
+ if self.signature_class == "T":
self.swift_3skey = False
- @api.onchange('swift_3skey')
+ @api.onchange("swift_3skey")
def _onchange_swift_3skey(self):
if self.swift_3skey:
self.ebics_key_x509 = True
def set_to_draft(self):
- return self.write({'state': 'draft'})
+ return self.write({"state": "draft"})
def set_to_active_keys(self):
- return self.write({'state': 'active_keys'})
+ return self.write({"state": "active_keys"})
def set_to_get_bank_keys(self):
- return self.write({'state': 'get_bank_keys'})
+ return self.write({"state": "get_bank_keys"})
- def ebics_init_1(self):
+ def ebics_init_1(self): # noqa: C901
Initialization of bank keys - Step 1:
Create new keys and certificates for this user
- if self.state != 'draft':
+ if self.state != "draft":
raise UserError(
- _("Set state to 'draft' before Bank Key (re)initialisation."))
+ _("Set state to 'draft' before Bank Key (re)initialisation.")
+ )
if not self.ebics_passphrase:
- raise UserError(
- _("Set a passphrase."))
+ raise UserError(_("Set a passphrase."))
if self.swift_3skey and not self.swift_3skey_certificate:
- raise UserError(
- _("3SKey certificate missing."))
+ raise UserError(_("3SKey certificate missing."))
ebics_version = self.ebics_config_id.ebics_version
keyring = EbicsKeyRing(
- keys=self.ebics_keys_fn,
- passphrase=self.ebics_passphrase)
+ keys=self.ebics_keys_fn, passphrase=self.ebics_passphrase
+ )
bank = EbicsBank(
- url=self.ebics_config_id.ebics_url)
+ url=self.ebics_config_id.ebics_url,
+ )
user = EbicsUser(
- userid=self.name)
+ userid=self.name,
+ )
except Exception:
exctype, value = exc_info()[:2]
error = _("EBICS Initialisation Error:")
- error += '\n' + str(exctype) + '\n' + str(value)
+ error += "\n" + str(exctype) + "\n" + str(value)
raise UserError(error)
@@ -240,60 +256,63 @@ class EbicsUserID(models.Model):
# enable import of all type of certicates: A00x, X002, E002
if self.swift_3skey:
kwargs = {
- self.ebics_config_id.ebics_key_version:
- base64.decodestring(self.swift_3skey_certificate),
+ self.ebics_config_id.ebics_key_version: base64.decodestring(
+ self.swift_3skey_certificate
+ ),
- bitlength=self.ebics_config_id.ebics_key_bitlength)
+ bitlength=self.ebics_config_id.ebics_key_bitlength,
+ )
except Exception:
exctype, value = exc_info()[:2]
error = _("EBICS Initialisation Error:")
- error += '\n' + str(exctype) + '\n' + str(value)
+ error += "\n" + str(exctype) + "\n" + str(value)
raise UserError(error)
if self.swift_3skey and not self.ebics_key_x509:
- raise UserError(_(
- "The current version of this module "
- "requires to X509 support when enabling 3SKey"))
+ raise UserError(
+ _(
+ "The current version of this module "
+ "requires to X509 support when enabling 3SKey"
+ )
+ )
if self.ebics_key_x509:
dn_attrs = {
- 'commonName': self.ebics_key_x509_dn_cn,
- 'organizationName': self.ebics_key_x509_dn_o,
- 'organizationalUnitName': self.ebics_key_x509_dn_ou,
- 'countryName': self.ebics_key_x509_dn_c,
- 'stateOrProvinceName': self.ebics_key_x509_dn_st,
- 'localityName': self.ebics_key_x509_dn_l,
- 'emailAddress': self.ebics_key_x509_dn_e,
+ "commonName": self.ebics_key_x509_dn_cn,
+ "organizationName": self.ebics_key_x509_dn_o,
+ "organizationalUnitName": self.ebics_key_x509_dn_ou,
+ "countryName": self.ebics_key_x509_dn_c,
+ "stateOrProvinceName": self.ebics_key_x509_dn_st,
+ "localityName": self.ebics_key_x509_dn_l,
+ "emailAddress": self.ebics_key_x509_dn_e,
kwargs = {k: v for k, v in dn_attrs.items() if v}
- client = EbicsClient(
- bank, user, version=ebics_version)
+ client = EbicsClient(bank, user, version=ebics_version)
# Send the public electronic signature key to the bank.
ebics_config_bank = self.ebics_config_id.journal_ids[0].bank_id
if not ebics_config_bank:
- raise UserError(_(
- "No bank defined for the financial journal "
- "of the EBICS Config"))
+ raise UserError(
+ _("No bank defined for the financial journal " "of the EBICS Config")
+ )
supported_versions = client.HEV()
if ebics_version not in supported_versions:
err_msg = _("EBICS version mismatch.") + "\n"
err_msg += _("Versions supported by your bank:")
for k in supported_versions:
- err_msg += "\n%s: %s " % (k, supported_versions[k])
+ err_msg += "\n{}: {} ".format(k, supported_versions[k])
raise UserError(err_msg)
- if ebics_version == 'H003':
+ if ebics_version == "H003":
bank._order_number = self.ebics_config_id._get_order_number()
OrderID = client.INI()
- _logger.info(
- '%s, EBICS INI command, OrderID=%s', self._name, OrderID)
- if ebics_version == 'H003':
+ _logger.info("%s, EBICS INI command, OrderID=%s", self._name, OrderID)
+ if ebics_version == "H003":
except URLError:
exctype, value = exc_info()[:2]
@@ -303,69 +322,68 @@ class EbicsUserID(models.Model):
- raise UserError(_(
- "urlopen error:\n url '%s' - %s")
- % (self.ebics_config_id.ebics_url, str(value)))
+ raise UserError(
+ _("urlopen error:\n url '%s' - %s")
+ % (self.ebics_config_id.ebics_url, str(value))
+ )
except EbicsFunctionalError:
e = exc_info()
error = _("EBICS Functional Error:")
- error += '\n'
- error += '%s (code: %s)' % (e[1].message, e[1].code)
+ error += "\n"
+ error += "{} (code: {})".format(e[1].message, e[1].code)
raise UserError(error)
except EbicsTechnicalError:
e = exc_info()
error = _("EBICS Technical Error:")
- error += '\n'
- error += '%s (code: %s)' % (e[1].message, e[1].code)
+ error += "\n"
+ error += "{} (code: {})".format(e[1].message, e[1].code)
raise UserError(error)
# Send the public authentication and encryption keys to the bank.
- if ebics_version == 'H003':
+ if ebics_version == "H003":
bank._order_number = self.ebics_config_id._get_order_number()
OrderID = client.HIA()
- _logger.info('%s, EBICS HIA command, OrderID=%s', self._name, OrderID)
- if ebics_version == 'H003':
+ _logger.info("%s, EBICS HIA command, OrderID=%s", self._name, OrderID)
+ if ebics_version == "H003":
# Create an INI-letter which must be printed and sent to the bank.
ebics_config_bank = self.ebics_config_id.journal_ids[0].bank_id
cc = ebics_config_bank.country.code
- if cc in ['FR', 'DE']:
+ if cc in ["FR", "DE"]:
lang = cc
- lang = self.env.user.lang or \
- self.env['res.lang'].search([])[0].code
+ lang = self.env.user.lang or self.env["res.lang"].search([])[0].code
lang = lang[:2]
- tmp_dir = os.path.normpath(self.ebics_config_id.ebics_files + '/tmp')
+ tmp_dir = os.path.normpath(self.ebics_config_id.ebics_files + "/tmp")
if not os.path.isdir(tmp_dir):
os.makedirs(tmp_dir, mode=0o700)
fn_date = fields.Date.today().isoformat()
- fn = '_'.join(
- [self.ebics_config_id.ebics_host, 'ini_letter', fn_date]) + '.pdf'
- full_tmp_fn = os.path.normpath(tmp_dir + '/' + fn)
+ fn = "_".join([self.ebics_config_id.ebics_host, "ini_letter", fn_date]) + ".pdf"
+ full_tmp_fn = os.path.normpath(tmp_dir + "/" + fn)
- bankname=ebics_config_bank.name,
- path=full_tmp_fn,
- lang=lang)
- with open(full_tmp_fn, 'rb') as f:
+ bankname=ebics_config_bank.name, path=full_tmp_fn, lang=lang
+ )
+ with open(full_tmp_fn, "rb") as f:
letter = f.read()
- self.write({
- 'ebics_ini_letter': base64.encodebytes(letter),
- 'ebics_ini_letter_fn': fn,
- })
+ self.write(
+ {
+ "ebics_ini_letter": base64.encodebytes(letter),
+ "ebics_ini_letter_fn": fn,
+ }
+ )
- return self.write({'state': 'init'})
+ return self.write({"state": "init"})
def ebics_init_2(self):
Initialization of bank keys - Step 2:
Activation of the account by the bank.
- if self.state != 'init':
- raise UserError(
- _("Set state to 'Initialisation'."))
+ if self.state != "init":
+ raise UserError(_("Set state to 'Initialisation'."))
- return self.write({'state': 'get_bank_keys'})
+ return self.write({"state": "get_bank_keys"})
def ebics_init_3(self):
@@ -376,26 +394,27 @@ class EbicsUserID(models.Model):
- if self.state != 'get_bank_keys':
- raise UserError(
- _("Set state to 'Get Keys from Bank'."))
+ if self.state != "get_bank_keys":
+ raise UserError(_("Set state to 'Get Keys from Bank'."))
keyring = EbicsKeyRing(
- keys=self.ebics_keys_fn, passphrase=self.ebics_passphrase)
+ keys=self.ebics_keys_fn, passphrase=self.ebics_passphrase
+ )
bank = EbicsBank(
- url=self.ebics_config_id.ebics_url)
+ url=self.ebics_config_id.ebics_url,
+ )
user = EbicsUser(
- userid=self.name)
- client = EbicsClient(
- bank, user, version=self.ebics_config_id.ebics_version)
+ userid=self.name,
+ )
+ client = EbicsClient(bank, user, version=self.ebics_config_id.ebics_version)
except Exception:
exctype, value = exc_info()[:2]
error = _("EBICS Initialisation Error:")
- error += '\n' + str(exctype) + '\n' + str(value)
+ error += "\n" + str(exctype) + "\n" + str(value)
raise UserError(error)
@@ -403,28 +422,31 @@ class EbicsUserID(models.Model):
except EbicsFunctionalError:
e = exc_info()
error = _("EBICS Functional Error:")
- error += '\n'
- error += '%s (code: %s)' % (e[1].message, e[1].code)
+ error += "\n"
+ error += "{} (code: {})".format(e[1].message, e[1].code)
raise UserError(error)
except Exception:
exctype, value = exc_info()[:2]
error = _("EBICS Initialisation Error:")
- error += '\n' + str(exctype) + '\n' + str(value)
+ error += "\n" + str(exctype) + "\n" + str(value)
raise UserError(error)
public_bank_keys = public_bank_keys.encode()
- tmp_dir = os.path.normpath(self.ebics_config_id.ebics_files + '/tmp')
+ tmp_dir = os.path.normpath(self.ebics_config_id.ebics_files + "/tmp")
if not os.path.isdir(tmp_dir):
os.makedirs(tmp_dir, mode=0o700)
fn_date = fields.Date.today().isoformat()
- fn = '_'.join(
- [self.ebics_config_id.ebics_host, 'public_bank_keys', fn_date]
- ) + '.txt'
- self.write({
- 'ebics_public_bank_keys': base64.encodestring(public_bank_keys),
- 'ebics_public_bank_keys_fn': fn,
- 'state': 'to_verify',
- })
+ fn = (
+ "_".join([self.ebics_config_id.ebics_host, "public_bank_keys", fn_date])
+ + ".txt"
+ )
+ self.write(
+ {
+ "ebics_public_bank_keys": base64.encodestring(public_bank_keys),
+ "ebics_public_bank_keys_fn": fn,
+ "state": "to_verify",
+ }
+ )
return True
@@ -435,32 +457,32 @@ class EbicsUserID(models.Model):
and activate the bank keyu.
- if self.state != 'to_verify':
- raise UserError(
- _("Set state to 'Verification'."))
+ if self.state != "to_verify":
+ raise UserError(_("Set state to 'Verification'."))
keyring = EbicsKeyRing(
- keys=self.ebics_keys_fn, passphrase=self.ebics_passphrase)
+ keys=self.ebics_keys_fn, passphrase=self.ebics_passphrase
+ )
bank = EbicsBank(
- url=self.ebics_config_id.ebics_url)
+ url=self.ebics_config_id.ebics_url,
+ )
- return self.write({'state': 'active_keys'})
+ return self.write({"state": "active_keys"})
def change_passphrase(self):
ctx = dict(self._context, default_ebics_userid_id=self.id)
- module = __name__.split('addons.')[1].split('.')[0]
- view = self.env.ref(
- '%s.ebics_change_passphrase_view_form' % module)
+ module = __name__.split("addons.")[1].split(".")[0]
+ view = self.env.ref("%s.ebics_change_passphrase_view_form" % module)
return {
- 'name': _('EBICS keys change passphrase'),
- 'view_type': 'form',
- 'view_mode': 'form',
- 'res_model': 'ebics.change.passphrase',
- 'view_id': view.id,
- 'target': 'new',
- 'context': ctx,
- 'type': 'ir.actions.act_window',
+ "name": _("EBICS keys change passphrase"),
+ "view_type": "form",
+ "view_mode": "form",
+ "res_model": "ebics.change.passphrase",
+ "view_id": view.id,
+ "target": "new",
+ "context": ctx,
+ "type": "ir.actions.act_window",
diff --git a/account_ebics/models/fintech_ebics_register.py b/account_ebics/models/fintech_ebics_register.py
index f908637..613e5be 100644
--- a/account_ebics/models/fintech_ebics_register.py
+++ b/account_ebics/models/fintech_ebics_register.py
@@ -13,24 +13,25 @@ try:
import fintech
except ImportError:
fintech = None
- _logger.warning('Failed to import fintech')
+ _logger.warning("Failed to import fintech")
-fintech_register_name = config.get('fintech_register_name')
-fintech_register_keycode = config.get('fintech_register_keycode')
-fintech_register_users = config.get('fintech_register_users')
+fintech_register_name = config.get("fintech_register_name")
+fintech_register_keycode = config.get("fintech_register_keycode")
+fintech_register_users = config.get("fintech_register_users")
if fintech:
fintech_register_users = (
- and [x.strip() for x in fintech_register_users.split(',')]
+ and [x.strip() for x in fintech_register_users.split(",")]
or None
- fintech.cryptolib = 'cryptography'
+ fintech.cryptolib = "cryptography"
- users=fintech_register_users)
+ users=fintech_register_users,
+ )
except RuntimeError as e:
if str(e) == "'register' can be called only once":
@@ -39,7 +40,7 @@ except RuntimeError as e:
except Exception:
msg = "fintech.register error"
- tb = ''.join(format_exception(*exc_info()))
- msg += '\n%s' % tb
+ tb = "".join(format_exception(*exc_info()))
+ msg += "\n%s" % tb
diff --git a/account_ebics/security/ebics_security.xml b/account_ebics/security/ebics_security.xml
index fc939a2..7b11eac 100644
--- a/account_ebics/security/ebics_security.xml
+++ b/account_ebics/security/ebics_security.xml
@@ -1,32 +1,38 @@
EBICS Manager
EBICS Configuration model company rule
- ['|', ('company_ids', '=', False), ('company_ids', 'in', user.company_ids.ids)]
+ ['|', ('company_ids', '=', False), ('company_ids', 'in', user.company_ids.ids)]
EBICS UserID model company rule
- ['|', ('company_ids', '=', False), ('company_ids', 'in', user.company_ids.ids)]
+ ['|', ('company_ids', '=', False), ('company_ids', 'in', user.company_ids.ids)]
EBICS File model company rule
- ['|', ('company_ids', '=', False), ('company_ids', 'in', user.company_ids.ids)]
+ ['|', ('company_ids', '=', False), ('company_ids', 'in', user.company_ids.ids)]
diff --git a/account_ebics/views/ebics_config_views.xml b/account_ebics/views/ebics_config_views.xml
index f76c619..d407af5 100644
--- a/account_ebics/views/ebics_config_views.xml
+++ b/account_ebics/views/ebics_config_views.xml
@@ -6,10 +6,10 @@
@@ -20,44 +20,63 @@
diff --git a/account_ebics/views/ebics_file_format_views.xml b/account_ebics/views/ebics_file_format_views.xml
index 79ed9e2..03dd598 100644
--- a/account_ebics/views/ebics_file_format_views.xml
+++ b/account_ebics/views/ebics_file_format_views.xml
@@ -6,11 +6,11 @@
@@ -22,20 +22,22 @@
diff --git a/account_ebics/views/ebics_file_views.xml b/account_ebics/views/ebics_file_views.xml
index a7376ae..5961602 100644
--- a/account_ebics/views/ebics_file_views.xml
+++ b/account_ebics/views/ebics_file_views.xml
@@ -7,18 +7,26 @@
@@ -31,14 +39,18 @@
@@ -50,34 +62,55 @@
@@ -91,12 +124,16 @@
@@ -107,23 +144,23 @@
@@ -133,12 +170,16 @@
@@ -150,22 +191,38 @@
@@ -177,23 +234,23 @@
diff --git a/account_ebics/views/ebics_userid_views.xml b/account_ebics/views/ebics_userid_views.xml
index aa32002..8626d68 100644
--- a/account_ebics/views/ebics_userid_views.xml
+++ b/account_ebics/views/ebics_userid_views.xml
@@ -6,10 +6,10 @@
@@ -20,67 +20,136 @@
diff --git a/account_ebics/views/menu.xml b/account_ebics/views/menu.xml
index a2a2c6a..b3e3b23 100644
--- a/account_ebics/views/menu.xml
+++ b/account_ebics/views/menu.xml
@@ -1,58 +1,76 @@
diff --git a/account_ebics/wizards/ebics_change_passphrase.py b/account_ebics/wizards/ebics_change_passphrase.py
index 5321453..1ac046c 100644
--- a/account_ebics/wizards/ebics_change_passphrase.py
+++ b/account_ebics/wizards/ebics_change_passphrase.py
@@ -11,65 +11,58 @@ _logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
import fintech
from fintech.ebics import EbicsKeyRing
- fintech.cryptolib = 'cryptography'
+ fintech.cryptolib = "cryptography"
except ImportError:
- _logger.warning('Failed to import fintech')
+ _logger.warning("Failed to import fintech")
class EbicsChangePassphrase(models.TransientModel):
- _name = 'ebics.change.passphrase'
- _description = 'Change EBICS keys passphrase'
+ _name = "ebics.change.passphrase"
+ _description = "Change EBICS keys passphrase"
ebics_userid_id = fields.Many2one(
- comodel_name='ebics.userid',
- string='EBICS UserID',
- readonly=True)
- old_pass = fields.Char(
- string='Old Passphrase',
- required=True)
- new_pass = fields.Char(
- string='New Passphrase',
- required=True)
- new_pass_check = fields.Char(
- string='New Passphrase (verification)',
- required=True)
- note = fields.Text(string='Notes', readonly=True)
+ comodel_name="ebics.userid", string="EBICS UserID", readonly=True
+ )
+ old_pass = fields.Char(string="Old Passphrase", required=True)
+ new_pass = fields.Char(string="New Passphrase", required=True)
+ new_pass_check = fields.Char(string="New Passphrase (verification)", required=True)
+ note = fields.Text(string="Notes", readonly=True)
def change_passphrase(self):
if self.old_pass != self.ebics_userid_id.ebics_passphrase:
- raise UserError(_(
- "Incorrect old passphrase."))
+ raise UserError(_("Incorrect old passphrase."))
if self.new_pass != self.new_pass_check:
- raise UserError(_(
- "New passphrase verification error."))
+ raise UserError(_("New passphrase verification error."))
if self.new_pass == self.ebics_userid_id.ebics_passphrase:
- raise UserError(_(
- "New passphrase equal to old passphrase."))
+ raise UserError(_("New passphrase equal to old passphrase."))
keyring = EbicsKeyRing(
- passphrase=self.ebics_userid_id.ebics_passphrase)
+ passphrase=self.ebics_userid_id.ebics_passphrase,
+ )
except ValueError as e:
raise UserError(str(e))
self.ebics_userid.ebics_passphrase = self.new_pass
self.note = "The EBICS Passphrase has been changed."
- module = __name__.split('addons.')[1].split('.')[0]
+ module = __name__.split("addons.")[1].split(".")[0]
result_view = self.env.ref(
- '%s.ebics_change_passphrase_view_form_result' % module)
+ "%s.ebics_change_passphrase_view_form_result" % module
+ )
return {
- 'name': _('EBICS Keys Change Passphrase'),
- 'res_id': self.id,
- 'view_type': 'form',
- 'view_mode': 'form',
- 'res_model': 'ebics.change.passphrase',
- 'view_id': result_view.id,
- 'target': 'new',
- 'type': 'ir.actions.act_window',
+ "name": _("EBICS Keys Change Passphrase"),
+ "res_id": self.id,
+ "view_type": "form",
+ "view_mode": "form",
+ "res_model": "ebics.change.passphrase",
+ "view_id": result_view.id,
+ "target": "new",
+ "type": "ir.actions.act_window",
def button_close(self):
- return {'type': 'ir.actions.act_window_close'}
+ return {"type": "ir.actions.act_window_close"}
diff --git a/account_ebics/wizards/ebics_change_passphrase.xml b/account_ebics/wizards/ebics_change_passphrase.xml
index f0a33f5..bb24f0a 100644
--- a/account_ebics/wizards/ebics_change_passphrase.xml
+++ b/account_ebics/wizards/ebics_change_passphrase.xml
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
@@ -8,14 +8,19 @@
@@ -28,9 +33,9 @@
diff --git a/account_ebics/wizards/ebics_xfer.py b/account_ebics/wizards/ebics_xfer.py
index 0ed09f0..5493056 100644
--- a/account_ebics/wizards/ebics_xfer.py
+++ b/account_ebics/wizards/ebics_xfer.py
@@ -14,125 +14,146 @@ import os
from sys import exc_info
from traceback import format_exception
-from odoo import api, fields, models, _
+from odoo import _, api, fields, models
from odoo.exceptions import UserError
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
import fintech
- from fintech.ebics import EbicsKeyRing, EbicsBank, EbicsUser, EbicsClient,\
- EbicsFunctionalError, EbicsTechnicalError, EbicsVerificationError
- fintech.cryptolib = 'cryptography'
+ from fintech.ebics import (
+ EbicsBank,
+ EbicsClient,
+ EbicsFunctionalError,
+ EbicsKeyRing,
+ EbicsTechnicalError,
+ EbicsUser,
+ EbicsVerificationError,
+ )
+ fintech.cryptolib = "cryptography"
except ImportError:
EbicsBank = object
- _logger.warning('Failed to import fintech')
+ _logger.warning("Failed to import fintech")
class EbicsBank(EbicsBank):
def _next_order_id(self, partnerid):
EBICS protocol version H003 requires generation of the OrderID.
The OrderID must be a string between 'A000' and 'ZZZZ' and
unique for each partner id.
- return hasattr(self, '_order_number') and self._order_number or 'A000'
+ return hasattr(self, "_order_number") and self._order_number or "A000"
class EbicsXfer(models.TransientModel):
- _name = 'ebics.xfer'
- _description = 'EBICS file transfer'
+ _name = "ebics.xfer"
+ _description = "EBICS file transfer"
ebics_config_id = fields.Many2one(
- comodel_name='ebics.config',
- string='EBICS Configuration',
- domain=[('state', '=', 'confirm')],
- default=lambda self: self._default_ebics_config_id())
+ comodel_name="ebics.config",
+ string="EBICS Configuration",
+ domain=[("state", "=", "confirm")],
+ default=lambda self: self._default_ebics_config_id(),
+ )
ebics_userid_id = fields.Many2one(
- comodel_name='ebics.userid',
- string='EBICS UserID')
- ebics_passphrase = fields.Char(
- string='EBICS Passphrase')
+ comodel_name="ebics.userid", string="EBICS UserID"
+ )
+ ebics_passphrase = fields.Char(string="EBICS Passphrase")
date_from = fields.Date()
date_to = fields.Date()
- upload_data = fields.Binary(string='File to Upload')
- upload_fname = fields.Char(
- string='Upload Filename', default='')
+ upload_data = fields.Binary(string="File to Upload")
+ upload_fname = fields.Char(string="Upload Filename", default="")
upload_fname_dummy = fields.Char(
- related='upload_fname', string='Upload Filename', readonly=True)
+ related="upload_fname", string="Upload Filename", readonly=True
+ )
format_id = fields.Many2one(
- comodel_name='ebics.file.format',
- string='EBICS File Format',
+ comodel_name="ebics.file.format",
+ string="EBICS File Format",
help="Select EBICS File Format to upload/download."
- "\nLeave blank to download all available files.")
+ "\nLeave blank to download all available files.",
+ )
allowed_format_ids = fields.Many2many(
- related='ebics_config_id.ebics_file_format_ids',
- string='Allowed EBICS File Formats')
+ related="ebics_config_id.ebics_file_format_ids",
+ string="Allowed EBICS File Formats",
+ )
order_type = fields.Char(
- related='format_id.order_type',
- string='Order Type',
+ related="format_id.order_type",
+ string="Order Type",
help="For most banks in France you should use the "
- "format neutral Order Types 'FUL' for upload "
- "and 'FDL' for download.")
+ "format neutral Order Types 'FUL' for upload "
+ "and 'FDL' for download.",
+ )
test_mode = fields.Boolean(
- string='Test Mode',
+ string="Test Mode",
help="Select this option to test if the syntax of "
- "the upload file is correct."
- "\nThis option is only available for "
- "Order Type 'FUL'.")
- note = fields.Text(string='EBICS file transfer Log', readonly=True)
+ "the upload file is correct."
+ "\nThis option is only available for "
+ "Order Type 'FUL'.",
+ )
+ note = fields.Text(string="EBICS file transfer Log", readonly=True)
def _default_ebics_config_id(self):
- cfg_mod = self.env['ebics.config']
+ cfg_mod = self.env["ebics.config"]
cfg = cfg_mod.search(
- [('company_ids', 'in', self.env.user.company_ids.ids),
- ('state', '=', 'confirm')])
+ [
+ ("company_ids", "in", self.env.user.company_ids.ids),
+ ("state", "=", "confirm"),
+ ]
+ )
if cfg and len(cfg) == 1:
return cfg
return cfg_mod
- @api.onchange('ebics_config_id')
+ @api.onchange("ebics_config_id")
def _onchange_ebics_config_id(self):
ebics_userids = self.ebics_config_id.ebics_userid_ids
- if self._context.get('ebics_download'):
- download_formats = self.ebics_config_id.ebics_file_format_ids\
- .filtered(lambda r: r.type == 'down')
+ if self._context.get("ebics_download"):
+ download_formats = self.ebics_config_id.ebics_file_format_ids.filtered(
+ lambda r: r.type == "down"
+ )
if len(download_formats) == 1:
self.format_id = download_formats
if len(ebics_userids) == 1:
self.ebics_userid_id = ebics_userids
transport_users = ebics_userids.filtered(
- lambda r: r.signature_class == 'T')
+ lambda r: r.signature_class == "T"
+ )
if len(transport_users) == 1:
self.ebics_userid_id = transport_users
- upload_formats = self.ebics_config_id.ebics_file_format_ids\
- .filtered(lambda r: r.type == 'up')
+ upload_formats = self.ebics_config_id.ebics_file_format_ids.filtered(
+ lambda r: r.type == "up"
+ )
if len(upload_formats) == 1:
self.format_id = upload_formats
if len(ebics_userids) == 1:
self.ebics_userid_id = ebics_userids
- @api.onchange('upload_data')
+ @api.onchange("upload_data")
def _onchange_upload_data(self):
self.upload_fname_dummy = self.upload_fname
self.format_id = False
if not self.format_id:
- upload_formats = self.format_id \
+ upload_formats = (
+ self.format_id
or self.ebics_config_id.ebics_file_format_ids.filtered(
- lambda r: r.type == 'up')
+ lambda r: r.type == "up"
+ )
+ )
if len(upload_formats) > 1:
upload_formats = upload_formats.filtered(
- lambda r: self.upload_fname.endswith(r.suffix))
+ lambda r: self.upload_fname.endswith(r.suffix)
+ )
if len(upload_formats) == 1:
self.format_id = upload_formats
- @api.onchange('format_id')
+ @api.onchange("format_id")
def _onchange_format_id(self):
self.order_type = self.format_id.order_type
@@ -141,138 +162,152 @@ class EbicsXfer(models.TransientModel):
ctx = self._context.copy()
ebics_file = self._ebics_upload()
if ebics_file:
- ctx['ebics_file_id'] = ebics_file.id
- module = __name__.split('addons.')[1].split('.')[0]
- result_view = self.env.ref(
- '%s.ebics_xfer_view_form_result' % module)
+ ctx["ebics_file_id"] = ebics_file.id
+ module = __name__.split("addons.")[1].split(".")[0]
+ result_view = self.env.ref("%s.ebics_xfer_view_form_result" % module)
return {
- 'name': _('EBICS file transfer result'),
- 'res_id': self.id,
- 'view_type': 'form',
- 'view_mode': 'form',
- 'res_model': 'ebics.xfer',
- 'view_id': result_view.id,
- 'target': 'new',
- 'context': ctx,
- 'type': 'ir.actions.act_window',
+ "name": _("EBICS file transfer result"),
+ "res_id": self.id,
+ "view_type": "form",
+ "view_mode": "form",
+ "res_model": "ebics.xfer",
+ "view_id": result_view.id,
+ "target": "new",
+ "context": ctx,
+ "type": "ir.actions.act_window",
def ebics_download(self):
- ctx = self._context.copy()
- self.note = ''
+ ctx = self.env.context.copy()
+ self.note = ""
+ err_cnt = 0
client = self._setup_client()
- if client:
+ if not client:
+ err_cnt += 1
+ self.note += (
+ _("EBICS client setup failed for connection '%s'")
+ % self.ebics_config_id.name
+ )
+ else:
download_formats = (
or self.ebics_config_id.ebics_file_format_ids.filtered(
- lambda r: r.type == 'down'
+ lambda r: r.type == "down"
- ebics_files = self.env['ebics.file']
+ ebics_files = self.env["ebics.file"]
date_from = self.date_from and self.date_from.isoformat() or None
date_to = self.date_to and self.date_to.isoformat() or None
for df in download_formats:
success = False
- if df.order_type == 'FDL':
+ if df.order_type == "FDL":
data = client.FDL(df.name, date_from, date_to)
params = None
if date_from and date_to:
- params = {'DateRange': {
- 'Start': date_from,
- 'End': date_to,
- }}
+ params = {
+ "DateRange": {
+ "Start": date_from,
+ "End": date_to,
+ }
+ }
data = client.download(df.order_type, params=params)
ebics_files += self._handle_download_data(data, df)
success = True
except EbicsFunctionalError:
+ err_cnt += 1
e = exc_info()
- self.note += '\n'
+ self.note += "\n"
self.note += _(
"EBICS Functional Error during download of File Format %s (%s):"
) % (df.name, df.order_type)
- self.note += '\n'
- self.note += '%s (code: %s)' % (e[1].message, e[1].code)
+ self.note += "\n"
+ self.note += "{} (code: {})".format(e[1].message, e[1].code)
except EbicsTechnicalError:
+ err_cnt += 1
e = exc_info()
- self.note += '\n'
+ self.note += "\n"
self.note += _(
"EBICS Technical Error during download of File Format %s (%s):"
) % (df.name, df.order_type)
- self.note += '\n'
- self.note += '%s (code: %s)' % (e[1].message, e[1].code)
+ self.note += "\n"
+ self.note += "{} (code: {})".format(e[1].message, e[1].code)
except EbicsVerificationError:
- self.note += '\n'
+ err_cnt += 1
+ self.note += "\n"
self.note += _(
"EBICS Verification Error during download of "
"File Format %s (%s):"
) % (df.name, df.order_type)
- self.note += '\n'
+ self.note += "\n"
self.note += _("The EBICS response could not be verified.")
except UserError as e:
- self.note += '\n'
+ self.note += "\n"
self.note += _(
"Warning during download of File Format %s (%s):"
) % (df.name, df.order_type)
- self.note += '\n'
+ self.note += "\n"
self.note += e.name
except Exception:
- self.note += '\n'
+ err_cnt += 1
+ self.note += "\n"
self.note += _(
"Unknown Error during download of File Format %s (%s):"
) % (df.name, df.order_type)
- tb = ''.join(format_exception(*exc_info()))
- self.note += '\n%s' % tb
+ tb = "".join(format_exception(*exc_info()))
+ self.note += "\n%s" % tb
# mark received data so that it is not included in further
# downloads
trans_id = client.last_trans_id
client.confirm_download(trans_id=trans_id, success=success)
- ctx['ebics_file_ids'] = ebics_files._ids
+ ctx["ebics_file_ids"] = ebics_files.ids
if ebics_files:
- self.note += '\n'
+ self.note += "\n"
for f in ebics_files:
- self.note += _(
- "EBICS File '%s' is available for further processing."
- ) % f.name
- self.note += '\n'
+ self.note += (
+ _("EBICS File '%s' is available for further processing.")
+ % f.name
+ )
+ self.note += "\n"
- module = __name__.split('addons.')[1].split('.')[0]
- result_view = self.env.ref(
- '%s.ebics_xfer_view_form_result' % module)
+ ctx["err_cnt"] = err_cnt
+ module = __name__.split("addons.")[1].split(".")[0]
+ result_view = self.env.ref("%s.ebics_xfer_view_form_result" % module)
return {
- 'name': _('EBICS file transfer result'),
- 'res_id': self.id,
- 'view_type': 'form',
- 'view_mode': 'form',
- 'res_model': 'ebics.xfer',
- 'view_id': result_view.id,
- 'target': 'new',
- 'context': ctx,
- 'type': 'ir.actions.act_window',
+ "name": _("EBICS file transfer result"),
+ "res_id": self.id,
+ "view_type": "form",
+ "view_mode": "form",
+ "res_model": "ebics.xfer",
+ "view_id": result_view.id,
+ "target": "new",
+ "context": ctx,
+ "type": "ir.actions.act_window",
def button_close(self):
- return {'type': 'ir.actions.act_window_close'}
+ return {"type": "ir.actions.act_window_close"}
def view_ebics_file(self):
- module = __name__.split('addons.')[1].split('.')[0]
- act = self.env['ir.actions.act_window']._for_xml_id(
- '{}.ebics_file_action_download'.format(module))
- act['domain'] = [('id', 'in', self._context['ebics_file_ids'])]
+ module = __name__.split("addons.")[1].split(".")[0]
+ act = self.env["ir.actions.act_window"]._for_xml_id(
+ "{}.ebics_file_action_download".format(module)
+ )
+ act["domain"] = [("id", "in", self._context["ebics_file_ids"])]
return act
def _ebics_upload(self):
- ebics_file = self.env['ebics.file']
- self.note = ''
+ ebics_file = self.env["ebics.file"]
+ self.note = ""
client = self._setup_client()
if client:
upload_data = base64.decodestring(self.upload_data)
@@ -280,70 +315,69 @@ class EbicsXfer(models.TransientModel):
OrderID = False
order_type = self.order_type
- if order_type == 'FUL':
+ if order_type == "FUL":
kwargs = {}
bank = self.ebics_config_id.journal_ids[0].bank_id
cc = bank.country.code
if cc:
- kwargs['country'] = cc
+ kwargs["country"] = cc
if self.test_mode:
- kwargs['TEST'] = 'TRUE'
+ kwargs["TEST"] = "TRUE"
OrderID = client.FUL(ef_format.name, upload_data, **kwargs)
OrderID = client.upload(order_type, upload_data)
if OrderID:
- self.note += '\n'
- self.note += _(
- "EBICS File has been uploaded (OrderID %s)."
- ) % OrderID
+ self.note += "\n"
+ self.note += (
+ _("EBICS File has been uploaded (OrderID %s).") % OrderID
+ )
ef_note = _("EBICS OrderID: %s") % OrderID
- if self.env.context.get('origin'):
- ef_note += '\n' + _(
- "Origin: %s") % self._context['origin']
+ if self.env.context.get("origin"):
+ ef_note += "\n" + _("Origin: %s") % self._context["origin"]
suffix = self.format_id.suffix
fn = self.upload_fname
if not fn.endswith(suffix):
- fn = '.'.join([fn, suffix])
+ fn = ".".join([fn, suffix])
ef_vals = {
- 'name': self.upload_fname,
- 'data': self.upload_data,
- 'date': fields.Datetime.now(),
- 'format_id': self.format_id.id,
- 'state': 'done',
- 'user_id': self._uid,
- 'ebics_userid_id': self.ebics_userid_id.id,
- 'note': ef_note,
+ "name": self.upload_fname,
+ "data": self.upload_data,
+ "date": fields.Datetime.now(),
+ "format_id": self.format_id.id,
+ "state": "done",
+ "user_id": self._uid,
+ "ebics_userid_id": self.ebics_userid_id.id,
+ "note": ef_note,
"company_ids": [
self.env.context.get("force_company", self.env.company.id)
- ebics_file = self.env['ebics.file'].create(ef_vals)
+ ebics_file = self.env["ebics.file"].create(ef_vals)
except EbicsFunctionalError:
e = exc_info()
- self.note += '\n'
+ self.note += "\n"
self.note += _("EBICS Functional Error:")
- self.note += '\n'
- self.note += '%s (code: %s)' % (e[1].message, e[1].code)
+ self.note += "\n"
+ self.note += "{} (code: {})".format(e[1].message, e[1].code)
except EbicsTechnicalError:
e = exc_info()
- self.note += '\n'
+ self.note += "\n"
self.note += _("EBICS Technical Error:")
- self.note += '\n'
- self.note += '%s (code: %s)' % (e[1].message, e[1].code)
+ self.note += "\n"
+ self.note += "{} (code: {})".format(e[1].message, e[1].code)
except EbicsVerificationError:
- self.note += '\n'
+ self.note += "\n"
self.note += _("EBICS Verification Error:")
- self.note += '\n'
+ self.note += "\n"
self.note += _("The EBICS response could not be verified.")
except Exception:
- self.note += '\n'
+ self.note += "\n"
self.note += _("Unknown Error")
- tb = ''.join(format_exception(*exc_info()))
- self.note += '\n%s' % tb
+ tb = "".join(format_exception(*exc_info()))
+ self.note += "\n%s" % tb
- if self.ebics_config_id.ebics_version == 'H003':
+ if self.ebics_config_id.ebics_version == "H003":
OrderID = self.ebics_config_id._get_order_number()
@@ -353,33 +387,35 @@ class EbicsXfer(models.TransientModel):
passphrase = self._get_passphrase()
keyring = EbicsKeyRing(
- keys=self.ebics_userid_id.ebics_keys_fn,
- passphrase=passphrase)
+ keys=self.ebics_userid_id.ebics_keys_fn, passphrase=passphrase
+ )
bank = EbicsBank(
- url=self.ebics_config_id.ebics_url)
- if self.ebics_config_id.ebics_version == 'H003':
+ url=self.ebics_config_id.ebics_url,
+ )
+ if self.ebics_config_id.ebics_version == "H003":
bank._order_number = self.ebics_config_id._get_order_number()
user = EbicsUser(
- userid=self.ebics_userid_id.name)
- signature_class = self.format_id.signature_class \
- or self.ebics_userid_id.signature_class
- if signature_class == 'T':
+ userid=self.ebics_userid_id.name,
+ )
+ signature_class = (
+ self.format_id.signature_class or self.ebics_userid_id.signature_class
+ )
+ if signature_class == "T":
user.manual_approval = True
- client = EbicsClient(
- bank, user, version=self.ebics_config_id.ebics_version)
+ client = EbicsClient(bank, user, version=self.ebics_config_id.ebics_version)
except Exception:
- self.note += '\n'
+ self.note += "\n"
self.note += _("Unknown Error")
- tb = ''.join(format_exception(*exc_info()))
- self.note += '\n%s' % tb
+ tb = "".join(format_exception(*exc_info()))
+ self.note += "\n%s" % tb
client = False
return client
@@ -390,19 +426,18 @@ class EbicsXfer(models.TransientModel):
if passphrase:
return passphrase
- module = __name__.split('addons.')[1].split('.')[0]
- passphrase_view = self.env.ref(
- '%s.ebics_xfer_view_form_passphrase' % module)
+ module = __name__.split("addons.")[1].split(".")[0]
+ passphrase_view = self.env.ref("%s.ebics_xfer_view_form_passphrase" % module)
return {
- 'name': _('EBICS file transfer'),
- 'res_id': self.id,
- 'view_type': 'form',
- 'view_mode': 'form',
- 'res_model': 'ebics.xfer',
- 'view_id': passphrase_view.id,
- 'target': 'new',
- 'context': self._context,
- 'type': 'ir.actions.act_window',
+ "name": _("EBICS file transfer"),
+ "res_id": self.id,
+ "view_type": "form",
+ "view_mode": "form",
+ "res_model": "ebics.xfer",
+ "view_id": passphrase_view.id,
+ "target": "new",
+ "context": self._context,
+ "type": "ir.actions.act_window",
def _file_format_methods(self):
@@ -411,10 +446,10 @@ class EbicsXfer(models.TransientModel):
for extra file formats.
res = {
- 'camt.xxx.cfonb120.stm': self._handle_cfonb120,
- 'camt.xxx.cfonb120.stm.rfi': self._handle_cfonb120,
- 'camt.052.001.02.stm': self._handle_camt052,
- 'camt.053.001.02.stm': self._handle_camt053,
+ "camt.xxx.cfonb120.stm": self._handle_cfonb120,
+ "camt.xxx.cfonb120.stm.rfi": self._handle_cfonb120,
+ "camt.052.001.02.stm": self._handle_camt052,
+ "camt.053.001.02.stm": self._handle_camt053,
return res
@@ -422,24 +457,24 @@ class EbicsXfer(models.TransientModel):
Adapt this method to customize the EBICS File values.
- if self.format_id and self.format_id.type == 'up':
- fn = ef_vals['name']
- dups = self._check_duplicate_ebics_file(
- fn, self.format_id)
+ if self.format_id and self.format_id.type == "up":
+ fn = ef_vals["name"]
+ dups = self._check_duplicate_ebics_file(fn, self.format_id)
if dups:
n = 1
- fn = '_'.join([fn, str(n)])
+ fn = "_".join([fn, str(n)])
while self._check_duplicate_ebics_file(fn, self.format_id):
n += 1
- fn = '_'.join([fn, str(n)])
- ef_vals['name'] = fn
+ fn = "_".join([fn, str(n)])
+ ef_vals["name"] = fn
def _handle_download_data(self, data, file_format):
- ebics_files = self.env['ebics.file']
+ ebics_files = self.env["ebics.file"]
if isinstance(data, dict):
for doc in data:
ebics_files += self._create_ebics_file(
- data[doc], file_format, docname=doc)
+ data[doc], file_format, docname=doc
+ )
ebics_files += self._create_ebics_file(data, file_format)
return ebics_files
@@ -457,59 +492,61 @@ class EbicsXfer(models.TransientModel):
file format specific processing.
ebics_files_root = self.ebics_config_id.ebics_files
- tmp_dir = os.path.normpath(ebics_files_root + '/tmp')
+ tmp_dir = os.path.normpath(ebics_files_root + "/tmp")
if not os.path.isdir(tmp_dir):
os.makedirs(tmp_dir, mode=0o700)
- fn_parts = [self.ebics_config_id.ebics_host,
- self.ebics_config_id.ebics_partner]
+ fn_parts = [self.ebics_config_id.ebics_host, self.ebics_config_id.ebics_partner]
if docname:
fn_date = self.date_to or fields.Date.today()
- base_fn = '_'.join(fn_parts)
+ base_fn = "_".join(fn_parts)
n = 1
- full_tmp_fn = os.path.normpath(tmp_dir + '/' + base_fn)
+ full_tmp_fn = os.path.normpath(tmp_dir + "/" + base_fn)
while os.path.exists(full_tmp_fn):
n += 1
- tmp_fn = base_fn + '_' + str(n).rjust(3, '0')
- full_tmp_fn = os.path.normpath(tmp_dir + '/' + tmp_fn)
+ tmp_fn = base_fn + "_" + str(n).rjust(3, "0")
+ full_tmp_fn = os.path.normpath(tmp_dir + "/" + tmp_fn)
- with open(full_tmp_fn, 'wb') as f:
+ with open(full_tmp_fn, "wb") as f:
ff_methods = self._file_format_methods()
if file_format.name in ff_methods:
data = ff_methods[file_format.name](data)
- fn = '.'.join([base_fn, file_format.suffix])
+ fn = ".".join([base_fn, file_format.suffix])
dups = self._check_duplicate_ebics_file(fn, file_format)
if dups:
- raise UserError(_(
- "EBICS File with name '%s' has already been downloaded."
- "\nPlease check this file and rename in case there is "
- "no risk on duplicate transactions.")
- % fn)
+ raise UserError(
+ _(
+ "EBICS File with name '%s' has already been downloaded."
+ "\nPlease check this file and rename in case there is "
+ "no risk on duplicate transactions."
+ )
+ % fn
+ )
data = base64.encodebytes(data)
ef_vals = {
- 'name': fn,
- 'data': data,
- 'date': fields.Datetime.now(),
- 'date_from': self.date_from,
- 'date_to': self.date_to,
- 'format_id': file_format.id,
- 'user_id': self._uid,
- 'ebics_userid_id': self.ebics_userid_id.id,
- 'company_ids': self.ebics_config_id.company_ids.ids,
+ "name": fn,
+ "data": data,
+ "date": fields.Datetime.now(),
+ "date_from": self.date_from,
+ "date_to": self.date_to,
+ "format_id": file_format.id,
+ "user_id": self._uid,
+ "ebics_userid_id": self.ebics_userid_id.id,
+ "company_ids": self.ebics_config_id.company_ids.ids,
- ebics_file = self.env['ebics.file'].create(ef_vals)
+ ebics_file = self.env["ebics.file"].create(ef_vals)
return ebics_file
def _check_duplicate_ebics_file(self, fn, file_format):
- dups = self.env['ebics.file'].search(
- [('name', '=', fn),
- ('format_id', '=', file_format.id)])
+ dups = self.env["ebics.file"].search(
+ [("name", "=", fn), ("format_id", "=", file_format.id)]
+ )
return dups
def _detect_upload_format(self):
@@ -517,31 +554,30 @@ class EbicsXfer(models.TransientModel):
Use this method in order to automatically detect and set the
EBICS upload file format.
- pass
def _update_order_number(self, OrderID):
o_list = list(OrderID)
for i, c in enumerate(reversed(o_list), start=1):
- if c == '9':
- o_list[-i] = 'A'
+ if c == "9":
+ o_list[-i] = "A"
- if c == 'Z':
+ if c == "Z":
o_list[-i] = chr(ord(c) + 1)
- next_nr = ''.join(o_list)
- if next_nr == 'ZZZZ':
- next_nr = 'A000'
+ next_nr = "".join(o_list)
+ if next_nr == "ZZZZ":
+ next_nr = "A000"
self.ebics_config_id.order_number = next_nr
def _insert_line_terminator(self, data_in, line_len):
- data_in = data_in.replace(b'\n', b'').replace(b'\r', b'')
- data_out = b''
+ data_in = data_in.replace(b"\n", b"").replace(b"\r", b"")
+ data_out = b""
max_len = len(data_in)
i = 0
while i + line_len <= max_len:
- data_out += data_in[i:i + line_len] + b'\n'
+ data_out += data_in[i : i + line_len] + b"\n"
i += line_len
return data_out
diff --git a/account_ebics/wizards/ebics_xfer.xml b/account_ebics/wizards/ebics_xfer.xml
index 091c08b..3dfd4d9 100644
--- a/account_ebics/wizards/ebics_xfer.xml
+++ b/account_ebics/wizards/ebics_xfer.xml
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
@@ -8,23 +8,36 @@
@@ -37,26 +50,43 @@
@@ -69,11 +99,16 @@
@@ -86,7 +121,7 @@
{'ebics_download': 1}
@@ -96,7 +131,7 @@
{'ebics_upload': 1}
diff --git a/account_ebics_batch/README.rst b/account_ebics_batch/README.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..80f2d09
--- /dev/null
+++ b/account_ebics_batch/README.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+.. image:: https://img.shields.io/badge/license-AGPL--3-blue.png
+ :target: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl
+ :alt: License: AGPL-3
+Module to enable batch import of EBICS files
+This module adds a cron job for the automated import of EBICS files.
+A Log is created during the import in order to document import errors.
+If errors have been detected, the Batch Import Log state is set to 'error'.
+When all EBICS Files have been imported correctly, the Batch Import Log state is set to 'done'.
+The user can reprocess the imported EBICS files in status 'draft' via the Log object 'REPROCESS' button until all errors have been cleared.
+As an alternative, the user can force the Batch Import Log state to 'done'
+(e.g. when the errors have been circumvented via manual encoding or the reprocessing of a single EBICS file).
+Adapt the 'EBICS Batch Import' ir.cron job created during the module installation.
+The cron job calls the following python method:
+.. code-block:: python
+ _batch_import()
+The EBICS download will be performed on all confirmed EBICS connections.
+You can limit the automated operation to a subset of your EBICS connections via the ebics_config_ids parameter, e.g.
+.. code-block:: python
+ _batch_import(ebics_config_ids=[1,3])
diff --git a/account_ebics_batch/__init__.py b/account_ebics_batch/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0650744
--- /dev/null
+++ b/account_ebics_batch/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+from . import models
diff --git a/account_ebics_batch/__manifest__.py b/account_ebics_batch/__manifest__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b84f781
--- /dev/null
+++ b/account_ebics_batch/__manifest__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+# Copyright 2009-2022 Noviat.
+# License AGPL-3.0 or later (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl).
+ "name": "EBICS Files batch import",
+ "version": "",
+ "license": "AGPL-3",
+ "author": "Noviat",
+ "website": "http://www.noviat.com",
+ "category": "Accounting & Finance",
+ "summary": "EBICS Files automated import and processing",
+ "depends": ["account_ebics"],
+ "data": [
+ "security/ir.model.access.csv",
+ "data/ir_cron_data.xml",
+ "views/ebics_batch_log_views.xml",
+ "views/menu.xml",
+ ],
+ "installable": True,
diff --git a/account_ebics_batch/data/ir_cron_data.xml b/account_ebics_batch/data/ir_cron_data.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d33d59d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/account_ebics_batch/data/ir_cron_data.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+ EBICS Batch Import
+ code
+ model._batch_import()
+ 1
+ days
+ -1
diff --git a/account_ebics_batch/models/__init__.py b/account_ebics_batch/models/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..740bafa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/account_ebics_batch/models/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+from . import ebics_batch_log
diff --git a/account_ebics_batch/models/ebics_batch_log.py b/account_ebics_batch/models/ebics_batch_log.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9dfb064
--- /dev/null
+++ b/account_ebics_batch/models/ebics_batch_log.py
@@ -0,0 +1,193 @@
+# Copyright 2009-2022 Noviat.
+# License AGPL-3.0 or later (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl).
+from sys import exc_info
+from traceback import format_exception
+from odoo import _, api, fields, models
+from odoo.exceptions import UserError
+class EbicsBatchLog(models.Model):
+ _name = "ebics.batch.log"
+ _description = "Object to store EBICS Batch Import Logs"
+ _order = "create_date desc"
+ date_from = fields.Date()
+ date_to = fields.Date()
+ ebics_config_ids = fields.Many2many(
+ comodel_name="ebics.config", string="EBICS Configurations"
+ )
+ log_ids = fields.One2many(
+ comodel_name="ebics.batch.log.item",
+ inverse_name="log_id",
+ string="Batch Import Log Items",
+ readonly=True,
+ )
+ file_ids = fields.Many2many(
+ comodel_name="ebics.file",
+ string="Batch Import EBICS Files",
+ readonly=True,
+ )
+ file_count = fields.Integer(
+ string="EBICS Files Count", compute="_compute_ebics_files_fields", readonly=True
+ )
+ has_draft_files = fields.Boolean(compute="_compute_ebics_files_fields")
+ state = fields.Selection(
+ selection=[("draft", "Draft"), ("error", "Error"), ("done", "Done")],
+ string="State",
+ required=True,
+ readonly=True,
+ default="draft",
+ )
+ @api.depends("file_ids")
+ def _compute_ebics_files_fields(self):
+ for rec in self:
+ rec.has_draft_files = "draft" in rec.file_ids.mapped("state")
+ rec.file_count = len(rec.file_ids)
+ def unlink(self):
+ for log in self:
+ if log.state != "draft":
+ raise UserError(_("Only log objects in state 'draft' can be deleted !"))
+ return super().unlink()
+ def button_draft(self):
+ self.state = "draft"
+ def button_done(self):
+ self.state = "done"
+ def reprocess(self):
+ import_dict = {"errors": []}
+ self._ebics_process(import_dict)
+ self._finalise_processing(import_dict)
+ def view_ebics_files(self):
+ action = self.env["ir.actions.actions"]._for_xml_id(
+ "account_ebics.ebics_file_action_download"
+ )
+ action["domain"] = [("id", "in", self.file_ids.ids)]
+ return action
+ def _batch_import(self, ebics_config_ids=None, date_from=None, date_to=None):
+ """
+ Call this method from a cron job to automate the EBICS import.
+ """
+ log_model = self.env["ebics.batch.log"]
+ import_dict = {"errors": []}
+ configs = self.env["ebics.config"].browse(ebics_config_ids) or self.env[
+ "ebics.config"
+ ].search(
+ [
+ ("company_ids", "in", self.env.user.company_ids.ids),
+ ("state", "=", "confirm"),
+ ]
+ )
+ log = log_model.create(
+ {
+ "ebics_config_ids": [(6, 0, configs.ids)],
+ "date_from": date_from,
+ "date_to": date_to,
+ }
+ )
+ ebics_file_ids = []
+ for config in configs:
+ err_msg = (
+ _("Error while processing EBICS connection '%s' :\n") % config.name
+ )
+ if config.state == "draft":
+ import_dict["errors"].append(
+ err_msg
+ + _(
+ "Please set state to 'Confirm' and "
+ "Reprocess this EBICS Import Log."
+ )
+ )
+ continue
+ try:
+ with self.env.cr.savepoint():
+ ebics_file_ids += self._ebics_import(
+ config, date_from, date_to, import_dict
+ )
+ except UserError as e:
+ import_dict["errors"].append(err_msg + " ".join(e.args))
+ except Exception:
+ tb = "".join(format_exception(*exc_info()))
+ import_dict["errors"].append(err_msg + tb)
+ log.file_ids = [(6, 0, ebics_file_ids)]
+ try:
+ with self.env.cr.savepoint():
+ log._ebics_process(import_dict)
+ except UserError as e:
+ import_dict["errors"].append(err_msg + " ".join(e.args))
+ except Exception:
+ tb = "".join(format_exception(*exc_info()))
+ import_dict["errors"].append(err_msg + tb)
+ log._finalise_processing(import_dict)
+ def _finalise_processing(self, import_dict):
+ log_item_model = self.env["ebics.batch.log.item"]
+ state = self.has_draft_files and "draft" or "done"
+ note = ""
+ error_count = 0
+ if import_dict["errors"]:
+ state = "error"
+ note = "\n\n".join(import_dict["errors"])
+ error_count = len(import_dict["errors"])
+ log_item_model.create(
+ {
+ "log_id": self.id,
+ "state": state,
+ "note": note,
+ "error_count": error_count,
+ }
+ )
+ self.state = state
+ def _ebics_import(self, config, date_from, date_to, import_dict):
+ ctx = dict(self.env.context, ebics_download=True)
+ xfer_wiz = (
+ self.env["ebics.xfer"]
+ .with_context(ctx)
+ .create(
+ {
+ "ebics_config_id": config.id,
+ "date_from": date_from,
+ "date_to": date_to,
+ }
+ )
+ )
+ xfer_wiz._onchange_ebics_config_id()
+ res = xfer_wiz.ebics_download()
+ file_ids = res["context"].get("ebics_file_ids")
+ if res["context"]["err_cnt"]:
+ import_dict["errors"].append(xfer_wiz.note)
+ return file_ids
+ def _ebics_process(self, import_dict):
+ to_process = self.file_ids.filtered(lambda r: r.state == "draft")
+ for ebics_file in to_process:
+ ebics_file.process()
+class EbicsBatchLogItem(models.Model):
+ _name = "ebics.batch.log.item"
+ _description = "Object to store EBICS Batch Import Log Items"
+ _order = "create_date desc"
+ log_id = fields.Many2one(
+ comodel_name="ebics.batch.log",
+ string="Batch Object",
+ ondelete="cascade",
+ readonly=True,
+ )
+ state = fields.Selection(
+ selection=[("draft", "Draft"), ("error", "Error"), ("done", "Done")],
+ string="State",
+ required=True,
+ readonly=True,
+ )
+ note = fields.Text(string="Batch Import Log", readonly=True)
+ error_count = fields.Integer(string="Number of Errors", required=True, default=0)
diff --git a/account_ebics_batch/security/ir.model.access.csv b/account_ebics_batch/security/ir.model.access.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..af76670
--- /dev/null
+++ b/account_ebics_batch/security/ir.model.access.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
diff --git a/account_ebics_batch/static/description/icon.png b/account_ebics_batch/static/description/icon.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..889d129
Binary files /dev/null and b/account_ebics_batch/static/description/icon.png differ
diff --git a/account_ebics_batch/views/ebics_batch_log_views.xml b/account_ebics_batch/views/ebics_batch_log_views.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..716882f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/account_ebics_batch/views/ebics_batch_log_views.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+ ebics.batch.log.search
+ ebics.batch.log
+ ebics.batch.log.tree
+ ebics.batch.log
+ ebics.batch.log.form
+ ebics.batch.log
+ EBICS Batch Import Logs
+ ir.actions.act_window
+ ebics.batch.log
+ tree,form
diff --git a/account_ebics_batch/views/menu.xml b/account_ebics_batch/views/menu.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..21343b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/account_ebics_batch/views/menu.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
diff --git a/account_ebics_oca_statement_import/__manifest__.py b/account_ebics_oca_statement_import/__manifest__.py
index d9f3fef..a141b7a 100644
--- a/account_ebics_oca_statement_import/__manifest__.py
+++ b/account_ebics_oca_statement_import/__manifest__.py
@@ -2,16 +2,16 @@
# License LGPL-3 or later (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lpgl).
- 'name': 'account_ebics with OCA Bank Statement Imoort',
- 'summary': "Use OCA Bank Statement Import with account_ebics",
- 'version': '',
- 'author': 'Noviat',
- 'category': 'Hidden',
- 'license': 'LGPL-3',
- 'depends': [
- 'account_ebics',
- 'account_statement_import',
+ "name": "account_ebics with OCA Bank Statement Imoort",
+ "summary": "Use OCA Bank Statement Import with account_ebics",
+ "version": "",
+ "author": "Noviat",
+ "category": "Hidden",
+ "license": "LGPL-3",
+ "depends": [
+ "account_ebics",
+ "account_statement_import",
- 'installable': True,
- 'auto_install': True,
+ "installable": True,
+ "auto_install": True,
diff --git a/account_ebics_oca_statement_import/wizards/account_statement_import.py b/account_ebics_oca_statement_import/wizards/account_statement_import.py
index 430d1fc..cc49e00 100644
--- a/account_ebics_oca_statement_import/wizards/account_statement_import.py
+++ b/account_ebics_oca_statement_import/wizards/account_statement_import.py
@@ -3,32 +3,34 @@
import logging
-from odoo import models, _
+from odoo import _, models
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class AccountStatementImport(models.TransientModel):
- _inherit = 'account.statement.import'
+ _inherit = "account.statement.import"
def _check_parsed_data(self, stmts_vals):
""" Basic and structural verifications """
- if self.env.context.get('active_model') == 'ebics.file':
+ if self.env.context.get("active_model") == "ebics.file":
message = False
if len(stmts_vals) == 0:
message = _("This file doesn't contain any statement.")
if not message:
no_st_line = True
for vals in stmts_vals:
- if vals['transactions'] and len(vals['transactions']) > 0:
+ if vals["transactions"] and len(vals["transactions"]) > 0:
no_st_line = False
if no_st_line:
- message = _('This file doesn\'t contain any transaction.')
+ message = _("This file doesn't contain any transaction.")
if message:
- log_msg = _(
- "Error detected while processing and EBICS File"
- ) + ':\n' + message
+ log_msg = (
+ _("Error detected while processing and EBICS File")
+ + ":\n"
+ + message
+ )
return super()._check_parsed_data(stmts_vals)
@@ -43,20 +45,16 @@ class AccountStatementImport(models.TransientModel):
We could also create empty bank statement (in state done) to clearly
show days without transactions via the bank statement list view.
- if self.env.context.get('active_model') == 'ebics.file':
+ if self.env.context.get("active_model") == "ebics.file":
transactions = False
for st_vals in stmts_vals:
- if st_vals.get('transactions'):
+ if st_vals.get("transactions"):
transactions = True
if not transactions:
- message = _('This file doesn\'t contain any transaction.')
+ message = _("This file doesn't contain any transaction.")
st_line_ids = []
- notifications = {
- 'type': 'warning',
- 'message': message,
- 'details': ''
- }
+ notifications = {"type": "warning", "message": message, "details": ""}
return st_line_ids, [notifications]
return super()._create_bank_statements(stmts_vals, result)
diff --git a/account_ebics_oe/__manifest__.py b/account_ebics_oe/__manifest__.py
index cdaa6fe..43a8872 100644
--- a/account_ebics_oe/__manifest__.py
+++ b/account_ebics_oe/__manifest__.py
@@ -2,19 +2,17 @@
# License LGPL-3 or later (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lpgl).
- 'name': 'account_ebics on Odoo Enterprise',
- 'summary': "Deploy account_ebics module on Odoo Enterprise",
- 'version': '',
- 'author': 'Noviat',
- 'category': 'Hidden',
- 'license': 'LGPL-3',
- 'depends': [
- 'account_ebics',
- 'account_accountant',
+ "name": "account_ebics on Odoo Enterprise",
+ "summary": "Deploy account_ebics module on Odoo Enterprise",
+ "version": "",
+ "author": "Noviat",
+ "category": "Hidden",
+ "license": "LGPL-3",
+ "depends": [
+ "account_ebics",
+ "account_accountant",
- 'data': [
- 'views/account_ebics_menu.xml'
- ],
- 'installable': True,
- 'auto_install': True,
+ "data": ["views/account_ebics_menu.xml"],
+ "installable": True,
+ "auto_install": True,
diff --git a/account_ebics_oe/views/account_ebics_menu.xml b/account_ebics_oe/views/account_ebics_menu.xml
index 0e68143..4f9f379 100644
--- a/account_ebics_oe/views/account_ebics_menu.xml
+++ b/account_ebics_oe/views/account_ebics_menu.xml
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
diff --git a/account_ebics_oe_statement_import/__manifest__.py b/account_ebics_oe_statement_import/__manifest__.py
index 794f45a..c0b0337 100644
--- a/account_ebics_oe_statement_import/__manifest__.py
+++ b/account_ebics_oe_statement_import/__manifest__.py
@@ -2,16 +2,16 @@
# License LGPL-3 or later (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lpgl).
- 'name': 'account_ebics with Odoo Enterprise Bank Statement Import',
- 'summary': "Use Odoo Enterprise Bank Statement Import with account_ebics",
- 'version': '',
- 'author': 'Noviat',
- 'category': 'Hidden',
- 'license': 'LGPL-3',
- 'depends': [
- 'account_ebics_oe',
- 'account_bank_statement_import',
+ "name": "account_ebics with Odoo Enterprise Bank Statement Import",
+ "summary": "Use Odoo Enterprise Bank Statement Import with account_ebics",
+ "version": "",
+ "author": "Noviat",
+ "category": "Hidden",
+ "license": "LGPL-3",
+ "depends": [
+ "account_ebics_oe",
+ "account_bank_statement_import",
- 'installable': True,
- 'auto_install': True,
+ "installable": True,
+ "auto_install": True,
diff --git a/account_ebics_oe_statement_import/wizards/account_bank_statement_import.py b/account_ebics_oe_statement_import/wizards/account_bank_statement_import.py
index 937f807..3748d31 100644
--- a/account_ebics_oe_statement_import/wizards/account_bank_statement_import.py
+++ b/account_ebics_oe_statement_import/wizards/account_bank_statement_import.py
@@ -3,32 +3,34 @@
import logging
-from odoo import models, _
+from odoo import _, models
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class AccountBankStatementImport(models.TransientModel):
- _inherit = 'account.bank.statement.import'
+ _inherit = "account.bank.statement.import"
def _check_parsed_data(self, stmts_vals, account_number):
""" Basic and structural verifications """
- if self.env.context.get('active_model') == 'ebics.file':
+ if self.env.context.get("active_model") == "ebics.file":
message = False
if len(stmts_vals) == 0:
message = _("This file doesn't contain any statement.")
if not message:
no_st_line = True
for vals in stmts_vals:
- if vals['transactions'] and len(vals['transactions']) > 0:
+ if vals["transactions"] and len(vals["transactions"]) > 0:
no_st_line = False
if no_st_line:
- message = _('This file doesn\'t contain any transaction.')
+ message = _("This file doesn't contain any transaction.")
if message:
- log_msg = _(
- "Error detected while processing and EBICS File"
- ) + ':\n' + message
+ log_msg = (
+ _("Error detected while processing and EBICS File")
+ + ":\n"
+ + message
+ )
super()._check_parsed_data(stmts_vals, account_number)
@@ -43,20 +45,16 @@ class AccountBankStatementImport(models.TransientModel):
We could also create empty bank statement (in state done) to clearly
show days without transactions via the bank statement list view.
- if self.env.context.get('active_model') == 'ebics.file':
+ if self.env.context.get("active_model") == "ebics.file":
transactions = False
for st_vals in stmts_vals:
- if st_vals.get('transactions'):
+ if st_vals.get("transactions"):
transactions = True
if not transactions:
- message = _('This file doesn\'t contain any transaction.')
+ message = _("This file doesn't contain any transaction.")
st_line_ids = []
- notifications = {
- 'type': 'warning',
- 'message': message,
- 'details': ''
- }
+ notifications = {"type": "warning", "message": message, "details": ""}
return st_line_ids, [notifications]
return super()._create_bank_statements(stmts_vals)
diff --git a/account_ebics_payment_order/__manifest__.py b/account_ebics_payment_order/__manifest__.py
index 5836ab7..35ad8a2 100644
--- a/account_ebics_payment_order/__manifest__.py
+++ b/account_ebics_payment_order/__manifest__.py
@@ -2,16 +2,14 @@
# License LGPL-3 or later (http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lpgl).
- 'name': 'Upload Payment Order via EBICS',
- 'version': '',
- 'license': 'LGPL-3',
- 'author': 'Noviat',
- 'category': 'Accounting & Finance',
- 'depends': [
- 'account_ebics',
- 'account_payment_order'],
- 'data': [
- 'views/account_payment_order.xml',
+ "name": "Upload Payment Order via EBICS",
+ "version": "",
+ "license": "LGPL-3",
+ "author": "Noviat",
+ "category": "Accounting & Finance",
+ "depends": ["account_ebics", "account_payment_order"],
+ "data": [
+ "views/account_payment_order.xml",
- 'installable': True,
+ "installable": True,
diff --git a/account_ebics_payment_order/models/account_payment_order.py b/account_ebics_payment_order/models/account_payment_order.py
index 64e9442..081e927 100644
--- a/account_ebics_payment_order/models/account_payment_order.py
+++ b/account_ebics_payment_order/models/account_payment_order.py
@@ -6,57 +6,69 @@ from odoo.exceptions import UserError
class AccountPaymentOrder(models.Model):
- _inherit = 'account.payment.order'
+ _inherit = "account.payment.order"
def ebics_upload(self):
ctx = self._context.copy()
- attach = self.env['ir.attachment'].search(
- [('res_model', '=', self._name),
- ('res_id', '=', self.id)])
+ attach = self.env["ir.attachment"].search(
+ [("res_model", "=", self._name), ("res_id", "=", self.id)]
+ )
if not attach:
- raise UserError(_(
- "This payment order doesn't contains attachements."
- "\nPlease generate first the Payment Order file first."))
+ raise UserError(
+ _(
+ "This payment order doesn't contains attachements."
+ "\nPlease generate first the Payment Order file first."
+ )
+ )
elif len(attach) > 1:
- raise UserError(_(
- "This payment order contains multiple attachments."
- "\nPlease remove the obsolete attachments or upload "
- "the payment order file via the "
- "EBICS Processing > EBICS Upload menu"))
+ raise UserError(
+ _(
+ "This payment order contains multiple attachments."
+ "\nPlease remove the obsolete attachments or upload "
+ "the payment order file via the "
+ "EBICS Processing > EBICS Upload menu"
+ )
+ )
- origin = _("Payment Order") + ': ' + self.name
- ebics_config = self.env['ebics.config'].search([
- ('journal_ids', '=', self.journal_id.id),
- ('state', '=', 'confirm'),
- ])
+ origin = _("Payment Order") + ": " + self.name
+ ebics_config = self.env["ebics.config"].search(
+ [
+ ("journal_ids", "=", self.journal_id.id),
+ ("state", "=", "confirm"),
+ ]
+ )
if not ebics_config:
- raise UserError(_(
- "No active EBICS configuration available "
- "for the selected bank."
- ))
+ raise UserError(
+ _(
+ "No active EBICS configuration available "
+ "for the selected bank."
+ )
+ )
if len(ebics_config) == 1:
ctx["default_ebics_config_id"] = ebics_config.id
- ctx.update({
- 'default_upload_data': attach.datas,
- 'default_upload_fname': attach.name,
- 'origin': origin,
- 'force_comany': self.company_id.id,
- })
- ebics_xfer = self.env['ebics.xfer'].with_context(ctx).create({})
+ ctx.update(
+ {
+ "default_upload_data": attach.datas,
+ "default_upload_fname": attach.name,
+ "origin": origin,
+ "force_comany": self.company_id.id,
+ }
+ )
+ ebics_xfer = self.env["ebics.xfer"].with_context(ctx).create({})
- view = self.env.ref('account_ebics.ebics_xfer_view_form_upload')
+ view = self.env.ref("account_ebics.ebics_xfer_view_form_upload")
act = {
- 'name': _('EBICS Upload'),
- 'view_type': 'form',
- 'view_mode': 'form',
- 'res_model': 'ebics.xfer',
- 'view_id': view.id,
- 'res_id': ebics_xfer.id,
- 'type': 'ir.actions.act_window',
- 'target': 'new',
- 'context': ctx,
+ "name": _("EBICS Upload"),
+ "view_type": "form",
+ "view_mode": "form",
+ "res_model": "ebics.xfer",
+ "view_id": view.id,
+ "res_id": ebics_xfer.id,
+ "type": "ir.actions.act_window",
+ "target": "new",
+ "context": ctx,
return act
diff --git a/account_ebics_payment_order/views/account_payment_order.xml b/account_ebics_payment_order/views/account_payment_order.xml
index 9bd43c8..8f81e20 100644
--- a/account_ebics_payment_order/views/account_payment_order.xml
+++ b/account_ebics_payment_order/views/account_payment_order.xml
@@ -1,15 +1,20 @@
diff --git a/requirements.txt b/requirements.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6c420f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/requirements.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+# generated from manifests external_dependencies
diff --git a/setup/.setuptools-odoo-make-default-ignore b/setup/.setuptools-odoo-make-default-ignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..207e615
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup/.setuptools-odoo-make-default-ignore
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+# addons listed in this file are ignored by
+# setuptools-odoo-make-default (one addon per line)
diff --git a/setup/README b/setup/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a63d633
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup/README
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+To learn more about this directory, please visit
diff --git a/setup/account_ebics/odoo/addons/account_ebics b/setup/account_ebics/odoo/addons/account_ebics
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..16c1742
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup/account_ebics/odoo/addons/account_ebics
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/setup/account_ebics/setup.py b/setup/account_ebics/setup.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..28c57bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup/account_ebics/setup.py
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+import setuptools
+ setup_requires=['setuptools-odoo'],
+ odoo_addon=True,
diff --git a/setup/account_ebics_batch/odoo/addons/account_ebics_batch b/setup/account_ebics_batch/odoo/addons/account_ebics_batch
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..d1e7e96
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup/account_ebics_batch/odoo/addons/account_ebics_batch
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/setup/account_ebics_batch/setup.py b/setup/account_ebics_batch/setup.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..28c57bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup/account_ebics_batch/setup.py
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+import setuptools
+ setup_requires=['setuptools-odoo'],
+ odoo_addon=True,
diff --git a/setup/account_ebics_oca_statement_import/odoo/addons/account_ebics_oca_statement_import b/setup/account_ebics_oca_statement_import/odoo/addons/account_ebics_oca_statement_import
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..766f43e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup/account_ebics_oca_statement_import/odoo/addons/account_ebics_oca_statement_import
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/setup/account_ebics_oca_statement_import/setup.py b/setup/account_ebics_oca_statement_import/setup.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..28c57bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup/account_ebics_oca_statement_import/setup.py
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+import setuptools
+ setup_requires=['setuptools-odoo'],
+ odoo_addon=True,
diff --git a/setup/account_ebics_oe/odoo/addons/account_ebics_oe b/setup/account_ebics_oe/odoo/addons/account_ebics_oe
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..bcdee8e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup/account_ebics_oe/odoo/addons/account_ebics_oe
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/setup/account_ebics_oe/setup.py b/setup/account_ebics_oe/setup.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..28c57bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup/account_ebics_oe/setup.py
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+import setuptools
+ setup_requires=['setuptools-odoo'],
+ odoo_addon=True,
diff --git a/setup/account_ebics_oe_statement_import/odoo/addons/account_ebics_oe_statement_import b/setup/account_ebics_oe_statement_import/odoo/addons/account_ebics_oe_statement_import
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..75aca1f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup/account_ebics_oe_statement_import/odoo/addons/account_ebics_oe_statement_import
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/setup/account_ebics_oe_statement_import/setup.py b/setup/account_ebics_oe_statement_import/setup.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..28c57bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup/account_ebics_oe_statement_import/setup.py
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+import setuptools
+ setup_requires=['setuptools-odoo'],
+ odoo_addon=True,
diff --git a/setup/account_ebics_payment_order/odoo/addons/account_ebics_payment_order b/setup/account_ebics_payment_order/odoo/addons/account_ebics_payment_order
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..5ff2d5c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup/account_ebics_payment_order/odoo/addons/account_ebics_payment_order
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/setup/account_ebics_payment_order/setup.py b/setup/account_ebics_payment_order/setup.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..28c57bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup/account_ebics_payment_order/setup.py
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+import setuptools
+ setup_requires=['setuptools-odoo'],
+ odoo_addon=True,